North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: The Voice of Pancho Villa 6935 USB 2200 UTC 5 Mar 2023
« on: March 05, 2023, 2228 UTC »
Received on 6935 Lsb, very weak near Berlin, Germany, on modified Kenwood receiver with 40m band dipole.
I let run a US SDR from MD parallel to compare what I heard on my rx. Indeed, until c/d 2213 it was the same, but here in Germany just too weak to identify by voice ID.
I°m no qsl hunter, qsl reply not necessary.
I let run a US SDR from MD parallel to compare what I heard on my rx. Indeed, until c/d 2213 it was the same, but here in Germany just too weak to identify by voice ID.
I°m no qsl hunter, qsl reply not necessary.