North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Sycko Radio 6935 AM 0156 UTC 28 NOV 2024
« on: November 28, 2024, 0204 UTC »
UNID 6925 AM S3-S5 in NY
0203: Industrial type music
0213: Signal now from S5-S9 at times with unfamiliar music
0233: Banjo music (New station ?, music is much different)
0234: Bing Crosby "I've Got Plenty To Be Thankful For"
0239: Duke Ellington "Take The "A" Train"
0241: Jack Benny "Turkey Dream"
0242: Doris Day "Sentimental Journey"
0243: WOW, Signal just jumped up to S9
0245: Chet Baker "Autumn Leaves"
0248: Andrew Morriss "Gobble Gobble Song" (Now this $hit is funny)
Happy Thanksgiving !
0203: Industrial type music
0213: Signal now from S5-S9 at times with unfamiliar music
0233: Banjo music (New station ?, music is much different)
0234: Bing Crosby "I've Got Plenty To Be Thankful For"
0239: Duke Ellington "Take The "A" Train"
0241: Jack Benny "Turkey Dream"
0242: Doris Day "Sentimental Journey"
0243: WOW, Signal just jumped up to S9
0245: Chet Baker "Autumn Leaves"
0248: Andrew Morriss "Gobble Gobble Song" (Now this $hit is funny)
Happy Thanksgiving !