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Messages - ka1iic

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I collect anything by Dr. Feynman... his books, recorded lectures etc etc  That man had such a wonderful way of making a topic understandable...  A very rare talent indeed... I only had one Prof like that and thank goodness I did because we were doing some concepts of math that could easily cause 'burn out'... RIP Dr. Page.  And of course Dr. Feynman...

If more educators were like them we would be much farther along today than we are.


A new way to test one of the basic principles underlying Einstein’s theory of General Relativity using brief blasts of rare radio signals from space called Fast Radio Bursts is ten times, to one-hundred times better than previous testing methods that used gamma-ray bursts, according to a paper just published in the journal Physical Review Letters. The paper received additional highlighting as an “Editor’s Suggestion” due to “its particular importance, innovation, and broad appeal,” according to the journal’s editors.

The new method is considered to be a significant tribute to Einstein on the 100th anniversary of his first formulation of the Equivalence Principle, which is a key component of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. More broadly, it also is a key component of the concept that the geometry of spacetime is curved by the mass density of individual galaxies, stars, planets, and other objects.

Fast Radio Bursts are super-brief blasts of energy — lasting just a few milliseconds. Until now, only about a dozen Fast Radio Bursts have been detected on Earth. They appear to be caused by mysterious events beyond our Milky Way Galaxy, and possibly even beyond the Local Group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way. The new technique will be important for analyzing the abundance of observations of Fast Radio Bursts that advanced radio-signal observatories, now being planned, are expected to detect.

“With abundant observational information in the future, we can gain a better understanding of the physical nature of Fast Radio Bursts,” said Peter Mészáros, Holder of the Eberly Family Chair in Astronomy and Astrophysics and Professor of Physics at Penn State, the senior author of the research paper. Like all other forms of electromagnetic radiation including visible light, Fast Radio Bursts travel through space as waves of photon particles. The number of wave crests arriving from Fast Radio Bursts per second — their “frequency” — is in the same range as that of radio signals. “When more-powerful detectors provide us with more observations,” Mészáros said, “we also will be able to use Fast Radio Bursts as a probe of their host galaxies, of the space between galaxies, of the cosmic-web structure of the universe, and as a test of fundamental physics.”

The impact of the new method using Fast Radio Bursts is expected to increase significantly as more of the bursts are observed, and if their origin can be established more firmly. “If Fast Radio Bursts are proven to originate outside the Milky Way Galaxy, and if their distances can be measured accurately, they will be a new powerful tool for testing Einstein’s Equivalence Principle and for extending the tested energy range down to radio-band frequencies,” Mészáros said.

Einstein’s Equivalence Principle requires that any two photons of different frequencies, emitted at the same time from the same source and traveling through the same gravitational fields, should arrive at Earth at exactly the same time. “If Einstein’s Equivalence Principle is correct, any time delay that might occur between these two photons should not be due to the gravitational fields they experienced during their travels, but should be due only to other physical effects,” Mészáros said. “By measuring how closely in time the two different-frequency photons arrive, we can test how closely they obey Einstein’s Equivalence Principle.”

More specifically, Mészáros said the test that he and his coauthors developed involves an analysis of how much space curvature the photons experienced due to massive objects along or near their path through space. He said, “Our test of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle using Fast Radio Bursts consists of checking by how much does a parameter — the gamma parameter — differ for the two photons with different frequencies.”

Mészáros said his research team’s analysis of the less-than-a-dozen recently detected Fast Radio Bursts “supersedes by one to two orders of magnitude the previous best limits on the accuracy of the Einstein Equivalence Principle,” which were based on gamma rays and other energies from a 1987 supernova explosion, supernova 1987A. “Our analysis using radio frequencies shows that the Einstein Equivalence Principle is obeyed to one part in a hundred million,” Mészáros said. “This result is a significant tribute to Einstein’s theory, on the hundredth anniversary of its first formulation.”



General Radio Discussion / Re: HFU Propagation Data and Tools
« on: January 07, 2016, 1607 UTC »
Wow! Looking good Chris and thanks...

I really never got into using such things but you have peaked my interest and seeing where we have no sunspots that want to help us these days, with weak signals being the call of the day I guess it is about time for me to learn.

Thanks again Chris...

Huh? / Re: Rumor.......
« on: January 07, 2016, 1446 UTC »
TNX JP...  luv dat song eh?

Huh? / Re: Rumor.......
« on: January 05, 2016, 2346 UTC »
Oh where oh where has my doggone dog gone oh where oh were can he be???

Equipment / Re: Ameriton 80A will not transmit on 80m or 160m
« on: January 05, 2016, 2052 UTC »
Just hit me...  Is the driver automatically cutting back on drive due to some defect in the amplifier?

Somewhere I remember that happening to me but when and where ???

A recurrent coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) is expected to become geoeffective with Earth late on 6 January, 2016, and the geomagnetic resp

For more information see: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

It's only a G1 so it might not amount to much but I don't give any credit to these computer models because there is something of Physics that can't be put into the equations and it's called 'chaos'...  which is very real and is well known in Physics.

Wish I did...  I plan to get one once I am at my new QTH but not here... shipping what I've got is going to cost me as it is... computers radios parts collection test equipment... you know the gig...  sri...

I been thinking of it too.  I use to have a 5 watt carrier current rig I made from an article from Popular Electronics (early 1970's).  Heising modulation 6AQ5 RF driven by another 6AQ5 for the modulator.  Had it on the Broadcast Band at 1000 KHZ.  Trouble was the electrical wiring in the old house I was living in wasn't in any kind of shield and there were a lot of lines to nowhere so it radiated to the 'outside' world like crazy.  Also the fact that the house was over 30 feet tall didn't help. I did have my own pole pig so it didn't radiate down the power lines to my neighbors so to speak.

You know... It just might be a hook up for one of those 'retirement' homes for older dudes like me...  just an idea... The BCB is so full in alot of places not like where I was in Maine...  lots of open BCB space up there... low noise too in most places.

Thanks for filling in the ID blank for all of us...

At times I have had problem getting much of any signal from RHC normally they are a power house.  The other day I did a random tuning of the band (sri don't remember the freq) and I heard some music I liked. Well it turned out to be RHC but not on any freq listed in the data base.  I didn't take note of it because I figured the DB hadn't updated to the winter change over.  It did have good modulation (for once) but it wasn't where it should be?

I won't even had taken note until you folks mentioned it... hmmmm wazup?

15400 KHZ 1930 UTC 01/03/2016 BBC (Asension) English

Fair signal S7 on peaks with selective fading.  Beamed to Africa?

HF Mystery Signals / 6975 KHZ wideband noise messing up my listening
« on: January 03, 2016, 1604 UTC »
I'm only posting this because it is making my pirate listening miserable...  Most likely a local thing but...  Here's the link to the sound file;


It seems to center on 6975 khz but it shows up on most of the active pirate band.  Time for 'recon'?  The recording was done in USB ...

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