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Messages - w5cdt

Pages: [1]
Some video I shot of the Key West NWS morning launch of a RS92-NGP radiosonde.
On 1676 MHz.  I optically tracked one launch all the way to balloon burst!



Apparently Mexico doesn't care if we fly radio sondes into their airspace.
This is the LAT/LON and altitude data I collected from tonight's KDRT launch on 1680 MHz.
The track below is well approximated by the CUSF landing predictor.



Great job Chris  ;)

The CUSF predictor did a reasonably good job.  Winds aloft are not always as forecasted (my pilot experience).
Sounds like the dish helps you cut through the tree loss at 1.68GHz.  Initial descent rate is over 60 mph. Wow!


Has anyone used one of these kits before?
Might work on 1680 MHz...



In addition to the Radio Shack in-line satellite amplifer (Catalog #: 16-2565 ) with provides 15dB of 1680 MHz gain with a 3dB noise figure I also use the following product from Mini Circuits.  It runs nicely from three AA batteries and provides over twice the gain in dB. It also has SMA connectors instead of the F connectors found on the Radio Shack amplifer.



Good deal Chris. I will see if I can find a contact at the Dulles NWS to confirm their operating frequency.
Ascent rate is about 5m/sec and I'm told descent is about 7m/sec. Next time I capture two descending packets separated by a few seconds I'll try to give you some hard data on that.


This is what a Mark IIa Micronsonde on 1680 MHz sounds like.
Signal is +/-75 KHz deviation FM.  9600, N, 8, 1 data.


First time receiving a Mark IIa Microsonde from KHYI airport.



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