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Messages - Chanter

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Longwave Loggings / Christmas holiday NDB logs!
« on: December 31, 2019, 2219 UTC »
It's about time I uploaded these!  Since my lovely little DX-398 is back in operation (!!! and thank you to some Wisconsin local electrical engineers with gigantic hearts, seriously), I took the opportunity to get out of the noiseball that is the city and do some scanning when holidays with family came around.  Well, there was quite a lot of family holidayness in there too... :) but the late evenings were mine.  I'd include the AM logs as well, but that mostly amounted to CBC Radio 1 out of Winnipeg.  Surprise?  Nah, for anyone who's met me. :) 

So, NDBs!  I've only recorded the first instance of when I heard a station, whether or not I caught them later on.  Some I did, in the cases of OS, AQ, UNU, YMW and YLD, just to name a few, but some weren't heard again.  Related, if anyone's got tips for hearing stations that fall within the DGPS region of the LW band, please fill me in?  There's about a 50kHz block that's all warbly crackly noise, matched to the sound of undecoded DGPS signals, and I can't hear CW in there for anything.  Here's what I got: 

December 22: 

OS - Oshkosh, WI (local) 
ML - La Malbaie-Charlevoix, QC 
YY - Mont Joli, QC 
YAT - Atawapiskat, ON 
DL - Duluth-Pike Lake, MN (new for me!) 
YPH - Inukjuaq, QC 
YTL - Big Trout Lake, ON 

YLD - Chapleau, ON 
NM - Matagami, QC 
SB - Sudbury, ON 
UNU - Juneau, WI (local) 
GW - Kuujjuarapik, QC 
PN - Port Menier, QC (new for me!) 
AQ - Appleton, WI (local) 
ZSJ - Sandy Lake, ON 
YXL - Sioux Lookout, ON 

December 25: 

YZE - Gore Bay, ON 

YEL - Elliot Lake, ON 
YKQ - Waskiganish, QC 
YMW - Maniwaki, QC 

UL - Montréal, QC 

RJ - Roberval, QC (new for me!) 

QT - Thunder Bay, ON 

IN - International Falls, MN 

YER - Fort Severn, ON 

December 26: 

YPO - Peawanuck, ON 

YWP - Webequie, ON 

Utility / possible weather CW, 7601 USB
« on: October 20, 2019, 0223 UTC »
At first, I thought this was the Ecuadorian time signal, but the mode of transmission is wrong and the possible IDs didn't match, even with cut numbers in play, which wouldn't make sense for a time signal anyway. 

Heard at roughly 2330Z, give or take a few minutes, on the isthmus at Madison, WI.  CW signal, on or near 7601kHz, going too fast for me to catch everything, but I tried.  Initially fadey/fluttery but clearing up with time.  What I could pick out was a repeated DRG 6, and an equally repeated DE 3A or possibly 2A ?D, the ? being a missed character I simply could not fish out.  I wondered if the DRG could be a shorthand degree signifier, but it's oddly constructed if that's what it's meant to stand for.  3A suggests somewhere outside the States... if this was Monaco doing something novel, I'm going to fall over. 

Anyone have any ideas who I caught? 

Fair to good signal on the isthmus as well.  Tuned in at 2215Z, while out at Lake Farm Park with Markokpik.  playing Magic Carpet Ride, Honky Tonk Women.  Getting splattered on by a couple pescadores on the opposite sideband, blah.  SIO 433.  Thanks for the show! 

6935kHz, in on the isthmus at 0346Z with some instrumental electronica and synthesized voice IDs: "This is not a clever name for a radio station, Clever Name Radio".  Something like that, anyway.  Into seriously hard rock music by 0400Z.  Signal fair, improving to good but contending with deep fades and storm static. 

Thanks for the show! 

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6275 AM 0213 UTC 3Aug19
« on: August 03, 2019, 0525 UTC »
Ooh, this is a fortuitous catch!  I was out with the radio trying for, and succeeding in catching, Radio Austria.  I scanned a little ways up 49 meters, aiming for Radio Educacion, went a little too far and... ooooooh!  Who's this?  X FM booming in onto the isthmus at roughly 0508Z, with IDs, previous tracks played, e-mail address and details on how to get either an E-QSL or a proper postal one.  Evidently, the DJ's got all this music in his head, and is going to do something about that!  Brother, I know the feeling.  :)  Into an Australian artist whose name I didn't catch, but the track is "Cigarettes".  Then a time check - 0514Z - a 'music to the power of X' slogan along with an ID, and a QTH of somewhere under the stars.  Me too. :D  Then playing a band called Blood Orange.  Loud signal with deep fades, but that could just be living-downtown-itis again.  SIO 534. 

Thanks very much for the show!  I'd happily go the postal QSL route, being that sort of dame, and I don't mind the 6-9 months' wait time.  You admitted it up front, which is more than fair!  Should I throw an e-mailed report at you, or will this do? 

SIO 545 onto the isthmus at 0045Z with blues and early rock and roll.  Looks like we know the secret word for tonight.  I missed the jamming at the end of the show while zipping back to the house.  Caught an ID before The Clovers, though.  Thanks Wolverine! 

SIO 434 onto the isthmus with rock music... and a whole lot of static crashes!  Granted those aren't your fault. :P  Deep fades, but listenable despite that.  Thanks for the show! 

SIO 434 at best on the isthmus, with electronic and dance music.  I never did catch an ID, but the timing is right.  Thanks for the show! 

SIO 545 at tune-in on the isthmus at 0155Z, long pause between songs, and into some really excellent melodic electronic dance music.  I'm glad someone upthread IDed the song just before the hour, because I was very much digging it and would otherwise have had no idea who to look up! :)  Signal degraded to SIO 333 by 0204Z, straight into the mud by 0205Z.  ... And then my batteries died, so there that went.  Thanks for the show, whoever you are!  :) 

SIO 444 on the isthmus at Madison, WI at around 0120Z with mostly '60's and early '70's tunes - "Walk Away Renee," "Little Sheila".  Signal was difficult to tune at first, but then it suddenly improved and came booming in!  No idea what was going on there.  Thanks for the show! 

Wow, I am seriously late with this one; forgot to log last night!  Mix Radio seriously booming onto the isthmus at 0130Z, playing Duran Duran, The Eagles, and quite a few I didn't know at all.  Caught a clear ID/slogan as well, something like "Mix, in the mix, thanks for listening."  SIO easily 544. 

Loud signal on the isthmus, but I had a heck of a time zeroing on this one.  Finally got it just before the hour with rock music unfamiliar to me, an ID over music, then a clear Clever Name Radio ident.  Thanks for the show! 

Huh? / Re: World Cup Challenge, if you dare
« on: June 17, 2018, 0442 UTC »
Iran won their first fixture, Morocco lost theirs, so... :(  I'm still holding out for Tunisia doing well.  I won't touch Portugal exiting at the semifinal level; I'm hoping they knock Spain out, frankly. 

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Voice of Indonesia 9525 AM
« on: June 17, 2018, 0430 UTC »
Glad to know they intend to be back! :)  Also good to hear confirmation of the 3325kHz frequency in the interim.  Next time I'm out at Lake Farm in the morning, I'm trying for that one. 

Heard around 2330Z with bluesy/rock music, hard to tune in on; was this slightly off exactly 6930kHz?  Signal fair amid one heck of a noise floor, to the point that I heard the robotic femme voice IDing and testing - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, seventeen! - but thought the ID was 'leather man radio', not Clever Name.  So *that's* who that was!  SIO 322 onto the isthmus, I'm afraid. 

If the Clever Name op's reading, do you paper QSL, I wonder? 

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