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Messages - TheHappyWanker

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 75
0032 UTC 6924.9 AM narrow poor modulation very hard copy
0104 Someone came up over ya..USB

Stern ID a bit back...S9 + 20 LSB and Am weird modulation. Audio is good though! THW
Drifting up

0139 Been Killing It.. S+20 Thx THW

0127 S9+- UTC Nice AM Thx THW
0135 UTC OTA Nice show !!!

S9 AM music above noise
1921 UTC ID Radio Fluffernut Canadian drop Into London Calling song. Nice work!

0404 UTC S9 but in the noise...

0116 UTC All the Radio Curmudgeons in the ether.. WTF LOL VG DW

0030 UTC Am S6-7 with am Audio I could copy. Nice LP effort Syco!

2348 UTC S9+20 Peak Nice!
VG YB... First RATE KFC Gig tonite.. OK Roosters are good/best for soup stock

Sorry to have ripped on ya so hard!!!! The freq issue is a major problem here that all should be cognizant of... It will bring the alphabet crew down upon the hobby... Once again Im sorry I beat ya up so much!!! Looking forward to your future efforts! THX THW

S7 Music about Blue Water in with the UTE just above...

S7 Music Possibly Florence and the machine...
2106 UTC S6-7 just above the noise. Nice Audio. Band is Evanescence.
2111 Cluck cluck cluck Thunder Chicken Id say.... try to kick it out before a storm rolls in..
2132 UTC SSBtv
2139 Jethro Tull

0206 UTC S6-7 In the noise. Chants of some type. Buddhist or whatever type with Good Audio. The best programing of the evening...LOL
0220 UTC OTA Definitely Chants... What kind? Think Muck is right

0020 UTC Painful Audio WTF? Pick a Mode Pls...or try a Dummy Load...
WTF your on top of MARS Really Stupid!!! Wow its got it all covered here, bad modes, bad audio, bad freq selections, and Rap... Wow we need to have a new category for The Pirate Hall Of Fame "Worse Audio"...
0101 UTC ID Radio 6969 with BrotherStair@Protonmail.com or me???
0104 UTC OTA.

S7 Above the noise  Nice Gitaur work
0209 UTC Breakfast In American Super Tramp. The Best Live show I ever saw back in the late 1979 Civic Area "Ihe Igloo" In Pgh PA.. Thx THW  Think the Yard Bird is back tonite...(wrong Time for penalty beer!)
Sorry Outhouse ...LOL

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