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Author Topic: I've got all these little sub-assemblies that I've buit now to put them together  (Read 816 times)

Offline ka1iic

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  • Troy, Ohio
  • Troy, Ohio. 20m Vertical & low long wire E/W,
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As the subject line says... I've built all these little 'goodies' so now what to do with them...

VFO's, Crystal oscillators, IF's, RF stages, detectors, audio amplifies, balanced mixers, etc etc...  Now what to build...

Well with the VFO that has a serious drift problem...  It's really not a VFO but more like a DFO (Drift-able Frequency Oscillator as the Timtron would call it) I could rig it up with a few of the other self-assemblies as a receiver and I would have a scanner...  good idea?

 Now with the really good sub-assemblies I want to build a receiver that not only can be used on short wave but can also be used to read the minds of those people that are plotting against me (how's that for a little paranoia for some added suspense?)

I really don't know how to build such a thing so I must call on someone much smarter than I...  (no not a garden slug... I can hear what you folks are saying so cut it out ehhhh?)  I must channel the spirit of Doctor Richard P. Feynman!!!!  That's the ticket... Doctor Feynman can figure this one out!!!

Here we go....  channelling Doctor Feynman, channelling Doctor Feynman, channelling Doctor Feynman, channelling the Doctor, channelling the Doctor, channelling the Doctor, ... make your Spirit known to me!!!!

<<<<Pooffity Poof de poof  slam bang thank you.... BANG!!!>

Well... all I got was what looks like an old fashioned 'out house' with a sign on it that says; 'Litter Box'....  hummmmm what good is this????  Ratts!!!

Wait... the Litter Box door is opening and... and...  <what the heck!!!>  It's Doctor Poo...  !!!  Doctor poo and his Litter Box...

This always happens to me... I start a useful project and it all turns to crap...

I'm outa here....

<Door slams and junk falls to the floor and it ends up look like a wire factory exploded>


/* when in doubt use an 'idiot loop'... problem solved.... */

73 Vince

"If you can't be anything, you can at least be annoying"

Troy, Ohio. 20m Vertical & low long wire E/W, Yaesu FT-187ND, SDRplay 2, Ratt Shack 2 meter rig, and other little bits of electronics I'm not talking about, homebrewed and otherwise... so there bleech!