« on: October 07, 2018, 2305 UTC »
Hearing a decent signal here at 23:03UTC tonight with a song 10 over 9 signal level
Please Mr Columbus (Turn the ship around) by Lou Monte
Paul Revere's Horse by Lou Monte at 23:04UTC good signal some static but clear!
What did Washington Say (when he crossed the Delaware) By Lou Monte at 23:09UTC
Male ID at 23:11UTC
Skinny Lena by Lou Monte at 23:12UTC
The Italian Cowboy Song by Lou Monte at 23:14UTC
Male Id at 23:16UTC Radio Paisano
Pistol Packing Mama by Lou Monte 23:16UTC
Have Another by Lou Monte at 23:18UTC
Pepino: The Italian Mouse by Lou Monte at 23:26UTC
The mixed up Bull from by Lou Monte at 23:28UTC
Pepino's Friend Pasqua by Lou Monte at 23:26UTC Station has weaken some!
My Paisans across the Way by Monte at 23:30UTC
A male announcer gives QSL info but unable to understand at 23:33UTC
Who stole my Provolone Lou Monte at 23:34UTC
If I knew you were coming I'd've baked a cake by Lou Monte at 23:36UTC
Thanks for the show!!!