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Messages - Pigmeat

Pages: 1 ... 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 [381] 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 ... 446
Huh? / Al, I am so sorry to hear of
« on: December 04, 2014, 2258 UTC »
the city of San Jose destroying your summer compound. Fansome's Jungle was such a cool name.

I'm enjoying the ads for correspondence schools, "I make 6.25 an hour repairing color TV's and so can you!' says R.E. Lee of Arlington, Virginia" LOL!

Equipment / Re: What kind of cabling to use 75 pr 50 ohm?
« on: November 25, 2014, 0547 UTC »
RG-8 or RG-8 mini coax have always been my choice when it comes to coax cable. If you can find the Belden brand of coax where you live, get it.

The past few days have me thinking they've either improved their antenna system or added an power amp.

 Al, do we keelhaul him now or later?

...and I thought I was a real whack job :o I think you two have been working too hard and need to go on vacation. Maybe a NICE Nantucket Sleigh Ride down to McMurdo Station would help you to achieve equilibrium :)

Al, I can't believe the gall of this interloper. He's not sure of his own sanity, yet he questions ours? Unbelievable!

This was the best I've ever heard them. A solid signal on an old Grundig Yacht Boy 400 with just the whip. I first heard them around 21:00 with a "Wild Bill Hickok" episode with his loyal sidekick, Andy Devine. Then into music and comedy. When checked in at roughly 1:00 UTC. they were running W.C. Fields and Charley McCarthy. The last thing I heard was an Abbot and Costello routine, at roughly 1:30-1:40 utc.

The signal was still solid when I turned off the radio to go out, just after Abbot and Costello. I hadn't heard that particular bit since I was about 11. Dinner could wait.

It sounds as if our Mr. Fansome has done something to rile the penguin community at large........ again.

Penguins make a fine oil, too. We can stop at the Cape of Good Hope, round up 30 or 40 thousand penguins and use their oil to fuel our trip to the whaling grounds.

We'll dowse the harpoon tips with penguin poison and collect the whales as they float to the the top. Penguins for fuel, whales for profit, it's a can't lose proposition.

It sounds like the perfect base for our whaling venture, Al.

I recently heard a NAPA Auto Parts ad. They made a specific reference to their inability to get whale oil due to archaic laws forbidding the harvesting of those great lumbering sea mammals. The same beasts that intentionally beach themselves in an attempt to eat our children.

Save our children, America. Lift the whaling ban.

Huh? / Re: I made a holy discovery
« on: November 19, 2014, 2141 UTC »
He used to show up here regularly on his revival circuit. One night just as they're passing around the plates, Ernest announces he's just received a message from God, "20's and up only."

The thing that cracked me up the most about Ernest was the cheap rug he wore. Ernest would hop all over the stage, but the rug never moved. He would be talking to people to the right and left of the stage, but the rug always faced forward.

"Say Bay-Bee!"

Huh? / Re: Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Monday: How to See It
« on: November 17, 2014, 2334 UTC »
There was a heck of Leonid shower back in '99. I'm still amazed by the numbers of meteors we saw that night.

The way it's turning from snow to sleet to rain here, it's tough to see the street lights. I guess I'm waiting until the 20th.

Huh? / Re: I made a holy discovery
« on: November 17, 2014, 2309 UTC »
Yep, she was one of Gene's "Pony Girls", many of whom worked as adult performers, escorts and exotic dancers. She was smart enough to marry the old coot a couple of years before he died. Without a pre-nup to boot.

Guy's like Gene and Ernest Angley made waking up on Sunday mornings fun. BTW, Ernest is in trouble again, tithe early and often.

General Radio Discussion / Re: 6925 vs 6935 (or elsewhere)
« on: November 16, 2014, 2106 UTC »
I've always liked the little chunk of spectrum from 6800 to 6875. As 7500 to 7600 is mostly clear of broadcasters these days, there could be frequencies worth looking at up there.

« on: November 14, 2014, 2211 UTC »
Go ahead, get him all riled up. You're not the ones who will have to get him off the roof with a lasso.

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