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Messages - William Hassig

Pages: 1 ... 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 [160] 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 ... 191
I hear it here in Chicagoland barely poking above the rising noise level. I hear music but can't understand anything the DJ says. R2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0150utc, fair sig, playing "never can goodbye", some local QRM DE intermod from nearby Chicago 50kw flamethrowers on 670, 720, 780 and 1000, R2000 & dipole.  

Good sig and audio, jazz tune, something about rhinestones, now playing "king size papa", R2000 & dipole.  

Tuned in at 0056 and heard harmonica music, now a big band swing tune, poor/weak sig, R2000 & dipole.

I'v been listening to this since 0010utc, finally ID'd at 0045utc as Liquid Radio, signal had improved to fair but now faded out, QRM DE pescadores on lower side, playing new age/new wave music from early 1980's, R2000 & dipole. 

I hear talking on 6945am, weak sig, talker said "1600 square feet", R2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0010, weak sig, I hear it in AM, hear pop music, also hear pescadores on lower side, R2000 & dipole. (edit) now playing old rock tune "we're an american band" at 0019utc. (2nd edit) hear ID as Liquid Radio at 0045utc, now playing new age music from early 1980's. 

Try looking at estate sale sites. A few years ago I got a used Kenwood R2000 for $100 at an estate sale. I also got 2 scanners for $15 each at that sale.

Tuned in at 0102, heard Amos and Andy, poor/weak just at noise level, R2000 & dipole.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XLR8 on 6955 USB @ 0040 FEB 27
« on: February 27, 2016, 0053 UTC »
Tuned in at 0051utc, weak but nice and clear in Chicagoland with some moderate selective fading, Heavy metal music, R2000 & dipole. (edit) just heard ID as XLR8.

FM Free Radio / Re: faint signal @ 87.740mhz in NY
« on: February 13, 2016, 0130 UTC »
@ff and @EliteData,
Now that is just plain crazy. Don't the politicians in NY state have anything better to do? They should go after the thieves of wall street that made so many people homeless, penniless, jobless, bankrupt and hopelessly in debt.

About 15 or 20 years ago I heard France Inter on 162 on a cold December night back before the noise level rose because of a multitude of digital devices. I was stationed in Germany in the USAF in 1968 and 1969 and remember it was on 164 back then before the worldwide frequency readjustment in the early 1980's when they revised LW down by two and MW up by one to be evenly divisible by 9 for each req. Here in the Americas we had nothing to do with the freq readjustment because our MW freqs were already evenly divisible by ten from almost day one.   

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Strange Behavior Near 20KHz
« on: February 06, 2016, 0048 UTC »
WWV is on 60khz. That is what my so called "atomic clocks" synchronize to. Long ago WWV was also on 20khz but gave it up some time ago.

Tuned in at 0020utc, now playing "dirty love" by Frank Zappa, DSB causes slow heterodyne between the 2 recovered audios, R8 & dipole.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Liquid Radio 6925AM 2/5/16 2347z
« on: February 06, 2016, 0015 UTC »
Tuned in at 2345utc, poor sig, just above low noise level, heard dance music then rock music, R8 & dipole.

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