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Topics - skeezix

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Listening from the Univ of Twente's WebSDR:

0013Z 53554 S9+10 Sounds like an open mic with a bunch people talking in the background.
0049Z 53554 S9+10 Street interviews? Its all in Turkish.
0158Z Off air.

 (I=3 due to very strong signal on 9730 from Radio Romania Int'l)


The video is educational for any cook, unless you've already done this or something like it.

As any real estate agent will tell you, we humans love a good fireplace. It may no longer serve as our primary heating source—thanks, electricity!—but ever since that first hominid rubbed two sticks together to create a spark, we’ve been hardwired to gather around an open flame and just stare at it until we fall asleep. If you use a home fireplace to cheer your soul on winter evenings, we suggest you assign that handsome hearth a second job: make it a place to spit-roast whole animals for all your feasting needs.

Yup, that’s crazy. Until you consider the culinary cred you’ll garner when your friends enter your living room to see some tasty beast crisping on a spit as a fire blazes in the background. Practical? Of course not. Amazing? You bet your ability to stand upright and employ critical thinking.

A whole suckling pig (or other spit-worthy beast)
A meat-roasting spit
A fireplace and hardwood firewood
Baking sheets or trays
Aluminum foil
A fire extinguisher

1626Z 25332 S3 Play by play commentary of the Germany vs Slovakia Euro 2016 match.  // 693 kHz BBC Radio 5 Live.
1647Z 25332 S3 End of the first half. Germany 2, Slovakia 0.
1648Z 25332 S3 No longer // with 693.
1659Z Off air

Checked other BBC HF frequencies (11890, 12095, 17830), but not receiving them here.

After 1700Z, been keeping an eye on the next set of HF freqs since the top of the hour (15400, 17780, 17830). 15400 & 17780 are dead and 17830 has a rare moment when can recover some audio, but can't really make out what it is.

1744Z 15431 S3 17830 has come up ever so slightly, enough to make out the audio. Game play by play and // 693 kHz.
1745Z 15431 S2 17780 is in the noise, but occasionally can hear audio enough to make out // 17830 & 693.
1745Z 15400 is swamped by local QRM.
1748Z 15431 S3 17830 is now staying barely above the noise most of the time.
1749Z Game over. Germany 3, Slovakia 0
1751Z 15431 S3 17830 is no longer // 693.
1759Z 17780, 17830 off air

Yaesu FT-847 with Bonito Boni-Whip antenna

1315Z 35433 Music

Signal wasn't overly strong, but good enough.

Pioneer DEH-X4750 BT with 31" whip

1450Z 25332 S5 Music and YL in Japanese.
1459Z 25332 S5 OM in Japanese
1500Z No more audio, but a dead carrier
1503Z Carrier off

Yaesu FT-847 with Bonito Boni-Whip antenna

MW Loggings / WXYG 540 kHz AM 0110 UTC June 6, 2016
« on: June 06, 2016, 0113 UTC »
0110Z 35353 Jerry Rafferty "Baker Street"
0113Z 35353 ID "With two hundred and fifty thousand Watts of power, to the people. AM 540 WXYG."
0132Z 35353 ID
0132Z 35353 Rod Stewart "True Blue"
0137Z 35353 Mountain "For Yasgur's Farm"
0139Z 35353 Rolling Stones "Angie"
0143Z 35353 ID
0143Z 35353 The Moody Blues "Ride My See-Saw"
0148Z 35353 The Guess Who "Friends of Mine"
0201Z 35353 Jimi Hendrix "Like A Rolling Stone"
0204Z 35353 ID
0204Z 35353 Neil Young "After The Gold Rush"
0208Z 35353 Big Star "I'm In Love With A Girl"
0210Z 35353 The Animals "Don't Let Me Be Understood"
0212Z 35353 ID
0214Z 35353 Love "Bummer In The Summer"
0216Z 35353 Ace "How Long"
0224Z 35353 James Taylor "Country Road"
0227Z 35353 Whosane "Product of Circumstance"
0229Z 35353 Rare Earth "Get Ready"

Finally got the radio hooked up with a good antenna to listen w/o overloading it. AM stereo sounds so very, very nice. The wideband audio + the stereo separation.

Have tried SoDiRa with the Perseus, but can't make out the separation.

Meduci MW-2 PLL with DX Tools Quantum Loop

Software / SDR programming?
« on: June 01, 2016, 0008 UTC »
I have a Perseus, but want to do some stuff that isn't possible with the std GUI software.

Initially, I want to choose a bunch of frequencies to track & record the signal strength of a signal on a frequency, 24x7. Since carriers aren't exactly _right_ on a specified frequency, need to have a sludge factor of +/- 100 Hz to find the thing nearby and then track it. If it goes beyond +/- 100 Hz, then it can be forgotten about.

The input would be a list of frequencies and a name of the log file. The output would be the frequency, date, time, and signal level. Maybe shift from listed frequency, but since my Perseus doesn't have one of those high precision oscillators, I wouldn't put too much into adding freq drift.

In the GUI, the Perseus can go up to 1600 kHz of bandwidth received & demodulated, but they have a little program that displays the entire 0-40 MHz spectrum, but not in great detail. Which tells me this thing can go very wide, but in limited means. All I want is amplitude. If I have to restrict to 1600 kHz, well, not ideal, but will still work with that.

Down the road... want to do more and be able to specify freq + bandwidth and record AM/SAM signals. Scattered across the band, possibly simultaneously on a schedule.

And all via CLI only, on Mac, FreeBSD and/or Linux. No fancy GUI nonsense.

So The Question® is, where to begin?  ;D

I have a book on DSP, can do Perl and some minor hacking in C.

While I'd like to use the Perseus since I already have it, I would not object to buying a less expensive SDR that may be easier to program.

Would also like to get an SDR with the 10 MHz reference to study the frequencies of the stations, incl the time & freq standards. How does WWV's signal shift by the time it gets here?

2324Z 35433 S7 Greek music. Decent signal, but seems a little noisier than usual.

Yaesu FT-847 with homebrew PA0RDT Mini-Whip

0145Z 25442 S3 YL talking.

They started late as what sounded like transmitter problems with it having a hard time staying on the air. They did get it to stay on with no audio, but as soon as they put audio, it dropped. Eventually got it going.

Signal wasn't all that strong. Unknown if that's normal or they were running at reduced power related to the xmtr problems.

Yaesu FT-847 with homebrew PA0RDT Mini-Whip

0148Z 45444 S9 Greek music. Have been playing that for a while this evening. // 9935

Yaesu FT-847 with homebrew PA0RDT Mini-Whip

0001Z 45444 S7 OM in Romanian
0001Z 45444 S7 Music
0004Z 45444 S7 ID
0008Z 45444 S7 Music

Yaesu FT-847 with homebrew PA0RDT Mini-Whip

2335Z 25442 S5 Talking in Albanian
2358Z 25442 S5 R Tirana IS
2359Z Off air

Yaesu FT-847 with homebrew PA0RDT Mini-Whip

2145Z 35443 S7 Greek music. Both 9420 & 9935 are close in signal strength & quality. 9935 is just hair better. 9420 did go off the air a while ago for a short bit (9420 seems to do that).
2253Z 35443 S7 Greek music continues. Signal on 9420 is now slightly better than on 9935.

This is the earliest that I've heard it on 31m.

Yaesu FT-847 with homebrew PA0RDT Mini-Whip

0020Z 35243 S7 Music (N=2 due to static crashes due to lightning)
0022Z 35243 S7 Romanian folk music
0024Z 35243 S7 Intro music from Dumitru Farcas "Tarina Mare", with OM coming on and talking (the one Romanian song that Shazam can find and they talk over it)
0024Z 35243 S7 OM is talking with YL on phone and she mentions "Radio România"
0034Z 35343 S7 Another Romanian folk song.  Static crashes decreasing.
0056Z 35343 S7 Music
0100Z 35343 S7 News
0116Z 34343 S7 Andra "Nebuni In Noapte"
0120Z 34343 S7 OM & YL talking. Some noise underneath sounds like a jammer.
0140Z 33342 S7 OM & YL still talking. Getting hard to hear RRI between the static crashes & the jammer(?)
0156Z Off air. Jammer still jamming away. Sounds like it may be the Cuban jammer.   >:(

// 9790 15431 S5 In & out of the noise.  (however, RRI's online schedule says 9590, which its not on)

Kenwood TS-690S with Wellbrook ALA-1530S+

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