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Messages - Prairiedog

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I'd be inclined to say "Huh?" too. Then I read it and realized the writer didn't have a clue what he was talking about and was lumping intentional and unintentional radiators together, either out of sheer ignorance or a desire to sensationalize the matter... something this FCC is not about to do.

The main Part 15 devices the AM broadcasters are most concerned about these days are electric cars, wireless chargers, and other such high power and potentially damaging interference sources.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: PCO
« on: September 10, 2023, 2127 UTC »
Bill, have you looked lately?  There has been no more apparent interest in CW beacons over here than there is at the LWCA board. Arguably a little less, actually, since your own posts are the main ones that have appeared here since July, with only a couple of replies.  Meanwhile, four or five folks have been posting reports over there since you left...some of which have been CW-only, and some are a mix of CW and slow modes.

This is a hobby, not politics.  You don't have to "choose sides" where to post.  AFAIK, you're still just as welcome at LWCA as ever.  So, why not spread the news around wherever you can, in order to pique the interest of as many readers as possible?

And don't be too discouraged by lack of response, either here or there. It's typical on any highly specialized HF forum at this time of year.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: Strong RTTY or similar on 22m
« on: July 06, 2023, 2227 UTC »
Actually, I would expect anything in this band with global reach, using as many different modes as it has exhibited, to be encrypted...or at the very least, to be in a non-Latin alphabet.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: Mr. X Beacon up!
« on: April 02, 2023, 0728 UTC »
Thanks for the update, Chris. I'd been wondering, because it had been a year since the last public report.

Over the past week I've been hearing the signal here in eastern Kansas late in the afternoon and sometimes after sunset, but earlier this evening was the first time I've had enough signal to overcome the combination of rapid, deep fades and Codar QRM and obtain a definite ID of "MR.X"

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: QIW Up and Running This Afternoon
« on: January 20, 2023, 1658 UTC »
Sigint makes a good point, Alex.  It might also help if you would share a general operating schedule with lwca.net so they can keep their listings updated.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: AMA 13566.780 1629 10-SEP-2022
« on: September 12, 2022, 1717 UTC »
Not sure why someone would go to the trouble to put a beacon on the air and not provide any information about it.

Does kind of seem to defeat the point, doesn't it? Or at least, removes a lot of incentive for those of us monitoring; especially in those cases where no one even knows the town or state where the beacon is located. At least we have a city and province for this one, so we've got a rough idea of the DX involved.

I'm thinking this probably is the same AMA that I heard here in EM27 back in early 2020, except about 800 Hz higher this time.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: AMA 13566.780 1629 10-SEP-2022
« on: September 12, 2022, 0124 UTC »
Been a long time since anyone reported this one!  If it's the same beacon as a few years ago, it's in Hamilton, ON.

Unfortunately, the operator chose to remain anonymous back then, so we have no contact info.

The beacon was originally announced on the LW & Part 15 Message Board ( https://lwca.net/mb/ ). On the odd chance that the op may still visit there from time to time, you could try posting a report there and see if he or she responds.

Decent reception, enough for solid decode on Fldigi.

Haven't played with Fldigi in many years. Does it decode plain Morse these days? What does it cost?


22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: New one - DJI - 13569.83 khz
« on: February 03, 2022, 2344 UTC »
DJI is from the operator of KAH, and has been discussed on the LWCA Message Board. It is listed in the latest issue of the LWCA journal, but not yet online because the frequency started out being outside the band, was subject to change, and  has not entirely been pinned down yet. I'm sure it'll be listed soon.

By the way, RVA is being copied regularly in Kansas now, on 13566.30 kHz.

Any idea who or where IPA was?  Have you copied it since then, Finman?

Is there a chance it was "EPA" miscopied, possibly? That one's no longer in the list after years of not being reported, but conceivably might still be around on special occasions or something.

The past two weeks have brought AN2 into grid EM27 more often than usual, but never twice on the same frequency. On the 31st around 1900, it was up near 13563.58 kHz, then yesterday about 2200 it was at 13563.48, just under YSO, which is now a daily visitor.

On Halloween, heard what may have been RR here in eastern Kansas. The ID wasn't clear enough to be certain under the QRM from Codar, but there was a distinctive dash afterward, 9.5 times a minute (19 repetitions per every two minutes).  Can anyone confirm if this is the right repetition rate for RR?

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: FJB
« on: October 16, 2021, 1816 UTC »
Is this our moderator's beacon T revised and upgraded, then?

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: Beacon "RF" Back On The Air 13564.4 CW
« on: September 03, 2021, 0602 UTC »
Last report was on a north south path... just wondering if it made it a bit west this time.

Well, if 833 miles counts as a bit, then yes.  :)

According to the NĜUK grid calculator, that's how far west my QTH in eastern Kansas is from you....nearly due west, in fact, less than 1° north of your latitude.

I don't get to listen but about once a week at present, but I'll keep an eye and ear out.

Finman, are you running CW with a dash after some number of IDs?  I'm seeing a signal like that on a waterfall display in the mid to late morning hours, but I haven't been able to copy the ID yet.  It's around 13564.590 most of the time.

Also, can you narrow down your QTH a bit?  EM96 is kind of a big place. Even knowing which state you're in would help.  Thanks.

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