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Messages - Pigmeat

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According to the conspiracy types your home planet, Nibiru, arrives tomorrow, Al. Will you be leaving with your fellow Catfish Men, or are they going to stay to help you repair Shady Acres?

Do you want your women back or not? I've ordered two sets of funny underwear from Salt Lake City. One for my conversion to the LDS, and the other a formal pair for my walk down the aisle when I make honest women of the girls.

Another one of your ex-women has been calling and sending pics, but until she gets a hair color that exists in nature and drops a few stone, I'm not interested, even if she was front woman for a marginally known all girl band way back when. And then only if she gets her vocal chords removed. I'm not having her tormenting the cats.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6880 AM 1505 UTC 21 Sept 2017
« on: September 22, 2017, 0030 UTC »
I heard something there about 23:15 in AM. S-2/S-3 signal but the audio was low, I couldn't tell what it was. When I tuned through there a little later it was gone.

It was bright of you to schedule this for the salmon and steelhead runs, Al. We'll can catch a few fish, shoot a bear or two, then head over to Old Man Drumpf's saloon to watch the lights from the roof.

See you in Whitehorse!

Equipment / Re: Drake SW1
« on: September 18, 2017, 1210 UTC »
TW, Myteaquinn, thanks for the feedback. The transmitter functions on xtal control as the guy I bought it from showed me, but I trust the power supply about as much as I do my ability to pilot a steamboat, it looks rough after nearly sixty years. I'll shoot that ham an email.

Equipment / Re: Two New Videos - Preparing for Your Next DXpedition
« on: September 17, 2017, 1355 UTC »
I can tell you from hard experience in my dxpedition days that combined transmitting and listening, the worst thing that can happen to you is to drive a long way to find out you left the sack with the antenna at home. I did it not once, but twice.

If you're using equipment that has fuses, get some spares and keep them with the radio. Sooner or later they will blow at the worst time.

Tools for repairs, a multi-tool comes in very handy. A stout sharp knife always goes as does a way of making fire. The knife can be used for all kinds of things plus cutting kindling and shaving tinder in case the weather turns foul and you're stuck where you are for some time. Water and food are a must. Extra wire for antenna repairs and good old electrical tape will serve you well.

One last thing, if you're in rough terrain, stay put after dark if you're on foot. I've known several guys over the years that have walked unknowingly over cliffs to their death both with and without flashlights out hunting or camping. It's easy to get disoriented in the dark even with a light as everything that was familiar during the day looks much different after dark casting odd shadows.

Equipment / Re: Drake SW1
« on: September 17, 2017, 1324 UTC »
The SW-1 was built to be a small, low cost AM only tabletop to compete w/ the Asian portables in the 200 buck range. It was worse than and a bigger flop that Rat Shacks similar sized DX-394, which at least demodulated sideband. SW-1 got some scathing reviews in the radio press who expected much more from Drake on this one.

I've never had a bad Drake and they're built like proverbial tanks. I use my RX-4 more the R-8 A I've had for twenty years as the RX-4's tube/transistor circuitry seems to handle modern sources of RFI better than the R-8, especially in the static season. From mid October to late April they're about the same, but I prefer the R-8's AM bandwidths for casual listening and extended frequency coverage below mid-section of the MW band. The RX-4 is part of the "Twin Line" of transmitters and receivers and was built for ham work. A little bit of medium wave coverage for local weather was all a "real ham" needed in those days.

BTW, does anyone here know of anyone reliable who repairs the Drake twins? The TX side of this set needs some work on both the power supply and the tuning mechanism which got cranked beyond the repair skills of the previous owner.

I wish my last name was Pai. You could name your kids things like Apple, Blackberry, and Lemon. "Meadowlark Lemon Pai", now there's a name anyone would be proud of!

From your subcutaneous homing beacon it appears you're near Smith Mt. Lake, close to the Murphy place. Stop by and tell him you're a friend of Radio Bob's. Old Man Murphy always want's to hear the latest on Bob. It's akin to an obsession with him. He used to call me constantly wanting to talk about Bob. Keep an eye out for rabid rabbits, they're a plague in that neck of the woods. Blast 'em and burn 'em.

BTW, your S.O. and G.F. want to stay on. My wife is telling me to either become a Mormon or Muslim and make honest women of them if I'm going to keep them. I'm not sure about either option, circumcision or funny underwear, it's a tough choice. I don't want to be mistaken for an Osmond or an Osman.

No word from Al, but reports from Shady Acres say his nuclear powered generator is on and operating, the residents are cool, happy, and watching 500 channels of "Matlock".  Nearby zoo's and aquariums are using Shady Acres enclosed pools to shelter their penguin and puffin flocks until power can be restored at their facilities.

More news as it arrives.

FM Free Radio / Re: Low-power broadcasting at bluegrass festivals
« on: September 13, 2017, 0308 UTC »
If you go Part-15 with a ground plane legal on a mast of modest height, your range will cover the parking lots and campgrounds of most festivals and fairs easily plus some. How far depends on the terrain. If the fest is on the hill the signal is going to go a lot further than it would if you were in the valley.

We have local Xmas light display thing about a mile and half from my house. They run the audio for that thing on a loop 24/7 from Thanksgiving to New Years, with the transmitter and antenna mounted up by the old water tower, perfectly legal by specs, but w/ a 300-400 ft. vantage point over the floor of the valley. It gets out to nearby towns. I drive around at times to see how far it goes. I've had it three plus miles out in the flats in it's lobes. My guess is if you were up on a ridge level with it, it might go a couple more.

I wondered where the Fansome fortune came from? He told me it came from cornering the market on those prostate pills they sell on late night talk radio and at truckstops.

General Radio Discussion / Re: X-FM is headed for dry dock
« on: September 13, 2017, 0213 UTC »
Yep, real life does get in the way. You had damned good run.

Come on up to the Old Pirates Home, we've got isolation transformer firing CO2 cannons mounted on the wrap-around porch to pick off the QSL ho's that try to make a sprint across the lawn and leap the moat full of snapping penguins.

Bacon, BBQ, Beef, And More / Re: DW's Summer Salad
« on: September 11, 2017, 0933 UTC »
Huh? Were you sampling the Devil's Lettuce they recently legalized up there when you posted that one, Chris?

And just where have you been? How's Mr. Stinky?

Did Tara Reid go flying over? She's the Jamie Lee Curtis of her generation. "Cue me when it's time for me to pull my top of and scream, Harry."

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