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Messages - Pigmeat

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Did I mention a Mrs. Childress? No. I simply said Harland bought his method and spice mix from another guy in the fried chicken business. It's widely known in that part of Kentucky. Snopes needs to talk to some locals.

Harland wasn't a "Kentucky Colonel" until well after after he got his gas station chicken business going. He got that "honor" from the Governor after he'd started making his pile. He wasn't from Kentucky, he was from Indiana, and dirt poor. His family couldn't afford a cook, he did the cooking at home while his folks worked.

I don't know where that knothead Snopes got "Mrs. Childress" but he was looking in the wrong state and in the wrong kitchen. Give him a holler and tell him to do some basic research.

Jesus Malverde. It used to be You Know Who I had to keep from wandering off down the wrong trail. Now it's the bunch of you. I should be getting paid for this.

I spent two entire days working at KFC when I was 15. The chicken isn't fried, it's pressure cooked in vegetable oil. That old huckster Harlan Sanders bought the process and the spice mix from a fella just as shady as he was.

KFC locates it's stores in some rough neighborhoods. Do yourself a favor and eat at Popeyes, the food is better and you won't get mugged in the parking lot.

There are number of stations that will pop up out of blue after being inactive for awhile, WJFK is one that springs to mind. Solid Rock Radio turned up after years of being off the air last year. Some stations have two or three different ops using the same station name. I did Radio Al Fansome, but so did two other guys that I know of, there may have been more. A lot of stations use id's that are infectious and work like a ladder conspiracy. There's a Ramones song called, "Do You Remember Rock n' Roll Radio" that ends with a 60's era sounding Boss DJ announcing, "This is Rock And Roll Radio. Stay Tuned For More Rock And Roll", it sounds so slick and it's so easy to lift, I've heard several stations using it. I know I did. I don't know who the others were, and by putting this in a public forum there's a decent chance some wannbe or existing pirate will read this and do it again?

Pirate radio is all about having fun from the op's viewpoint. Some heathen might put his studio back together and "Whammo!" the Voice of The Epileptic Catfish is back on the air. It's tough to say who is active and who isn't, they could also be using revolving station names and transmitters. I always had a minimum of three stations going at any one time, one primary station, a secondary one, and one that I used every few months for special things. Most ops I knew had several stations going at once, we sure joked about it a lot. I think the late George Zeller wrote ,"There are 30 to 40 pirate stations and 4 transmitters." which was very close to the truth.

That may help and it may not, but it's a guide to the op's side of things and why stations pop up and disappear. One major reason stations go silent is these folks have lives. Things come up that are more serious than playing radio. It may be long term, or they might be back in a short amount of time, you just don't know.

At the moment I'm wondering if Bud Bigly is doing ok? He was on the air regularly for a few months and he's been MIA for a few weeks. If anyone knows anything PM me.   

Could he be the James Brownyard of the desert? "Hey,yay,yay,yay!"

The bass line that opens the radio cut of "Chain of Fools" and Aretha's voice coming up over it, still floors me.

BTW, nice lookin' dog.

Georgetown should get you into the fringes of the Charleston market. The FM stations from Wilmington do well up along the southern Outer Banks of N. Carolina ,aka, The Crystal Coast, and hit Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune and their surrounding towns well. The population really fluctuates in the greater Myrtle Beach area seasonally, but a bi-directional antenna on decent sized mast should provide good coverage due to the terrain. Good luck with the gig. 

Good reception into Masset, BC at 03:12 with QRM from Spanish fishermen? on 6930 LSB.  Also some OTH radar looking pulses over about 100 kHz.
03:21:  ID'd but I couldn't quite make it out.  Indicated he was signing off, which he did a second or two later.  ..Walt

The SS guys seem to be moving a bit w/ the change in time/season. They were on 6925 lsb last night. In late winter they were down around 6900. The OTH stuff varies on where you're at in regards to where it's coming from. But you know that, I remember your logs in the ACE dealing with that Marconi guy way back when.

It's nearly 11 p.m. in the region where Andy grew up. Otis has been at Rafe Hollister's place all evening watching basketball and getting liquored up. His homing cow needs the whistling and singing to get them to the courthouse jail before all the beds get booked up by the Darling's and Ernest T. Bass. Otis doesn't share a cell and there are only two. The Darling's can sleep on the truck. Ernest T. is used sleeping rough and can share the back lot with Otis's cow. The TNT eating goat moved on a long time ago, so the cow and Ernest T. should be safe.

The Darlings , aka, the Dillard's , do that classical stuff. My God, they've been on the Opry!

Someone was playing Willie Nelson's duet with the Cricket's ex-bass player, "Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up Be Cowboys" last night. What was the bass players name? Waylon Smithers? Nah, that's not it. It'll come to me after the basketball game.

10 over here playing a skit.  Thanks for the show!
Wow!  The Rutles!  I haven't heard this stuff since the mid 70s!

I was thinking the same thing, the Rutles were big when I was going through my Firesign Theater phase. Where's George Papoon when the country needs him? Not being insane was his only qualification, which puts him ahead of everyone planning on running in 2024.

1236 Machine Guns, Sirens - "Pirate Busters" skit - S8

If you paid close attention, that was the "Dragnet" theme music they used for the intro and the outro to the "Pirate Busters" bit. "Tubes! Tubes!".

Probably Myanmar relayed by Radio Romania. ;)

I used to live just west of Georgetown, Paul, at what was then a wide spot in the road called Plantersville. I figure it's all golf courses now? It was nothing but swamp and pines then. Do you have any idea where transmitter and antenna are for Carolina Gold? That entire region is flat as a pancake with a lot of salt marsh.

I asked a guy where the hardware store was in Georgetown once. He said, "At the top of the hill." I drove all over that town looking for that hill. I asked another guy and it turned out to be the grade for the railroad tracks going in and out of the pulp mill. Hill my ass, it was a bump in the road!

Stay away from that mustard BBQ if you get down there. It's not fit for human consumption.

lot's of talk about food and women. Sometimes it sounds like an old "Amos and Andy" skit in SS? They've been having a lot of fun.

High winds and rain heading your way tomorrow,Llama.

Nice signal in Westminster, MD. on 6960 on the big loop. Mooo!

There have been ute blasts in the neighborhood of this frequency all night listening on the SDR's at Chris S's place.

All right, The Georgia Satellites. A buddy of mine used to play this one literally standing on his head on open mic nights. He'd chug a mug of beer during the song and head home with the prize money. Joe was something.

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