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Messages - RCCI

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02:35 usual Dance MX tonight, Not as strong a signal as yesterday, but pretty good copy...

Thanks for the Show LR!

02:32 can hear music- but not a real strong signal here in Illinois - signal S6 tops
02:38 hearing male OP then into music...

Thanks for the Show

00:48 Just tuned into ID after song The usual S10 soiid signal and audio!!
00:53 Bowie - Little China Girl

Thanks for the Show

00:46 just tuned in 9+ signal    Looking forward to the rest of the show!! ;D

0:14 readable copy- signal about an S6 into Illinois.

Thanks for the Show!

00:10 just tuned into the "thumpety" music. S8 signal , pretty good audio.

Thanks for the Show!

01:28 tuned in during ID - then into music- Pretty decent S8+ to S9 signal

This all sounds like my first ex-wife's 8-track playlist.

Been there, done that... ;D

02:56 - Your signal has really come up nice! S8 with clear ID 02:27 - Yea!

02:39 presumed ID - a very tough catch tonight

02:37 tuned in to heavy rock music. S8 signal - good audio - into Illinois
02:44 canned voice "Looking back" then into music
02:47 song Freebird - signal shot up to S9+ with great audio - What you do? :D
02:50 Clear ID BID Radio - Burn It Down
03:14 song Time of Your Life
03:18 song by Johnny Cash
03:37 OP came on briefly mentioned the French and Area 51 - Huh? - Signal still excellent!
03:41 (Oops- spoke too soon+ began song by Queen then faded to nothing

Thanks for the Show BID Radio!

02:18 just tuned in and can hear music- low audio, has the usual cool mellow sounds as always...

Thanks for the Show!

01:56 - just tuned in - music, nice S9+ signal -

04:37 just tuned into song "Jesse's Girl"

04:36 just tuned into dance music S9 signal and very good audio!
04:39 clear ID Dickweed "back in the booth" - Glad to have you guys back!

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