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Messages - Chanter

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I agree with Buzzy Buzzard on this one.  The best way to revitalize AM is to somehow (no idea how this could be done without starting a freedom of speech firestorm) bring variety back to nighttime stations in the States.  Tuning up and down the dial and getting endless copies of Coast To Coast, Red Eye Radio, or canned sports talk is beyond boring and frustrating for me, and I'm already an MW DXer.  Imagine what a casual listener must think.  Yaaaaawn. 

I'm extremely grateful for our local public radio station, and for the handful of folks playing programming that hasn't come from a syndicated cookie cutter.  Hi there, CBC outlets and Canadian locals, and a few intrepid US broadcasters. :)  Incidentally, one of the most enjoyable nights of AM DXing I ever spent was the one when I had AM 990 in Winnipeg, CBC Radio 1, in here, clear as a bell! 

Cheers, Oliver.  That's what I needed.  Never knew they were on FM... 

Clandestine Stations / Re: Radio Lead Africa A-16
« on: March 18, 2016, 2359 UTC »
Agreed.  That is really bizarre, and not the pleasant sort of bizarre either. :(  This's going to cause all sorts of logging confusion, on top of the sharding shame of a squash factor.  Zambia's hard enough to hear as is! 

If there's an e-mail address afloat for the Ugandan station, I might just have to clue them in that they're stepping on a friendly, as it were. 

Can somebody enlighten me?  I'm sure the image works fine, but my eyes do not! 

Clandestine Stations / Re: Radio Lead Africa A-16
« on: March 18, 2016, 1935 UTC »
If they're on 5915 at 3 UTC, they'll step right on Zambia, won't they?  :( 

QSLs Received / Re: Radio New Zealand International eQSL
« on: March 12, 2016, 0727 UTC »
As far as I'm concerned it's very cool!  I love RNZI.  I've QSLed them twice so far myself.  They're one of those stations who'll do things like sending a personalized note replying to something in a reception report, along with their actual QSL card.  Delightful, and here's hoping they know it! 

In other words, yay friendly first QSLs! 

General Radio Discussion / Re: some QSLing assistance needed
« on: March 10, 2016, 0349 UTC »
Thanks, folks!  If the WRTH offering doesn't work, I'll try the other. :) 

General Radio Discussion / some QSLing assistance needed
« on: March 10, 2016, 0110 UTC »
Okay, I'll make a long story as short as I can, here.  I snagged a broadcast from HCJB Voice of the Andes (Quechua service into Waodani service, for the curious, 6050kHz) a day or two ago, and I've been searching for a postal address for the station since!  I cannot for the life of me find where in the world, or more accurately where in Ecuador, to send them an actual paper reception report.  What can I say?  I'm an old-fashioned paper QSL kinda YL.  The HCJB/Reach Beyond website isn't much help, to be frank.  Any relevant posts I've found elsewhere are either old, connected to HCJB via another country, or both.  Mostly both. 

So anyway.  Does anyone have current postal address info for the actual Voice of the Andes outlet of HCJB/Reach Beyond/whichever? 

Finally, gotcha!  I've been unable to hear this one for years, either due to being at work or to tuning in that one time when Öömrang was nominally on but had a giant carrier and no signal...  This time, boom!  English and German information, and Frisian interviews with locals.  Reference to hearing this language (Frisian) and keeping it alive.  Signal good at peaks but suffering lots of deep fades.  SIO 433 onto the isthmus. 

What a great idea!  I love minority languages.  I wonder if this station QSLs... 

General Radio Discussion / Re: The Mighty KBC needs sponsorship.
« on: February 13, 2016, 0348 UTC »
Somehow I can't see Eric throwing in with some huckster Bible thumper just to pay the freight.  Therein lies one fundamental (pun totally intended) difference between KBC and BCQ.  My feelings on both stations, and my great flipping bias, are all fairly well-known by now, I imagine. 


General Radio Discussion / Re: The Mighty KBC needs sponsorship.
« on: February 11, 2016, 1218 UTC »
Oh no!  I love this station.  *crosses two hands' worth of fingers* 

I saw news of this story via the MT-Shortwave/Monitoring times blog, and I think my thought process ran something like 'Oh, thank goodness.'  Not that anyone *died*, because no thanks generally, but because the creeptastic station is off the air.  I still remember the initial post in this forum about it bringing terror to eastern Afghanistan.  Still makes me shudder. 

Cuba routinely jams WRMI, regardless of programming.  Strangely, I've never heard Brother Scary Sandpaper jammed... 

All the Brother Stair/Scare must have finally been too much for the BCQ transmitter.  That, or that horrifying 'Herald of Truth' show proved more than the poor rig could handle.  I nearly blew a fuse myself when I stumbled across that one; I wouldn't blame the electronics if they did similar. 

... Sorry folks.  Couldn't resist. 

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