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Messages - ka1iic

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Huh? / Re: The Real Story Behind The FCC Sex Scandal
« on: October 24, 2016, 0016 UTC »
Amen to that...  I use to talk to Riley on 75meters back in the day... :-)

Huh? / The Real Story Behind The FCC Sex Scandal
« on: October 22, 2016, 1720 UTC »
From: http://www.forbes.com/sites/fredcampbell/2016/10/20/the-real-story-behind-the-fcc-sex-scandal/#6794c2fd1703

The Real Story Behind The FCC Sex Scandal

Fred Campbell , 


I play in the intersection of law and technology.

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Though a lawsuit’s revelation that Thomas Reed, the director of the FCC’s Office for Communications Business Opportunities, had sex with a Washington Post reporter in his office is salacious, that’s not what should get Congress’s attention. The far more serious revelation involves the FCC’s official legal response to a female employee’s allegation that she was subjected to a hostile work environment due to management inaction when a male coworker repeatedly invited other male coworkers to watch porn with him in the cubicle adjacent to hers, from which she would “hear groans – mmm, mmm, ahh – in response to the pornography viewings,” while having one “stand guard looking for her.”

In today’s environment of heightened concern regarding gender issues, these allegations should have raised red flags about the prevailing institutional culture at the FCC and prompted swift remedial action. Instead, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler’s legal team attempted to dismiss the case in federal court by arguing that these allegations amounted to nothing more than the “mere existence of pornography in the workplace” that was not sufficiently “severe or pervasive” to create a hostile work environment.

Federal Communications Commisison (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler. (AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke)

As common sense suggests, the court disagreed. Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly recognized that the female employee alleged more than the “mere existence of pornography in the workplace,” as the FCC contended. The court determined the allegations were sufficient to demonstrate that the female employee “frequently had ‘no way to avoid’ the groups of men watching pornography in the adjacent cubicle,” that “she felt ‘surrounded by’ the pornography being viewed nearby,” and that “the hostile conduct could be considered to be ‘directed at [her].’” In short, the court found it plausible that the FCC subjected the female employee to “discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult” that is sufficiently “severe or pervasive” to alter the conditions of her employment and “create an abusive working environment.”

Chairman Wheeler’s dismissive response to these activities is especially troubling when the social context of these events is considered. The FCC’s Office for Communications Business Opportunities (known as OCBO) “serves as the principal advisor to the Chairman and the Commissioners on issues, rulemakings, and policies affecting small, women, and minority-owned communications businesses.” And the female employee, who worked at the FCC for over thirty years, was working as a “Women’s Outreach Specialist” at the time of the alleged harassment. When the head of the FCC office responsible for promoting business opportunities for women condones loud and conspicuous porn watching by a group of males in a cubicle adjacent to a female employee and admits to using his own office in the FCC as a location for sex, there is evidence of a problem that should be addressed by more than an aggressive legal defense.

An internal investigation indicates the female employee’s allegations were more than merely plausible. According to a memorandum the female employee filed in her legal case against the FCC, after Reed failed to take action on her behalf and her male coworkers’ behavior escalated, she reported the pornography issue to the agency’s Inspector General in February 2012. Though it doesn’t name any employees specifically, pages 17-18 of the Inspector General’s March 2016 report to the agency’s commissioners describe the results of a “lengthy investigation” into the misuse of FCC facilities to conduct personal business and view pornography. The report states that the investigation, “which included referrals of potential criminal activity to the Internal Revenue Service that were ultimately declined, revealed that four FCC employees violated various ethical and administrative rules, including the FCC’s Computer System Rules of Behavior, the FCC’s Cyber Security Policy, and the Standard of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, 5 CFR § 2635 et seq.” Among other violations, the report noted there was “substantial evidence” that the employees used FCC equipment to “view, store, and send pornographic material,” and that the Inspector General had referred the case to “the appropriate Bureaus and Offices within the Commission for action.”
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Sadly, it appears Wheeler has decided to do “nothing” to address the hostile culture and management issues at the agency. Thomas Reed remains the director of OCBO, a highly-paid management position at the FCC, and it appears no action has been taken in response to the Inspector General’s investigative findings (published nearly 4 years after the female employee alleges she first reported the issue to the IG). During a congressional hearing on September 17, 2014, the FCC’s inspector general testified that the agency “got [a] person to resign” who had been watching porn “8 hours a week” rather than terminate him (which apparently allowed him to keep his federal benefits), but made no mention of the other (or perhaps additional) employees in the 2016 report.

The FCC’s attempt to paper over allegations of abusive behavior toward a female employee would be disturbing in any context. But the pattern of denial, delay, and inaction in this case is positively outrageous. The next administration should make cleaning this mess up a top priority.

Huh? / Re: Donaldbert Trumperdinks' greatest hits!
« on: October 21, 2016, 1436 UTC »
As being one who does not watch TV or listen to any type of big business radio...  that includes RHC and that awful RCI...

I proudly say...  what is this about.. who?? what??? where???  I don't care...

Politics sux and lowers ones IQ !  Don't take it serious because YOU CAN"T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT !!!

Deal with reality !!!


Huh? / Bob Dylan removes mention of Nobel prize from website
« on: October 21, 2016, 1429 UTC »

The Nobel prize has become such a joke and serious POS who would want to admit those a**holes had even heard of Dylan...  The Nobel 'prize' is and has been awarded to the highest bidder....  I am sure Sony is behind bringing this disgrace to Dylan only to sell the 'bootleg' series of CD's.

Huh? / Samsung exploding washing machines
« on: October 20, 2016, 1831 UTC »

Yep!  Wash your clothes and blow up ur house...  sounds reasonable to me...

Ok folks let's all say this out loud in unison;

"Chinese Copy"!!!

Is this a mad program to over throw the world...  more later on this tending subject!!!


Huh? / Re: Dennis Ritchie, Father of C and Co-Developer of Unix, Dies
« on: October 20, 2016, 1751 UTC »
K & R C is directly behind me on the bookshelf.

Yep JCM... Me too also on the K & R C...  one of the few books I can find in the pile.  Along with that huge antenna book by.... hmmmm.

I do have a special pile of books etc by and about Richard Feynman...  That's where I spend most of my time of late.  Doing fun math to a degree that I can no longer do my check book... ;-)  or want too...

Huh? / Re: Samsung's Whopper of a problem!
« on: October 20, 2016, 1740 UTC »
In other news;  President DU30 of the Philippines is in China today to work out a military arms deal.  Pres. DU30 plans to order at least 1 million of the Samsung 7 'fire missiles' to help with his 'war on drugs'.  He was heard to say; "If I can't shoot the bastards then I will set the a-fire".

More on this hot topic at a later time.


The RF Workbench / Re: TA7642 AM radio chip
« on: October 13, 2016, 1830 UTC »
Tnx again Zazzle I'll keep that other chip in mind if I run into one cheap... as I am broke.

The TA7642 internals remind me of the old tube RF radios but with u-tuned stages.  It might have better selectivity with a couple of wave traps to null out more powerful stations but we shall see.

As for SW... well...  A tuned RF stage placed on the front end might make an interesting Solar Noise detector but I might be going into the Twilight Zone on that one... On the upper parts of the SW bands, they tend to be vacant these days.

I've got about 20 of these little beasts but I don't remember where they came from.  Someone must have given them to me to play with... I suspect that is the fact ;-)

Anyway... I'm off.... (way off) broke don't go anywhere but I have fun anyway <heh>

BTW... Do you know of any commercial radios that used this chip???

Huh? / Re: 'Shortwave' Twists the Science of Radio Waves Into Terror
« on: October 13, 2016, 1810 UTC »
Oh great!!!  Something else for the neighbors to bee itch about...!!! damn damn damn.

Don't cha just luv Hollywood, those drugged up Yuppie puppies!

General Radio Discussion / Re: Pirate TV Broadcasts in Pirate Band
« on: October 07, 2016, 1626 UTC »
Why not a slide show in Slow Scan?   

General Radio Discussion / Words to remember!
« on: October 07, 2016, 1525 UTC »
From a commencement address by Richard Feynman:

    It's a kind of scientific integrity, a principle of scientific thought that corresponds
    to a kind of utter honesty-a kind of leaning over backwards. For example, if
    you're doing an experiment, you should report everything that you think might
    make it invalid-not only what you think is right about it: other causes that could
    possibly explain your results; and things you thought of that you've eliminated
    by some other experiment, and how they worked-to make sure the other fellow
    can tell they have been eliminated.

    Details that could throw doubt on your interpretation must be given, if you
    know them. You must do the best you can-if you know anything at all wrong,
    or possibly wrong-to explain it. If you make a theory, for example, and advertise
    it, or put it out, then you must also put down all the facts that disagree with it,
    as well as those that agree with it. There is also a more subtle problem. When
    you have put a lot of ideas together to make an elaborate theory, you want to
    make sure, when explaining what it fits, that those things it fits are not just the
    things that gave you the idea for the theory; but that the finished theory makes
    something else come out right, in addition.

Call this Feynman integrity.

Huh? / Re: It's about that time...
« on: October 05, 2016, 1409 UTC »
let's see.... 1 ounce = 1 quart... errrr.... ok... got it... Use 151 rum and...



General Radio Discussion / Re: *&%#&! CFL Light Bulbs
« on: October 04, 2016, 1656 UTC »
Toss them like a handy Gran-aid into an enemies house then call the EPA on them...  It's called hazmat folks! No kidding, Never have CFL's where there are or might be children... sharp glass and mercury don't mix... the former hurts like all get out and the latter cause one to be a retard... ;-)  I otter know!  ::)

Maybe we get to hear some more of those oldie but goodie 'Spy Stations' once again...  I'm sure Vlad is too stupid to consider cell phones...  just sayin'

ukn station 6925khz usb 2020utc on and off...  seems to be testing a good S8 here in troy o-hi-o

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