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Author Topic: Powerline carrier news  (Read 1042 times)


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Powerline carrier news
« on: January 02, 2014, 2037 UTC »
Maybe ten years ago this was a hot topic in the USA, with a lot of power companies trying to implement the technology, and meeting stiff resistance from hams, SWLs, and others who would suffer from the RFI that PLC usually seems to bring. I though that the issue had faded away, but this post to UDXF indicates that it is still a controversial topic, at least in Europe. The website mentioned, http://www.ban-plt.co.uk/ is worth taking a look at.

[UDXF] PLT: the greatest EMC threat ever ?‏


To: 5MHz Reflector, udxf@yahoogroups.com, topband@googlegroups.com

Happy New Year Everyone !

Over the excesses of the festive season I have been taking time out to catch up on some news radio-related. This quotation taken from http://www.ban-plt.co.uk/  has yet again stirred me into action to ask all of you out there who love your radio sets to take heed of what our ever-loving EU masters are proposing, of course aided and abetted by big business.

Here it is in full: "21/10/2013 A sad day for radiocommunications: On October 9th, 2013, the CENELEC Technical Board (BT) ratified FprEN 50561-1:2012. It has been asked of the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC) to offer the standard to the European Commission (EC) for citation in the Official Journal (OJEU) under the EMC Directive and R&TTE Directive. If this grotesque excuse for a standard makes it to the OJEU, you can kiss goodbye to your radios ever working again!"

This menace won't go away without concerted, relentless, and informed pressure from everyone whom we can muster to support our case for keeping the h.f. spectrum useful for everyone globally. If you don't get involved with this argument, then don't come along later and bleat about all the useless noises you hear on the radio.

EMC concerns us all. The radio spectrum is a scarce resource to be shared out amongst many users, not just big power companies. I implore you all: please please get involved and ask others to make their voices heard. If you doubt the dangers we face, pay a visit to any shop selling home-plug and similar broadband over power line technology (PLT) kit: look carefully at the box for any EMC certification. You'll probably find that  meaningless logo "CE", but you won't find any valid reference to any internationally agreed EMC testing standards, in spite of it being a legal requirement !!!!!.....and that is only the consumer end of the problems.....

EMC concerns us ALL, and that means YOU, yes YOU.

All the best for a great 2014,


Michael Taylor