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Messages - Charlie_Dont_Surf

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This place is going to the dogs...and we're all getting confused about how many there are and what frequency they are on.

This was a waterfall image test to see the viability of playing music with the bandwidth lowpass filter set and at the same time being able to send images from above the lowpass cutoff frequency.

Thanks for picking them up.

OK. Here's another idea: images on the LSB and simultaneous music on the USB.

very clear MRI image in waterfall seen several times; no voice signal heard (yet)

You should cut down on the hallucinogens. If you keep going, you're going to see lipstick on cats and stuff.
Some people say I suffer from insanity. I don't. I enjoy every minute of it.

Edgar Allen Poe took up DXing after death....https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/12/21/enjoy/

Whatever it is you're on, it looks like it's contagious.

Off around 0158UTC.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925 USB 0144 UTC 03 Sep 2023
« on: September 04, 2023, 0145 UTC »
SINPO 55555 on an SDR in New England.

Sounds like Weezer?

very clear MRI image in waterfall seen several times; no voice signal heard (yet)

You should cut down on the hallucinogens. If you keep going, you're going to see lipstick on cats and stuff.

0013 Recording of radio program on history of World War 2
0022 Off

Very disappointed to be left hanging. HOW DOES IT END?

already same confusion last night

This is why listening for an ID -  or at least determining if what you are hearing seems likely to be a pirate - before reporting is often a worthwhile activity. (Hint, hint.)

2025 UTC
S 6
Male talking about freq   and times

Mr. Coffee--Lagwagon

Hmmmmm. W1NT kiwi SDR in New Hampshire with a 500 foot beverage aimed at Europe has "Overcomer Ministry" (WBCQ) at 2105 UTC: http://w1nt.onthewifi.com:8073/?f=6160.00amz6, overpowering "overcoming" (pun intended) anything else by a huge margin.

Listening on a kiwi in Switzerland.

2101 - "We are the new sound of shortwave radio for Europe. This is Shortwave Gold."
2102 - Similar to the above in German.

Off at 2032 UTC.

Strart up at 1833 UTC. Announcements mostly in Dutch but some English used.
Power announced as 100 Watts.
"This is Mi Amigo from Holland."

1841 - ID and email address in Dutch.
1846 - "dit is radio zender Mi Amigo."
1914 - Close down announcement.
1916 - Thank you to somebody. "Goodbye." TX OFF.

Difficult listening due to QRM and QRN but clearly audible on an SDR in Switzerland. SINPO 23222 with filtering involved.

QRM = Mi Amigo on 6205 KHz, Data signal on ~6215 KHz.

Off at check back 1905 UTC.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6960 USB 0207 UTC 01 SEP 2023
« on: September 01, 2023, 0305 UTC »
0303 UTC - off, I believe.

SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: KiwiSDR future/replacement?
« on: September 01, 2023, 0212 UTC »
Without using the 1hz url parameter, I could not tune arbitrarily between the 10 hz increments on the K1VL receiver. It would round and tune to the nearest 10 Hz.

Ah HAH! It's not just me imagining things.

... After having fun doing it by ear, I went to SAM mode and did indeed notice the audio panel's sync offset display respond to those 1 Hz steps (or not, if I didn't have 1 Hz tuning enabled).

Ok, well I was right for a little while anyway.  :D

That sync offset is a pretty slick way to compare receivers, if you tune them both to the same station! After picking and poking around on several receivers, checking then against WWV, I can say that most are within a couple of Hz and some are dead nuts on frequency - within a few tenths of a Hertz, plus or minus some QSB effects.

If they are GPS locked with acq[uisition] of enough satellites (hopefully 4 or more), I would hope so.

I have encountered a few non-locked (I assume) in the southern hemisphere that are ~100 Hz off frequency at 10 MHz - which might not be a big problem in some contexts - but can be misleading in others like FT8, where the TX bandwidth is only ~50 Hz and accuracy down to <10 Hertz is kind of important. :(

Huh? / Re: A 1MW MW transmitter coming to Pakistan? Looks like it.
« on: September 01, 2023, 0127 UTC »
I get TV over the air. I have some channels with marginal reception at my house and generally they are better in the day than at night.

Because I'm a geek, I will go into the settings of my TV to get the SNR values and compare 1) when I can receive certain channels well, 2) when it is indicating "no reception" at all and 3) when it's marginal (cycling between displaying a screen image and not). In general, the threshold where my TV stops showing a consistent image is around 19 +/- 1 dB SNR. Not really knowing much about digital TV, I assumed that it would need a better SNR than that, but apparently not.

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