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Messages - bubba

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Equipment / equip question : new member: first post, i need help
« on: October 07, 2020, 1737 UTC »
Good Morning .
since my youth i have been interested in SWL and things radio. trying to ramp up . in my youth [last century@1972]damn nearly 50 year ago ran big truck gypsy coast to coast, border to border, i did whistle babble and bark a bit on the old 2-way.
need help and advice
1]Realistic DX-302 bought new on hand INOP https://www.dxing.com/rx/dx302.htm
2] Galaxy DX959 ,  truck stop special peek & toon . https://www.amazon.com/Galaxy-DX-959-Channel-Mobile-Frequency-Counter/dp/B00415KISO
3]KL203P on order . i just wanted the 26Db ant preamp [heh] https://www.rmitaly.com/en/product/kl203p-2/
4]pyramid ps12kx power supply ,on hand , i kinda wish it was a bigger one , https://www.amazon.com/PYRAMID-PS12KX-POWER-SUPPLY-13-8V/dp/B007ST9C5A/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=pyramid+ps12kx&qid=1602084797&s=electronics&sr=1-1
5] Sirio GPE 5/8  ant https://www.sirioantenne.it/en/products/hf/gpe-5-8-gps-1-2
6] Long wire . from the top of a tall steel pole down to a tree. disconnected [wires where those wires ]

lots and lots of questions known knowns , known unknowns , and unknown unknowns .. need help with all ..
assemble Siro 5/8 stick w. ground plane , fix to an extendable 10-18 foot Floating Pole , attach 75' coax PL 259 ant t
do not intend to bond the 5/8 to the pole , need to work on a RF ground [copper pipe and speaker wire] ,
possible config: DX-959 & to KL203P to Astatic (302-PDC2) SWR/RF/Field Strength Test Meter to  Siro GPE 5/8 .. test QRP test w/ 2nd switch on the 203
this is a fair expensive bit of kit hull thing can go out for Field Day , floating stick w the 5/8 , set up in a clearing on the Tennessee Divide ,between the rivers .take a half gallon of whisky ,turn all the knobs to the right , whistle ,bark, jabber .. CQ .. CQ ..CQ ..Tennessee Whiskey on the Tennessee Divide Land  Between the Rivers Tennessee and Cumberland , can you pick me out . QRP , over.
that Aught to give a number of people a target .
i will check back for response in a bit . and get back when the stick is up with a sitrep.
ps: just doing this on account of the solar minimum and 100 years of skip . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SkywaveRadio amateurs conducted the first successful transatlantic tests in December 1921, operating in the 200 meter mediumwave band (1500 kHz)—

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