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Messages - CWR

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Good  mornning guys, just got a report from your side...wake up...happy Easter

there is nothing more to do then to try it   shortwave@gmx.de   facebook chrisise

Broadcast Announcements / CWR 7517kHz now on all weekend
« on: August 05, 2017, 1313 UTC »
Crazy Wave Radio (CWR) back on air now, on 7517kHz all weekend
with 20 watts from a mobile site in Germany.

shortwave (at) gmx.de

Looks like the band is shutting down so we are calling it a day (or night here in Germany!)

Thanks to those who heard us and thanks to those that didn't but tried.

AW and Chris Ise.........over and out


Nice !..........We are staying on for a while longer now our signal is dropping in across the pond.
Power is around 50-60 watts.


Andy Walker and Crazy Chris LIVE from the bunker  ;)

Well..........If America's greatest Dxer says he has our carrier, then it must be true  ;D

Cheers Chris.
We are still on air in AM mode, staying on for at least another hour, if it gets better, we'll stay a bit longer.

Broadcast Announcements / Re: CWR testing on 15075
« on: April 16, 2017, 2100 UTC »
Seems the band has closed, so we are calling it a day.

Now off air.

Thanks for trying

AW (and Chris Ise)

Broadcast Announcements / Re: CWR testing on 15075
« on: April 16, 2017, 1959 UTC »
We can see our carrier on two Kiwi sdr's, one in Brazil and one in Iceland.

Up into the sky our signal goes, where it lands, no one knows !!


Broadcast Announcements / CWR testing on 15075
« on: April 16, 2017, 1935 UTC »
Crazy Wave Radio now testing on 15075kHz with aprox 40 watts.
Give it a go, hey .....you never know ?


This is a bit of a long shot, but we are leaving our pre-recorded show running through the night. (Sat 15th April)
CWR (Crazy Wave Radio) is broadcasting on 7517kHz using only 18 watts from
a forest/woods site high on a hill using a 90Ah car battery.

Give it a go, you never know ?!!!!

Happy Easter from Chris Ise and Andy Walker ....(Germany calling)

shortwave (at) gmx.de

European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: CWR 6245 and 7480
« on: December 24, 2013, 1141 UTC »
Moved to 6245, still in // with 7480

European Pirates and Private Stations / CWR 6200 and 7480
« on: December 24, 2013, 0907 UTC »
On air now, should be on most of the day.

European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: CWR on 15100 kHz right now
« on: November 23, 2013, 1640 UTC »
on 6300 now

European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: CWR on 15100 kHz right now
« on: November 23, 2013, 1631 UTC »
Thx Dim Bulb...we stop the test in a few minutes and go on 48m

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