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Messages - Ramit

Pages: [1]
Utility / Re: 8992 anomaly
« on: March 21, 2022, 2209 UTC »
Hi all, new here..

I've been dialing around the HF bands and tripped over the 8229khz usb.. and hear what I've been calling the "growler".
I've been searching for a reason for the growler and tripped over your forum.

At first I thought it was just a channel marker like the Buzzer.
Cause, really didn't hear it over the voice transmissions when I first heard it.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard it, female voice attempting to send over the growler, than stopped. Than a male voice counting and "testing", with out the echo that was with the female voice, and no growler was there either.

After that, at times the female voice does her transmission over the growler, sometimes w/o the growler.

I've got a few recording of it, but missed being able to record the male testing voice.

I've fired up SDRs in Europe wondering if it was jamming or not. But I could not hear it there at all during the day, and barely at night when I attempted to.

I'm in LI NY, and can hear the 8992 during the day, as well as the growler with no issues. very strong. S9.

The signal strength seems to be about the same as the real transmissions or growler by itself.
I fired up an SDR in VA, and , same, can hear 8992 during the day as well as the growler, and both the same relative signal strength on that SDR.

I also found this thread on here..

Which seems to make the most sense based on my very basic signal strength testing and firing up some remote SDRs, that it is coming from the same basic area, and could just be a system problem.

I run a vertical , and a horizontal OCF dipole.. the 8992 growler and voice signal are far stronger on the horizontal.
Barely readable on the vertical.
I would assume, A-AFB would be running horizontal long wire antenna.
I can receive the growler during the day, even clear days.
So seems this is more NVIS  than pure "skip" propagation, I'm about 240miles as the crow flies from A-AFB.
So,  I would assume with the growler is not "skip" coming in from elsewhere.

The only time I've noticed switching between H and V doesn't make much of a difference is with true "skip".
I'm a HAM , and have made contacts on both antennas over into Europe and across the country and keep comparing both out of curiosity.
It really just doesn't matter with "skip". Only difference is noise, the Vertical picks up more electrical QRN.

The growler is just getting worse and worse.. used to have a duty cycle to it, could hear it wind up and wind down. Just dialing around and stopped on it today for the last couple of hours, it's been 100%growl.

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