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Messages - John Poet

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 62
Huh? / Re: You Were In Radio, When!!!!!!!!
« on: July 31, 2020, 2348 UTC »
They were still using carrier-current AM in dorms at Michigan State University in the early '80s.  I dated this girl who was a disk jockey at one of them... and she actually appears in an old TCS promo "where the rock is always hard, and never stops coming" which she also helped to write. lol.    Damn, what was her name ??  lol

Huh? / Re: Curious
« on: July 31, 2020, 2344 UTC »
I think they are rather less likely to get bused with no IDing.  In such a case, the FCC would have to do a full DF just to identify the station each time it was on the air-- instead of knowing that "this is station X, which we have previously DFed to X area..."

With no ID and no "personality" to the station, there would seem little point for the FCC to try to chase after them.  They have enough to do already.

Can't say as I've ever heard this... but I don't understand what it is supposed to do...

I picked up some of this too, the #16.  It was here the 2nd day after I ordered it.  amazing speed.

Huh? / Re: Simplest Tx
« on: June 25, 2020, 0839 UTC »
  I decided to make an effort to let go of as much of my anger as I could, long ago.  It was an unhealthy emotion, I could feel it making me ill and aging me-- so I had to consciously move away from it.  Eventually I was able to negate the  effects of what had happened, so it really didn't matter anymore.  The fact is that being busted led me to produce much better shows than I think I ever had before,  that were also permanent and repeatable recordings, instead of the throw-away live stuff I had always done...

   I eventually felt that Pat had really not been entirely responsible for his actions any more, that he probably had suffered some brain damage in that motorcycle accident he had sometime around 2005-06 when he got hit in the head...  It should have been clear to anyone who followed his public posting activities around 2011-2012, there obviously was something wrong with his head...  so after a number of years, I just felt sorry for him, mostly.



Synthesized IDs are quite popular with stations, but are extremely difficult to decipher under poor, or even sometimes average, listening conditions.

There's an interesting paper here that discusses the problems older listeners have with understanding synthesized speech. Much of it has to do with missing frequency content:

I suspect the same problem plagues shortwave radio, due to interference, and the narrow bandwidths we sometimes have to employ.  (Not to mention the fact that there's a lot of older listeners) 

This is not a criticism, just a tip - if you want listeners to be able to figure out your station name, make it as easy as possible. This includes having a clear ID, spoken by a real person.  :)

I did an awful lot of audio processing on the few that I had made, to make them more copyable--  running them thru the amplifiers, and high and low pass filters on "Wavepad" and then testing them through a transmitter. 

I had used an ATT website to create the originals, but I remember now that they were very muffled and unreadable the first time they ran on the air, until I had worked them over.

You are certainly right, none of the voice synthesizers I used made fit copy for broadcast without considerable reworking of the audio.

Huh? / Re: Simplest Tx
« on: June 24, 2020, 0943 UTC »
BWAWAWAHHHAAA!!!!!!!! You have proof Murphy died??  I doubt it son. Talked to him yesterday and he's still ground up. Maybe you have Bunny Derangement Syndrome? I'll see you at this years July spread Bruce. Then we can talk shit.

Here's his obituary.  I'm just finding out about this now.  Google is your friend:

Talked to him the day before you posted this, did you?  You always did smoke more pot than most of the pirate radio gentry.  You have a rather distinctive posting style that hasn't changed much, "BWAWAWAHHHAAA!!!!!"   LOL

Why are you spoofing Dick Weed and Radio Free Whatever?  You got a beef with them?!

So Murphy is gone....   May he rest in peace.

Huh? / Re: The Pirate Radio Experience
« on: June 24, 2020, 0900 UTC »
Nice work!  Love it!   

I had one for several years, great little radio with great audio on SSB, Am uh, not so much.

Righhhht,  AM isn't much on most HF SSB transceivers--- and not expected here.

Equipment / ICOM IC-718 100 Watts HF Amateur Base Transceiver ???
« on: April 01, 2020, 0133 UTC »
Anyone ever used one of these?

Any comment on suitability for "non-standard" operations??

(If a friend of a friend told you all about it, that's cool too...)

'To capture radio pirates' ?!

They'll never take me alive!

On a side note, I have begun to raise hogs...

Nice signal at 2250 UTC in lower Michigan...
Steady S-5 with peaking around S-7.

But-- I don't know if that's a het whistling on you, or what.... fading up on it now at 2252 while you fade down a little... but I hear ya chatting about the music, Dickweed!

Good move with the lower frequencies, but not sure about that particular one...

I quit smoking May 1st, and this time it is sticking.

Still listening to the tunes at 2337 UTC, heard a shout-out by Dickweed a while back..

Yeah, the het may very well be local but it's messy here.  Still, the only pirate I've heard on my own receiver in eons...

General Radio Discussion / Re: Are there no radio laws in Greece?
« on: October 07, 2019, 0009 UTC »
Most countries don't seem to care too much what kind of radio equipment that you might manufacture and sell as EXPORTS...

Huh? / Re: Fox vs. nytimes on eating babies
« on: October 06, 2019, 1018 UTC »
Surely cannibalism is in line with rational progressive thought, especially in regard to climate change.

Surely this whole incident was a right-wing con job....

General Radio Discussion / Re: IRCs Maligned
« on: August 31, 2019, 0951 UTC »

You cannot even buy IRCs any more in the USA: The United States Postal Service stopped selling international reply coupons on January 27, 2013.

I was wondering how long those had been gone.  Actually presumed it was longer than that...

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