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Messages - ka1iic

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Well then how about DSB reduced carrier...  You can get good fidelity with that...  better that USB or LSB but not as good as AM.

DSB reduced carrier has one good point that it doesn't need a high power modulator and I have heard some great signals from such a rig.

man!!!... not the bunny...  good grief!

General Radio Discussion / maybe yet another mode? FM??? 6900-6990?
« on: January 15, 2016, 1152 UTC »
I like the AM mode best, SSB the least but why have I not heard NBFM being used in the 6900-6990 band... ?

Now I'm not in anyway encouraging anyone to do anything illegal but still.  I remember a number of years ago Amateur Radio Operators using that mode on the 75 meter band and it worked out great for the times they used it

Most modern radio gear does have NBFM detectors and even the older radios that don't can still hear the transmissions via 'slope detection'.  Slope detection is nothing more than tuning a receiver in the AM mode slightly above or below the center carrier frequency. 

Am I not thinking clearly because it is so early in the morning...  most likely... <sigh> Never mind...  ::)


Huh? / Re: Rumor.......
« on: January 14, 2016, 2333 UTC »
Written on the bathroom wall:

Here I sit
Broken Hearted
paid my quarter
and only pharted

to bad it isn't some local garage band doing some of the insane tunage that my band use to do...  then copyright the whole damned thing... screw 'em... <heh>

Musicians Union Suing Sony Over Michael Jackson Documentary

July 8, 2015

 The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) has filed suit against Sony Music Entertainment Inc. (Sony) for repeatedly violating its collective bargaining agreement with AFM.
Among the contract violations cited in the suit is recording work on Michael Jackson's This Is It, a 2009 film documenting Jackson rehearsing and preparing for live concerts right before his death.
The suit states that Sony called musicians for a recording session claiming it was for a “record” when the actual purpose was to record a film score for This Is It. Records are defined as CDs, records, tapes, music videos, and concert DVDs in AFM’s Sound Recording Labor Agreement. The Sound Recording Labor Agreement, which Sony has signed, covers only recording sessions for records—and prohibits recording film scores.

AFM International President Ray Hair explained that Sony could have simply signed a letter allowing them to use the AFM Motion Picture Agreement for this recording session, but Sony refused. As a result, musicians have been unable to collect residuals on the film.

“A fan may wonder what difference it makes if musicians record music under one contract versus another, but it makes a huge difference to musicians trying to earn a living. Musicians have joined together to create industry standards and it is simply unacceptable for greedy corporations to knowingly violate those standards by denying residuals,” said Hair.

The suit also charges Sony with refusing to make new use payments on a number of other projects including Pitbull’s 2012 version of Michael Jackson’s “Bad” and sampling of Jackson songs like “Billie Jean” and “Man in the Mirror” in This Is It.

“We did not want to go to court, but Sony repeatedly refused to do the right thing and pay the musicians fairly,” said Hair.

The AFM is seeking breach of contract damages, including the payment of wages and benefits that should have been paid to musicians. Read the complaint here.

for full story:


I think it's a little higher than it would be, if I wasn't here...

You guys are all gonna suffer from 'guilt by association'...


Not to worry JP...  I've been in a lot worse company :-)  I consider this group and you of course... quite calm indeed...  this place gives me a 'warm and fuzzy' feeling <hah>

Have a great day JP and if anyone asks...  JP who??? only if you do the same for me my friend ;-)

I've been block on youboob more than once...  Germany is often the first to block... must be my last name (heh).  After Germany every Country from here to Pluto pig piles on me...

No freekin' sense of humour ehhh?

Delete the music leave the dialog (unless they have a trade mark on the words) or cut the music at 5 seconds of the beginning and 5 seconds of the ending... dump the entire middle.  This might work.  Not sure... but I almost remember being at a meeting about a certain movie and it was said less than 15 or 10 seconds of the tune being used than copyright isn't so much of an issue... key words 'isn't so much...' not an absolute.

Otherwise dump the entire song and leave the dialog... Then make a very sarcastic comment about certain companies being afraid that a static filled, medium fi, mono copy of their tunes will cut into their profits.  After all we are not talking stereo HD here...

If the above doesn't work contact me and I will send Doctor Poo to their headquarters and he will teach them the ins and outs of fecal matters.

Such a bummer really... now if I want to see him I'll have to open my refrigerator... that's where I see Elvis and I suspect I'll see DB in there too...

My question is... why in my refrigerator ?  Why couldn't Gypsy Rose Lee or Marilyn Monroe take up residence in there  <sigh>

Do any of you guys know where I left my bottle of Rum???  Oh heck now I have to find the bathroom...   someone hid it on me I just know it...  It's all that Doctor Poo's fault!  He does this to me all the time... arrrrghhh!!! I stepped in to his 'littler box'  well so much for time travel... grrrrrrrrr  Sumtin' is stuck to the bottom of my shoe...  smells funny in here now... <sigh> 

Such things, like collected information ( including profiling ) are nothing more than devices to keep the out spoken folks quiet.  They have no place in a free speech society. That being said such things should be collected only if any person is a known and a true threat to the people.

The Federal Agencies  have a poor track record of using such information because of 'road blocks' set up by fear of racial and religious discrimination.  Read the facts that were known in the California Massacre.  They had the information well in hand but the Federal agencies, for some reason, did not use it.  It is my personal opinion it was because the killers were of a certain religious background.

Information collected and not used is worthless and the agencies that collect said information need to get a 'real' job.  My opinion take it or leave it and yes I am of mixed race... but that might be my problem ;-)

Am I some sort of threat?  Only if words hurt more than rocks and sticks.

Have a good day and a better tomorrow :-)

5 4 3 2 1   ah huh it was the Manfreds...

Huh? / Re: Info on Lincolnshire Poacher
« on: January 09, 2016, 2214 UTC »
HEy!  This isn't cheese... it's yogert... bah humbug!

Now to listen to a few tunes by Richard Cheese... ;-)

I'm getting it here in O Hi O...  talk with speeded up voice at times?  Is that a call in now?

Wow! am I hallucinating...???  I thought I heard Timtrons voice in one of those clips...

BTW... Signal peaks at 6-7 but has deep fading..

Off at 2052 UTC (?)

Huh? / Re: To Serve Man
« on: January 09, 2016, 0045 UTC »
Hey!!!  I sawed dat!!!  It was back in Maine 5 years ago... you see I was sitting nekkid on my front door step with a half gallon of 151 Rum in my hand and I suddenly had the urge to lay on my back while taking another gulp of that 'fine' brew and... oppppssss zzzzzzz

never mind <sigh>

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