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Messages - Cornel

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10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: February 27, 2014, 1354 UTC »
once again KQ2H repeater on 29620 FM, nice opening on 10m

0036z s8 on the longwire!, "ding dong" sound, QSB s6-9
0038z KB2US calling
0041z NT9N
0042z KQ2H cw ID
0044z KF7DRA?
0046z sig drop s2-3

this morning with the mobile 10/11m whip antenna

[09:22] KQ2H repeater NY, G0CEG
[09:22] N2CEC with G0CEG
[09:26] CT2GQA with PB1HF CQCQ
[09:28] G0CEG CQCQ CT2GQA answers
[09:31] time by femal voice and CW ID, now F1HAO
[09:34] DG5YFY
[09:37] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[09:37] HB9WA?
[09:39] DG5YFY agn and CW ID
[09:43] D?3LGT, OK2OV
[09:44] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[09:47] CW ID
[09:48] EA4FBS Madrid with OK2OV
[09:50] faded and rough now
[09:52] DF2DM
[09:53] DG5YFY, signals almost unreadable now
[09:54] CW ID
[09:55] DL1??? Idar-Oberstein
[09:55] DF2DM
[09:56] Bodo from Frankfurt
[09:57] with EA2BP
[09:59] sig down to s1-2
[10:02] TW something, french lang
[10:04] two french OMs F4FK?
[10:08] a stn from New Caledonia,
[10:10] 2M0IZC Glasgow with DF2DM s3
[10:12] SM3GDT 350km north Stockholm
[10:16] DH3MAI cq FM with DL2DSL
[10:18] CW ID, DK9? Dresden
[10:18] agn deep QSB
[10:22] OK2OV agn with DH3MAI

sig droped to nil, some stns still audible but hvy, slow QSB now, repeater still vy busy. [Time] is local (+3h=UTC)

...and the show goes on, lots of EU stns audible

afternoon, with the NRD-525:

29620 kf7uru Wyoming
[17:40] qsy to 29600
[17:58] KQ2H is getting better and better
[18:19] AE5KC
[18:39] PU2PRN CQCQ
[18:47] "greetings from the beautyfull catskill mountains New York"
[18:54] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[19:02] "it's snowing---"
[19:03] KX1W
[19:06] with KT?2H
[19:07] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[19:11] DK3??
[19:14] mobile stn in NY city, vy scratchy now
[19:15] with VK5PM
[19:17] "good afternoon" YL robot
[19:18] K5OIU Fort Worth
[19:22] fadeout KQ2H
[19:30] VK2AH sydney AU
[19:33] VK2AH with KC2H
[19:35] "this is KQ2H repeater" OM bot "good afternoon" YL robot
[19:38] CW ID
[19:42] WB2IVN nw Colorado with WP4NAL Puerto rico. mobile 20Watts
[19:46] PV8???
[19:48] agn vy scratchy and fadet
[19:55] N5CN mobile with WB2IVN
[19:58] s5-7 now, perfect audio
[20:00] PV8PR chimes in
[20:02] "this is KQ2H repeater" OM bot
[20:08] phonecall ends QSO N5CN
[20:13] CW ID, deep fades
[20:39] KD4OBQ, low and scratchy

10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: February 17, 2014, 2032 UTC »
more, low sig, opening

18:40z 29620 FM KQ2H repeater, s1-4
18:47z 28035 FM unid short (1 sec) sigs s7-9, no modulation
18:52z 28070 FM
19:00z 29580 FM
19:04z 28466 USB brasilian OM,
19:14z 28477 USB PY2VI CQ north-america, s8
19:17z 28480 USB faint US station, call unreadable
19:29z 28430 USB PY1
19:32z 28400 USB ZZ80MG CQ DX, with KD1L? not heard

10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: December 08, 2013, 1436 UTC »
another (short) opening

1400z 29620kHz FM, KQ2H NY MANHATTAN
1410z french OMs
1418z signal is getting more stable, YL robot says: Good morning.
1419z DH3JZ Bremen Germany with CT2JPJ Carlos Lisboa, some fading
1425z more fading now, DH3JZ still on, with italian OM
1432z signal droped to nil

10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: December 02, 2013, 0115 UTC »
Thanks N6SPP

Shortwave Broadcast / 12759 AFRTS - Diego Garcia
« on: November 27, 2013, 0218 UTC »
0131z 12579 USB. Nice copy of AFRTS from Diego Garcia s8-9, low noise, 3kW. 13700km
0201z lower now s5-7, still with good audio, a bit more noise.
0217z off or fadet out

Nice show.

Wolverine Radio on 6935 live hr in Argentina, s2-3, some noise but audible.
Momma, this is DX! ~5000 miles, better on the vertical antenna. 0257z SSTV then off. Great show. TNX

10/11 meters / 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: November 05, 2013, 2249 UTC »
Band is open agn

2037z 29620 FM 10m repeater, KQ2H NY MANHATTAN

2053z PE1LJS, txing from Alvsbyn Sweden with a doublet, (30cm of snow :P) over the repeater KQ2H, working KA5MEI TX, s5-7, later s8-9, perfect audio. Low QSB
2058 N3YVM vy good audio, calling PE1LJS
2107 PU2KJH calling PE1LJS
2155 PU2KJH in PP with PY3WS, signal weaker s5-7, QRT 2205z
2205 WD6L?? calling, (bot saying "This is KQ2H repeater")
2209 PY3WS in PP with other stn from PY
2215 KF1W with K5ATT  , s2-5 QSB
2221 K5ATT calling CQ
2223 KJ4AOK
2224 K0MR
2226 CQ CQ KJ4AOK and Richard/Georgia s5-7
2228 "This is KQ2H repeater"
2233 "This is KQ2H" girls voice?
2239  KV1Y north of Tampa FL, s3
2244  somebody is QRMing the RPTR

2210 29640 unid repeater, noisy

2211 29680 unid repeater, noisy

2324 28300 unid asian OMs s3-4

10/11 meters / 10m opening
« on: October 23, 2013, 0149 UTC »
0110 29660 FM 10m repeater, US HAMs s3-7 some deep fading
0120 28800 FM two OMs unid lang. prob arabic s-3-4, noisy

10/11 meters / Re: Lots of 11m today, including Russian 18 Oct 2013
« on: October 18, 2013, 1424 UTC »
1410 27765 USB Two german speaking stns, one from Slovenia the other from Stuttgart Germany calls himself 13E45, up to s7
1422 27765 USB Russian YL
1433 27745 LSB Data and voice trfc SS
1435 27665 USB strong sigs from Bolivia, Brasil and Argentina
1444 28495 USB PA5KK s5
1450 29619 FM KQ2H repeater, italian OM
1455 27735 LSB bolivian and/or columbian stns, YL
1505 27910 USB french speaking OMs, one from Tenerife
1535 28146 USB linkz from France low sig, ALE
1643 28565 USB K6DXA Steven from SoCal, s5
1734 28225.5 CW V DE PY2RFF\B GG67AL
1746 28495 USB ZS6BAF Andreas, Johannesburg s3-5, with K3UHU, W5C
1749 28540 USB ZS6   s3-5 good audio, fadet out, no complete callsign, talking about real estate

NRD-545 with a 5/8 mobile CB antenna, 5m above ground.  :P

Spy Numbers / Re: Receiving side of number stations
« on: April 21, 2013, 2303 UTC »
nice post !

Nice catch!
S3-6 USB, in MD rRx

s3 - 5 on Kentucky Remote RX, The Doors Ilove you

03:37 Motorhead - Ace of spades

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