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Messages - Josh

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Do you have a reference to the part I put in bold?
It was in the late 80s or 90s, qst, popcom, or 73 or similar.

I kinda remember it was the son who found the German radio comms and pointed it out to his dad and they apparently understood at least some German and broke in on the ongoing comms, whether this was allowed by the fedz or not at the time. They reported this to US officials and the officials moved quickly to begin monitoring for themselves in a nearby location. The east coast is where it all started but there were other places in the US that reported similar events.

The Germans allowed wartime HAM operation for propaganda purposes trying to imply they were a free society, and only by faithful party members as you noted, however they were allowed to communicate with other HAMs around the world as far as I know.

The German and Italian aliens and their families in the US had to disable their sets that could rx shortwave, there was a regulation for this and the US gov paid radio repairmen to do this and keep records of the work. The Japanese in the internment camps were likewise allowed ambc radios but not sw sets, the FCC even monitored the camps for transmitters, wich were verboten. There were so many German and Italian descendants in the US as you stated, with many of them being drafted to fight their relatives, it was decided that it would take too many camps to hold them all. Add this to the solidarity of many Japanese, mostly the older generation living in California and Hawaii, with Japan and its government and you can see why they interned Japanese and not Italians and Germans. Some antique radio restorers come across sets that have been neutered by the removal of shortwave bands, to include paperwork denoting the date and the technician as well as the owner.

back on topic; I want legal digital dx modes for my cb radio!

Utility / Re: RAF VOLMET 11253 kHz USB 1520+ UTC 30 April 2017
« on: May 01, 2017, 1952 UTC »
11360 will have Russian naval air traffic at times.

Neacp/tacamo/glass flight burning mux on 337.3MHz 1700Z 01May17.

I read in a HAM mag about US HAMs hearing panzer crews in North Africa on their often home-made gear and alerting the US gov to the fact, and how the US rushed to build listening posts (FCC RID) in various US locations where these comms could be received. The US HAMs talked with some of the crews, and each side was amazed to be able to communicate so far, but as each side were experienced radio ops they understood how it was possible. When the North African Wehrmacht radio traffic was first noted in the US, the US was still neutral and HAM radio was in full swing. Oddly enough, Hitler allowed German HAMs to continue to operate on the HAM bands during the war, but they didn't have too many other HAMs to talk to since many nations restricted HAM radio to internal defense networks only. In the US this service was War Emergency Radio Service (WERS) and was related to air raid and natural disaster relief for the duration.

Oddly enough, the US and allies only restricted citizens descended of enemy nationals from using short wave receivers, not the population at large and many US citizens actively sought out enemy broadcasts to gather info on captured US service members who were often mentioned in such broadcasts for propaganda purposes. Then the listener would write a letter to the family of that service member and relate the enemy broadcast details.

In axis nations, listening to enemy broadcasts was punishable by prison or death, and I have a copy on pdf of a ww2 German HAM magazine that lists some of those who were caught and sentenced to prison for listening to the enemy, as well as those arrested for swartzsenden, radio piracy.

Related info;






Agreed, once you start figuring in filters to keep the spectrum narrow for the RTL rx's, might as well spend the money on a SDRPlay or Airspy, these make a world of difference. That being said, the RTL, especially the V3, is indeed worthy on V/UHF and have useful hi/lowpass rf filtering built into the tuner chip that can be adjusted by the controlling app. This rf filtering would help in many ways on HF but can't be used in direct sampling mode where the tuner is bypassed, making the V3 and others with that tuner chip most at home on V/UHF.

Equipment / Re: 11 meter rig
« on: May 01, 2017, 1632 UTC »
You can find a TS570 or similar class HAM rig for $500 or so and it will clean the clock on any cb trash as far as cleanliness of signal and rx ability. Spending that much money on a cb is throwing it away.

Lol I don't know about a good setup for this stuff. Right now it's a Uniden BC9000 fed by a 2m/70cm HAM mobile antenna hanging in the window. The saving grace is the fact the coax run's real short so what sigs do make it to the antennae suffer little loss getting to the scanner.

That being said, soon the permanent V/UHF receive setup will be going up, a Discone fed with 9913 coax and some other antennas such as a turnstyle for the milsats and some others focused on the 220 to 400 range. Various splitters and antennae switches will pipe the rf to various receivers. Then the serious V/UHF monitoring will commence with a RTL dongle feeding decoder apps in the pc. That's the plan at least, as they say in Russia; vsyo na bumage, it's all on paper.

Utility / Re: RAF VOLMET 11253 kHz USB 1520+ UTC 30 April 2017
« on: May 01, 2017, 1612 UTC »
One of my mainstay propagation indices for Europe.

Equipment / Re: Limited space antennas
« on: April 27, 2017, 1802 UTC »
I used a few turns of insulated wire around the window frame, fed by the tuner in a ic703 to make ssb contacts on 40m. Feed it at a corner and it's vertical, feed it in the middle of the bottom and it's horizontal. worked great for ambc and swbc use too, with a preselector. The drapes and blinds hid the entire setup. Not the best or most efficient of antennas but it worked.

Today our friends were noted on 337.3 @ 1400Z burning (sending) mux 1 or mux 2, a multiplexed (as you expected) rf stream that will include voice and digital and digital voice and anything else they can think of sending, you'll hear a carrier of several KHz on the frequency when they're muxing about up there so you know when you've found them. In setup for a mission you will often overhear the stations mention they're up and "burning" on "RF13" or some other channel descriptor. If you hear some bleeps and bloops like dtmf tones you might expect a phone patch to take place, or sometimes the carrier just drops as they've qsy'd to some other channel to burn on, or have closed the link.

I'm conveniently located in the Midwest where I can hear this traffic that apparently often orbits near the Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana region.
At 40k ft the uhf line of sight is 250mi or so, and they're running a lot of power to very efficient antennas so they have a good bit of UHF range.

Here's some info about what's going on, pay attention to the naoc and tacamo in the image;


"Put your hand on the radio, can you feel it?!?!?"

General Radio Discussion / Re: Aurora related
« on: April 26, 2017, 1530 UTC »
If one could just modulate that thing, excited by all those gigawatts provided by the sun.

Neacp/tacamo/glass flight burning mux on 338.95MHz 1440Z 26Apr17.

Neacp/tacamo/glass flight burning mux on 337.3MHz 1730Z 25Apr17.

Neacp/tacamo/glass flight burning mux, ssb voice and digital, on 366.6MHz 1400Z 25Apr17.

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