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Messages - Ray Lalleu

on 5140.0
0915 jazz "Yes sir it's my baby" ("Lundi des patates"..)

on 5780.0
0912 jazz singer
1038 W jazz singer, 1041 crooner

on 6380.0
0906 music, strong
0958 pop, ad, jingle, pop, 1001 '3 1 9' chime stamp
1052 a modern version of "Ramona"

on 6205.0
0910 music
1013 DJ was reading a chart, then techno music (would like to know by who at last...)
1015 above that: 'Laser Hot Hits is mighty'      etc
1532 Donovan "Hurdy gurdy man"
2040  // with stronger 1512
2133 pop, 2135 DJ, next record
2232 DJ announcing Bob Marley, reggae music

on 6210.0   
0907 fair, music
0952 music, 0956 ID, music

on 3940.0
0853 music, fair     
0857 music, OFF (then a faint carrier fades in and out)

on 3905.0     tentative
0852 extra weak, music    0901 the same

on 6960 USB          direct
0101 extra weak, SSTV, then music, hard to hear, splatter from voice SSB nearby,
0108 non stop music, 0116 going on (I'm tuning out)

Latin American Pirate / R.O.C.V. 6906 CUSB 0052 utc 25 Oct 2020
« on: October 25, 2020, 0055 UTC »
on 6905.9++
0052 talking, then latino song

on 6290.0--
2336 music, 2338 ID no copy, C&W
2341 "Angie", ID above as Triple L Radio, shout out to Mr Dimbulb, remaining of "Angie",
2346 "Summer is over", 2350 "Spirit in the sky", 2351 shout out to both of us on HF-U,
ID, stay away from Covid 19 you too Johnny, "spirit in the sky" going on,
2354 "Dust in the wind", 2357 talking, concerns about his age and health, ID,
0000 "Moonlight shadow", 0004 Dire Straits, 0009 shout to both of us, (yes I'm Rayman  on the pirate chat 2011), 0011 ID, soon closing down, "More than a feeling",
0014 next, 0016 next, 0018 thanks for the shout out, next C&W  song, 0020 next,
0023 euro song (I even can't remember the title in French...), 0026 next,
0028 ID, closing down, thanks for the show, ID, good night Johnny !
0030 Vera Lynn "We'll meet again"
0033 OFF

on 5885.0
2240 very weak, Dylan "Hurricane", 2242 clear ID, then music, very hard to hear
2252 "Imagine"

1621 music, 1625          1726   1833    1858  still extra weak
2007 very weak, music,    also at 2043
2226 "You talk too much", very weak, 2228 next
2312 "Lucky number" .. 2327 "Massachusetts", 2329 jingle ID, Abba medley (added beatbox)

on 6280.0
2140 music, 2141 ID, music

(2204 no signal)

on 6290.0
2130 very weak, rock, 2132 Compay Segundo "Chan chan", ID above : Odynn ?,
2135 IDs above music, dit/this is/ist the/de sender radio....,
2136 next record, very noisy
2148 "Summer train", 2152 "Are you lonesome tonight"
ID from op in the chat
2155 'dit ist de Panda radio' (same as at 2135), music, 2159 IDs, music
2200 PandaSWradio @gmail.com (repeated), 2202 music, OFF

on 1395.0
2114 music, pops and short announcements, 2123 very clear ID, "Take it easy"(title?),
2126 next

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