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Topics - myteaquinn

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QSLs Received / Blind Faith Radio
« on: May 15, 2014, 0136 UTC »
Going through some old boxes and found this QSL. This was printed on letter size glossy photo paper for a broadcast in 2000. The return address was from Canada.

North American Shortwave Pirate / WEAK 6932 AM 0218z 5/10/2014
« on: May 10, 2014, 0224 UTC »
Song Secret Agent Man working through the static. Sounded like an old time radio show before the song.

Thanks for the tip markokpik I should have let you start the post, sorry.

QSLs Received / Radio Cinco de Mayo 2014
« on: May 05, 2014, 0141 UTC »
Just received this QSL for tonight's broadcast. Thanks for the QSL and I'll be listening again next year.

Just started up for the annual broadcast.

Now playing music with a S9 signal.
ID at 0219
Very nice S9 signal and only using my R-4B with a wire tossed over the curtain rod in my bedroom.

Nice way to start my evening hearing Paul Starr playing music. Fighting a lot of noise right now but enjoyable none the less.

General Radio Discussion / Need advice
« on: April 05, 2014, 1643 UTC »
Spring Sucks:

   Thursday I went into the basement to get a wrench to take the dead battery out of my truck and buy a new on. Boy what a surprise there was about an inch of water over most of my basement floor. Well I forgot about the truck and bought a replacement sump pump for the twenty something year old one. With work I only was able to start the major salvage effort today. Lucky that most of our stuff was in plastic bins but there were some things left on the floor that suffered.
   As I bent under my work bench to check for problems I saw the box that held the new baby bottle sterilizer that we purchased so so long ago.  And I got an immediate lump in my throat and tears welled up in my eyes as I had a flash back to a happier time. Yes I knew what that box signified to me and how dear it was to me. Even before I read the label that listed all of the contents I remembered what was in there.  Yes copies of my old radio club journals, to be specific:

DX Reporter: 6/82 to 9/87
ACE: 2/85 to 11/86; 1/87 to 9/87
Frendx: 1/87 to 9/87
Speedx; 1/87 to 9/87
NNRC: 11/79 to 9/87 

   What a terrible loss. Now for the reason for the post; should I try and dry them out, is it worth the effort? To be honest an hour ago I wanted to chuck them all but now I’m leaning to trying to dry them out. Let me know what you think. One last thing I don’t have a sewer so it is contaminated by regular old fashioned skanky ground water.
   As I carried my drowned memories up the basement stairs I passed the box that held the baby basinet that my wife wanted me to put back into storage as our grandson being a year old is too big to use any more. And yes she placed it on the high point of the basement floor, it sat there high and dry. Imagine that something that could be easily replaced safe and my memories slowly dying in my arms. What was she thinking?
   Well off to buy another floor fan and de-humidifier.

North American Shortwave Pirate / XLR8 6935 USB 0103 04/02/2014
« on: April 02, 2014, 0105 UTC »
Just turned the radio on to an S7 signal and country and western music.
Thanks for the id, I didn't catch it, in and out of the room.

Station playing some type of metal music. At 0128 This Is Radio QSL repeated three times adn back into music.
Changed the station name to unid as I have heard another station id, not sure who it could be.

Thanks for the ids, I'm still having trouble making out the id.

QSLs Received / Renegade Radio EQSL
« on: March 25, 2014, 2203 UTC »
Received this very nice looking QSL from Renegade Radio. Thanks Renegade that's a nice clean setup.

Other / 17795 AM 2215z 3/17/2014
« on: March 17, 2014, 2216 UTC »
S7+ signal playing old speeches by JFK. Anybody know who might be broadcasting this.
Speech ended at 2218 but carrier still on.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Unid 6945 AM 3/14/2014 0146z
« on: March 14, 2014, 0147 UTC »
Just tuned up the band and hear music. Again just above the noise floor, noisy night tonight.

Strong S9 signal into northern Ohio.
0356: American Band
0359 Station id.

Utility / 17430 KYODO News FAX 2330z 03/08/2014
« on: March 07, 2014, 2349 UTC »
I saw a posting in a chat room for this station and thought I would give it a try. A Japanese news agency transmitting from Singapore. Not bad for a late Friday afternoon.

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