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Topics - RadioNutz

Pages: [1]
North American Shortwave Pirate / WHIZ 6925 USB 0027 UTC 8 Aug 2022
« on: August 08, 2022, 0028 UTC »
Just above the noise with music....UNID

Noise is S7, signal is S8-S9

Ella Eyre  "Tell Me About It" 00:22 UTC

00:47 ID...No Joy!
01:06 ID Whiz.....Rough copy for sure...dang summer!

Sign on music....

In the noise just can make out the audio....S8 but lots of band noise!

UNID 6930 USB 0154 UTC 2 APR 2022

country music....

George Jones hour!

S9...strong signal....

using the IC7800 and RX-340 tonight.  160/80/30 sloper and DX engineering magnetic loop tonight!

Have to say George Jones is not one of my favorites...

Nice rock music. Signal S3-S4 with noise and slow fading.

Nice got the ID at 2123....

Great music!

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6932 USB 1935 UTC 20 Jan 2022
« on: January 30, 2022, 1936 UTC »
Techno music.  S3 and fading but decent copy!

1940Z "Time ONUKA"

S7...nice signal and audio!
1950Z "South Pole Crossing" Tangerine Dream
1954Z "Dancer" H.O.S.H
2000Z "Alchemy OF The Heart" Tangerine Dream
2005Z "Beach Theme" Tangerine Dream
2008Z "Phaedra" Tangerine Dream
2014-2015 Played WWV

Todays show theme was TIME!

Started with "Time" by ONUKA and wrapped up with WWV

Thanks for your TIME!


Thanks for the show...wish we would have gotten an ID...

QSL to chacuff@gmail.com

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925 USB 2306 UTC 26 Jan 2022
« on: January 26, 2022, 2321 UTC »
Weak UNID 6925 2320 UT

"Girl" The Beatles! 2321 UT

SINPO 34333 on ICOM 7800 and 40m Half Sloper!

Seems to be gone 2525 UT

Radio Shortwave 6955 USB 2102 UTC 23 JAN 2022

Decent signal and coming up!

S6 60's music

Nice signal!

Signal now up to S9 on the 7800 with some slow QSB.

2131 Acid Rain by Badlands
SINPO 44344

Audio now garbled.....

Music is nicely modulated but ID tracks are way overdriven and garbled.....

Love the guitar pickup comparison!

Nice signal S7-S9

Music Metal

2308 UTC Sonne Rammstein

Must have blown up....went off the air right in the middle of a song.  0007 UTC

Other / WWL 8th harmonic 6969.977 AM 2200 UTC 26 Sep 2021
« on: September 26, 2021, 2215 UTC »
Very weak but have checked it on two radio's and two different antennas.

Found while testing a new loop antenna on weak signals. 

Mostly talk alternating between a male and female.  Maybe a harmonic.  Did note some music just before 2200 UTC

Seems to be getting a bit stronger.

Now music and maybe an ID but too week to make out. 2215 UTC

House of the rising son at the moment

S3 and in the static crashes but easy to hear.

1807 "Somebodys Watching Me" Rockwell. Deep QSB

1813 "You're listening to Radio ????"   didn't get it all....

1818 "electric Avenue" Eddie Grant

1823 "You're listening to RadioGenix"

Strong in South MS. Intermittent on and off. Sending recording of WWV...spoof 2153

Off at 2154
Back at 2157 with pulsing noise...drum beat type of sound! Definitely a recording.
Off at 2159

Must have just been a teaser!

On now...00:08...   WWV for the time of your life!

00:13 UTC....Dark side of the moon music....

Music with male vocalist in the noise....

Strong in woods of Arkansas camping. S7 solid copy.

Pages: [1]
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