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Messages - Osobarako

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: V2k Broadcasts
« on: February 26, 2020, 2107 UTC »
Fujitsu is supposed to come out with a 300ghz receiver, hopefully not too pricy. I can't find any other devices really yet on the market. Terahertz radios will be coming out and they will cover those frequencies. Yes, the Frey effect is a real documented phenomenon known about since the '60s. Just google the Frey Effect. The Cuba and China consulate attacks are examples of this tech being used aswell.

Other / V2k Broadcasts
« on: February 11, 2020, 0036 UTC »
Anyone have any ideas on how to track a voice to skull broadcast down. In Placer County, California there is a voice to skull broadcast. I kid you not! It is hooked up to a couple of chat-bots that never shut up. Most people just hear the hissing or ringing in their ears some hear it as music or the neighbors chatting or something but some people can hear it loud and clear. I am currently building a data-set of all the known voice to skull techs through Google patents, and building a data-set of all fcc licensed frequencies and setting up a Deep-wave digital Deep learning AI RF signal analyzer on several SDR dongles hooked up to has many different antennas has needed. To track down these frequencies used. I have picked up strange artifacts while wearing BCI that can only be explained if there was a v2k broadcast. I hope to get more volunteers to join me while wearing their BCI as we control for variables doing a series of different and similar activities at the same time both together and separately. I'm working on an app that will just be used to alert when certain thresholds are met and log the time and location of those alarms then combine the data from as many users of the app as I can. To build a map of the area. Note, it will run in the background and continually monitor levels only when the threshold is reached. Not doing any signal analysis. I have also begun to detect a systematic Infrasound and Ultrasound broadcast you can check out my data on that here. Which could be some devices like those used in Cuba and China used on the embassies.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13UWEN6VBbyBAixHL27g7QKg1wyhdxU6WS39QVpJWMLc/edit?usp=sharing
Any comments or ideas would be appreciated I am no expect by any means just annoyed at times by this broadcast. It follows a schedule and has chat-bots for sure doing most of the talking. I can hear it clearly but it's because I have since 5th grade had an RF sensitivity do to GBS (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/guillain-barr%C3%A9-syndrome) which is a de-mylenation of my central and peripheral nerves specifically a widening of the what is normally a 1mm gap every inch or so, I have 2-4mm gaps and shredding which cause me to interact with the EMF field in certain wavelengths slightly more than the average human. So naturally I am beginning my search at around 300 ghz and fanning out from there. I believe these broadcast to be a combination of frequencies two voice modulation harmonizing and one or more streaming data. I'll keep this blog updated on any findings in the future and again I welcome any and all suggestions.

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