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Messages - Alex_in_West_Virginia

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General Radio Discussion / Locked out of previous posting
« on: March 25, 2012, 0412 UTC »
Your moderator, even though I've come to his defense time and time and time and time again, both here any many their places, has decide to lock me out of a topic.  Apparently he has decided that Pat/Jerry is more important to his making a dollar in his publications, even though Pat/Jerrybunnboy spends most of his time slamming hobbyist/listeners.  So I'll let the garbage stink up the remnants, and spend my time elsewhere, and I encourage my good friends to do the same;

Again, for those who might be a little slow on the uptake, look at what Murphy is doing to what is left of the hobby by bringing personal information about listeners into loggings. Again, this is garbage, and anyone who promotes this is garbage.

General Radio Discussion / Re: What-the-F**?
« on: March 25, 2012, 0222 UTC »

Typical of what's left of pirate radio.  Pat/Jerry/Beans/et al  ad nauseum spends all of his time railing against those who would truly promote the hobby, instead of transmitting truly original programming.  Garbage.

What the fuck does anyone--or their personal life--have to do w/a hobby?  Again, Jerry/Pat/Bunny/whatever the left he calls himself has brought what was left of the hobby down to a childish personal level.  Yet still people will post loggings of this childish moron on this and other morons and the childish garbage that he xmits about myself, John Poet, and other who care/did care about the hobby.  People, if you reallly do care about what is left of this hobby, please do not post/mention anything about Murphy/BunnyKracker and those who are doing their most to ruin what was once a very fun hobby.  Peace/out.

General Radio Discussion / Re: What-the-F**?
« on: March 25, 2012, 0154 UTC »
Pat/Jerry and whatever the f**ever he tries to pass himself off as w/his sockpuppets tried to drag my my personal life (even though he f**ed that up, since he just copied newspaper/piggy-police reports into what was left of the hobby, and we all know how offbase they are) into the hobby is just part of what f**ked what was left of pirate radio.  He f***d that up by not looking into what the really facts are, yet peoples' personal life has nothing to do w/logging stations.  I will no longer have anything to do w/what is left of pirate radio, but I will suggest that anyone that truly cares about what is left of it ignores Pat/Jerry/Bunny/Beans/Thumper/Kracker and all the sockpuppets and thier so-called stations and sockpuppet loggings.  Peoples' personal lives have nothing to do w/hobbies, but Pat/Jerry/Beans/Thumper and his lackey Krackhead insist on bringing outside garbage into what was left of the hobby.

General Radio Discussion / Re: What-the-F**?
« on: March 19, 2012, 0100 UTC »
Haven't even bothered to listen 2day (unfortunately, due 2 present circumstances, Sundays are the only day I can listen).  This goes back years, but much more so over the last 3 or 4 years.  Last Sunday just reinforced my feelings about lack of interest in what was once a really really enjoyable/fun hobby, but has become dominated by asshole ops, and most longtime listeners that were really dedicatd to the hobby don't bother posting anymore, mostly due to the fact that the asshole ops just do their their best to alienate longtime listeners/supporters of the hobby.  And most of those that are left just really don't care about anything but seeing their names listed in loggings.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925 channel z
« on: March 19, 2012, 0003 UTC »
Lex (and we've exchanged mail in the past so you know Lex was my childhood nickname, so hearing from you always brings a biiiiiiig grin to my face!): my contact info is available to anyone and everyone, but very very few have replied on this forum (and others) to my posts for the past while.  That is why I've decided that input from here is no longer of use to most in what's left of this hobby, which used to be so so much fun.  The QSL's that I've received by mail have been such a great source of enjoyment over the years, especially those like the mousepad that I recived form Dead Cat Radio, and I've recived so very very many outstanding e-QSL's over the years, but it's just gotten that most of the former and latter are coming from Euro-pirates, so I'll spend what little free/computer time that I have to euro-pirates and forums dedicated to them.  If anyone is truly interested, I can send copies of e-QSL's of pirate stns. (mostley euros) to them, and I can steer them to forums of euro-pirates, where anyone and everyone is truly welcome, unlike what is happening in North America.  Fuck Bunny and his asshats, and those who are in this hobby just to see their names appear online.  I used to enjoy this hobby/these forums, but besides Zee and a few others, most ops on this side of the pond are anally-retentive, and most posters to these forums are sockpuppets or or those who love to see their names posted online.  Long live the King, and fuck the assholes.

General Radio Discussion / What-the-F**?
« on: March 18, 2012, 2328 UTC »
I asked 3 times last week for e-mail addy. that apparently was announced by a stn. that was on-air at that time, but only jfarley-a relative newcomer to this forum-replied.  Since noone apparently has any use for my input, and due to the other bunny-related garbage that goes on on the other forums, I've figured that my input is no longer valued/needed on pirate-related forums.  This hobby reaaaaaally used to be fun, but it def smells more like shit than roses for the past few years.  I really really do value the actual friends that I've made in this hobby (Terry-the-Newfie,eh, lol-and others) , but it def has become filled w/garbage, due to Pat/Jerry/Beans/Thumper/Kracker and all the other sockpuppets/assholes that seem to be dominating what used to be a fun hobby.   I've had enough of the f'd-up shit, so I'll find some other hobby that isn't dominated by assholes to add a little enjoyment to my life.  Fuck you Pat/Jerry/Bunny et al for fucking up what used to be a really really fun hobby.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925 channel z
« on: March 18, 2012, 2310 UTC »
Hrd. here, but I know noone cares due to lack of response to my posts and requests for info on tent. loggings of on-air stns.  Terry: good to see you're still around; pse. send me e-mail sometime if it's not too much trouble to let me know how thing's're goin'.  And a big kiss-my-ass to all who ignored my requests for help to ID stns. and verify contact info that I couldn't quit pp/up but others hrd., but wouldn't forward to me.  This hobby really really sucks compared to what it used to be., and I have very very very little interest to continue.  If anyone cares, I'm now hearing 'Summer in the City.'  Now Mungo Jerry.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Radio Ronin 6925 AM 2250 UTC
« on: March 12, 2012, 0043 UTC »
Again, sincere thanx to jfarley for being the only 1 to acknowledge/reply to my request for contact info for Ronin.  Other posts will be deleted due to lack of interest after Ronin op has time, if he so desires, to review posts, and no further posts after this one.  I have just about completely lost interest in this hobby.  The Rabbit  bunch of losers just about did it awhile back, and it seems there isn't much interest left in anyone aoutside of those losers.  Ciao to anyone who actually takes the time to read this and thinks about what the words actually mean. Peace out, as the young loseres would say.

Worked a show at the Columbus (OH) Agora in the mid-'70's w/the Sammy-fronted Montrose.  Extremely loud and very bad mix, but above-par musicians.  Very nice folks, though, and very very sorry to hear this.  Seems another bit of my past has passed on. RIP Ronnie.

Sure helps 'em if somebunny--er, somebody--tells 'em where to check!  ::)

A biiiiig F.U. to "anyone" responsible for "helping" the F.C.C. w/this, if ya know whuttameans.   (Big thumbs up to the previous post by Al)
I miss my friend, the correspondence I had w/him, and the rock-solid sigs I heard up on the mountain, the great shows, and the classic e-QSL's.  I don't know how any loser could possibly want these shows stopped; I guess loser is the key word here!

Glad to see Crybaby Ovechicken back out ("waaaaah, they suspended me for 3 games, so I'm not gonna play in their All-Star game!")!  That got another Penguin into the game, James Neal, who really deserved to be in it!!!

General Radio Discussion / Re: No Freak and Rabbit Net
« on: January 01, 2012, 2100 UTC »
Still the same.  Anybody getting in?

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