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Messages - ron-nl

Pages: [1]
Hi there.! 

Reception in Europe is quite good this night!

(yesterday was very bad ; lot of static,,
 this night very nice signals!!
Both Wolverine and yours!


Thanks for te show!  :D

WDDR  also received in Europe!

S 5-8 on websdr twenthe in  south part of the Netherlands!
Nice songs!

Wolverine now plays riders on the storm...  s5-s7 in Holland -Europe!

Good morning ! you are S7 in the Netherlands, Europe..!!!! :P

Only.. the usb part of this freq is used by russian military.. interfering your signal with some digimode every minute..  :-\
change to Lsb or go down a few kc.. 6900-6913 is  clear here in europe!

Hear it for your self on websdr twenthe > http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/

Have fun!!

Pages: [1]
HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns