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Topics - R4002

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26945 FM 26.945 MHz FM - FSK Telemetry or Paging Pager System (multiple signals on frequency)
26960 FM 26.960 MHz FM - FSK Telemetry or Paging Pager System (multiple signals on frequency)
27115 FM 27.115 MHz FM - Russian speaking OM chatter
27135 AM 27.135 MHz AM - Russian speaking OM chatter
27135 FM 27.135 MHz FM - Russian OMs chatting, mixing with AM signals on same frequency
27155 FM 27.155 MHz FM - Weak(ish) NFM signals on frequency
27175 FM 27.175 MHz FM - Russian speaking OM chatter


Band appears to be waking up this morning - 1245 UTC / 0845 local time.

26225 USB 26.225 MHz USB - Spanish language, Mexican accents, known SSB "low channel" frequency
26345 AM 26.345 MHz AM - Spanish language, YL with roger beep - possibly taxi dispatcher
26485 AM 26.485 MHz AM - Spanish language, weak - known Latin American freebander frequency
26525 AM 26.525 MHz AM - Spanish language, mixing in with SSB traffic on same frequency
26525 LSB 26.525 MHz LSB - Spanish language, likely QSY from 26555 LSB
26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Spanish language SSB DX calling frequency, very busy (see also: 27455 USB)
26565 AM 26.565 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter, Mexican accents and Caribbean accents
26585 AM 26.585 MHz AM - Mexican trucker freeband channel, sporadic signals heard
26705 AM 26.705 MHz AM - Puerto Rico and other locations heard, similar to 26715 AM
26715 AM 26.715 MHz AM - Puerto Rico and other locations heard, very big signals

26965-27405 - legal 40 CB channels, very very busy, noted Puerto Rico active on 27.065 AM (CB channel 9) and SSB activity on 27.365 LSB, 27.375 LSB, 27.385 LSB and 27.395 LSB.  Activity noted on numerous AM channels.  27.200 MHz USB currently quiet...

27440 USB 27.440 MHz USB - Weak SSB activity heard, UNID language/user
27455 USB 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language DX calling frequency, very busy
27465 AM - 27.465 MHz AM - Same test signals heard on 27.485 at 1306 UTC
27485 AM - 27.485 MHz AM - Carrier, followed by carrier modulated by 1000Hz tone at 1302 UTC
27495 LSB 27.495 MHz LSB - English language, Caribbean accents
27500 LSB 27.500 MHz LSB - English language, Caribbean accents - with roger beeps
27500 USB 27.500 MHz USB - English language chatter, Caribbean accents (weak)
27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB - Jamaican stations and other Caribbean activity - English language, very busy
27575 AM 27.575 MHz AM - Tail end of AM transmission heard, UNID user

348LR067 and 348LR002 working numerous stations on 27550 USB 27.550 MHz - including 9 division (Mexico), 2 division (USA), heard Portugal and several other stations on frequency.

27.555 USB was very busy earlier, but the band appears to be closing

Active band this afternoon:

26305 AM 26.305 MHz AM- Spanish language, Latin American trucker/freebander channel
26485 AM 26.485 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter
26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Spanish language, this is the "low band" counterpart to 27.455 MHz USB
26575 AM 26.575 MHz AM - Spanish language, sporadic signals
26585 AM 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter - Mexican trucker and freeband CB low channel / AM channel
26605 AM 26.605 MHz AM - Spanish language, Mexican accents
26665 AM 26.665 MHz AM - Strong AM signal here for a few seconds, presumably related to 26.705 AM/26.715 AM
26715 AM 26.715 MHz AM - Spanish language, Puerto Rico big radios channel
26845 AM 26.845 MHz AM - "meetings" - probably a US-based station
26885 AM 26.885 MHz AM - "ohhh!" "HOLLLAAAAAAA"

26965-27405 - legal 40 CB channels - very busy

27425 USB 27.425 MHz USB - Spanish language
27455 USB 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language DX channel, very very busy
27460 USB 27.460 MHz USB - Spanish language heard, roger beep and noise toys
27465 USB 27.465 MHz USB - Weak SSB signal heard, sounds like SS OMs chatting
27475 USB 27.475 MHz USB - Spanish language activity, Mexican accents 27545
27485 USB 27.485 MHz USB - More SS OMs, very busy
27490 USB 27.490 MHz USB - Spanish language chatter
27495 USB 27.495 MHz USB - "CQ 11 meters, hello!" (in Spanish)
27500 USB 27.500 MHz USB - Spanish language, weak
27505 USB 27.505 MHz USB - "2014, QSL, John?"  -  Caribbean accented English heard at 2029 UTC
27510 USB 27.510 MHz USB - JOSIE (read phonetically) SIO 444 heard at 2030 UT27515C, working unreadable station
27515 AM 27.515 MHz AM -  YL dispatcher, likely taxi cab dispatcher (have heard her numerous times before on this frequency)
27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB - Heavily accented Jamaican stations
27520 USB 27.520 MHz USB - French language chatter heard, mention of "Guadelupe", good signals
27525 USB 27.525 MHz USB - Spanish
27535 USB 27.535 MHz USB - 3AT282 CQ West Indies - "hello CQ West Indies...3 Alpha Tango Two-Eighty-Two"
27545 USB 27.545 MHz USB - heard "West Indies" clearly, didn't copy an ID27580
27550 USB 27.550 MHz USB - 348LR067 working 9SD200 and numerous others, including a station in Portugal
27555 USB 27.555 MHz USB - Several stations heard at points, international calling frequency, MCW CW also heard
27560 USB 27.560 MHz USB - Weak signal heard, possibly Caribbean accented English
27570 USB 27.570 MHz USB - French language heard, SIO 333 to SIO 444
27575 USB 27.575 MHz USB - heard "Romeo Charlie" and "Sugar Delta" DX club IDs (in Spanish)
27580 USB 27.580 MHz USB - English language, heavy Caribbean accents
27585 USB 27.585 MHz USB - Spanish language chatter
27595 USB 27.595 MHz USB - "CQ 11 metros" (Spanish language heard) - 10AB [unreadable]
27600 USB 27.600 MHz USB - Spanish language, then English heard (Caribbean accents)
27615 AM 27.615 MHz AM - Spanish-speaking signals, OMs with roger beeps, possibly taxi cabs or truckers
27625 USB 27.625 MHz USB - Spanish language, poor copy
27655 USB 27.655 MHz USB - Spanish language, fair to weak copy
27670 USB 27.670 MHz USB - Spanish, weak but can hear 3-4 other stations on top of each other
27675 USB 27.675 MHz USB - Spanish language
27695 LSB 27.695 MHz LSB - Spanish language, known Latin American freebander channel
27695 USB 27.695 MHz USB - Spanish language chatter
27705 USB 27.705 MHz USB - Spanish language, poor signals
27710 USB 27.710 MHz USB - French language
27715 USB 27.715 MHz USB - French language, decent signal at points, heavy QSB
27765 USB 27.765 MHz USB - Spanish language, sporadic signal
27855 USB 27.855 MHz USB - Spanish language, poor signals
27915 AM 27.915 MHz AM - Spanish language, presumably truckers

Weak FM signal on 29600 29.600 MHz,

29620 FM 29.620 MHz FM 29.62 MHz FM active with YL and OM operators having a QSO, noted repeater tone burst at the end of the transmissions...am yet to hear a callsign or repeater ID

Checking some KiwiSDRs

W3HFU KiwiSDR - Westminster, MD - band fairly quiet, but some Latin American activity coming in, including taxi cabs on 25 MHz and 26 MHz and somebody playing sound effects and music clips on 28005.0 AM (with Spanish language over it, lots of echo too!) - CBers on 10 meters

25695 AM - 25.695 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatcher, YL dispatch lady talking to OM driver, roger beeps heard (poor copy)
26035 AM - 26.035 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatcher, YL reading numbers with roger beep, good copy
26365 AM - 26.365 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter, poor copy - possible taxi cab dispatch
26375 AM - 26.375 MHz AM - UNID Spanish language chatter, presumably Latin American taxis or truckers
26395 AM - 26.395 MHz AM - Spanish language QSO
26405 AM - 26.405 MHz AM - Spanish language, weak
26415 AM - 26.415 MHz AM - Spanish language, two OMs chatting, poor copy
26475 AM - 26.475 MHz AM - Spanish language - two OMs having a QSO, Mexican accents
26485 AM - 26.485 MHz AM - Very weak AM signal noted, unable to copy language
26565 AM - 26.565 MHz AM - Spanish language OMs, Mexican accents
26575 AM - 26.575 MHz AM - Spanish language, not as busy at 26.585 AM but similar signal strengths
26585 AM - 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language - Mexican trucker freeband frequency, very busy at points
26715 AM - 26.715 MHz AM - Puerto Rico and other locations BOOMING in at 1520 UTC, 1522 UTC
26765 AM - 26.765 MHz AM - English language, US stations, southern accents
26935 AM - 26.935 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch, YL dispatcher and OM driver heard, with roger beeps at 1408 UTC

numerous in-band channels active, not listing them on this log due to the amount of out of band activity

27455 USB - 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language SSB calling channel (similar to 26555 LSB) - active with several signals at once
27545 AM - 27.545 MHz AM - Spanish language, lots of noise toys and sound effects heard, including the Mario Bros. theme song
27655 LSB - 27.655 MHz LSB - Spanish language with end of transmission roger beep
27755 AM - 27.755 MHz AM - Spanish-speaking OMs, one station off-frequency on 27756.2
27765 AM - 27.765 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatcher, YL reading numbers with roger beep - Spanish language
27785 AM - 27.785 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter, OM operators - possibly truckers or similar considering their use of AM
27875 AM - 27.875 MHz AM - "616" "615" heard (OM dispatcher with roger beep)
28005 AM - 28.005 MHz AM - Spanish language, music and sound FX heard at 1417 UTC

Around 1425 UTC or so, the band seemed to close a bit, this might have been a short-lived Sporadic-E opening

Checked back in at 1450 UTC

So I noticed that in addition to Highland Falls, NY 27.255 MHz FSK network, there are at least two other KiwiSDRs that have FSK data burst networks local to them.  The signals on these are identical to the signals noted on the Highland Falls, NY KiwiSDR (WB2EEE).

*N1NTE-1 Holland, MA (grid FN32) 42.032759 N, 72139970 W - 27.255 MHz - strong to fair to weak FSK data bursts, same format as the other receivers, much wider range of signal strengths, possibly indicating multiple systems with coverage overlapping this receiver's RX range capability

*WA2ZKD/1 Rockport, Maine (grid FN54le) 44.175034 N, 69.079214 W - 27.255 MHz - strong FSK bursts

*N2LAW Brookline, New Hampshire (grid FN42dr) 42.711372 N, 71.669474 W - 27.255 MHz - strong to fair FSK bursts, same format as the Highland Falls, NY and Rockport Maine KiwiSDRs.

Rockport, Maine and Brookline, New Hampshire are about 175 miles straightline distance from each other...and, as I'm typing this, the band appears to be almost entirely closed at those locations so the presumption is that the 27255 systems are within a 10-20 mile radius of the receiver locations.

There are a lot of receivers to look through...I am currently on another KiwiSDR in Jumonville, PA and 27255 is clear except for local AM CB chatter.  I am noticing a fair amount of out of band 11 meter activity, especially on 27505 AM, 27510 USB, 27535 AM, 27555 USB, 27560 USB, 27615 AM and 27630 USB but given the lack of any other activity on the band I would venture that the activity I'm hearing is somewhat local (unless the band is starting to wake up at 20:25 UTC - 20:30 UTC.

Maybe the band is starting to wake up after all.  Numerous new signals popping up in the legal 40 CB band 26965-27405 (the Usual Suspects, 27025 AM, 27085 AM, 27265 AM and 27285 AM active) and several additional active frequencies in the 27410-28000 range showing up on the Jumonville PA KiwiSDR.  27445 LSB, 27455 USB and some others.  27255 now has a strong AM QSO going on it, no sign of the familiar FSK bursts though.

I will continue to check SDRs in my free time and update this list accordingly.  Consider it a work in progress to see how many of these systems on 27255 (and the other Part 95 RC frequencies - 26.995, 27.045, 27.095, 27.145 and 27.195) are local to these KiwiSDRs.

*Izhevsk city Izhevsk, Russia | Grid LO66ou:  26.945 MHz and 26.960 MHz - near-constant FSK paging or data burst datalink system


-WB2EEE Highland Falls, NY - 27255 27.255 MHz FSK - local FSK data link
-N1NTE-1 Holland, MA (grid FN32) 42.032759 N, 72139970 W - 27255 27.255 MHz FSK - local/semi-local FSK data link(s)
-WA2ZKD/1 Rockport, ME (grid FN54le) 44.175034 N, 69.079214 W - 27255 27.255 MHz FSK - local FSK data link
-N2LAW Brookline, NH (grid FN42dr) 42.711372 N, 71.669474 W - 27255 27.255 MHz FSK - local FSK data link
-Izhevsk, Russia (grid LO66ou) - 26945 26.945 MHz FSK - local FSK data link, different format compared to the "standard"
-Izhevsk, Russia (grid LO66ou) - 26960 26.960 MHz FSK - local FSK data link, different format compared to the "standard"


26945 FM - 26.945 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely pager systems (numerous signals on frequency)
26960 FM - 26.960 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely pager systems (numerous signals on frequency)
27055 FM - 27.055 MHz FM - Weak FM signals
27075 FM - 27.075 MHz FM - Weak FM signals
27115 FM - 27.115 MHz FM - OM speaking Russian, roger BLEEP
27125 FM - 27.125 MHz FM - Weak FM signals noted
27135 AM - 27.135 MHz AM - Russian language, OMs heard, local (??) carrier signal on 27134.9, very busy channel
27145 FM - 27.145 MHz FM - OM and YL heard, possibly taxi dispatch or taxi controller
27175 FM - 27.175 MHz FM - Russian language, OMs heard, good signals
27215 FM - 27.215 MHz FM - Very busy channel
27250 FM - 27.250 MHz FM - Weak signals (FM signals)
27405 FM - 27.405 MHz FM - FM signal noted, didn't tune to it in time
27505 FM - 27.505 MHz FM - Possible taxi cab dispatcher? 

1030 UTC / 1430 local

Even more ISM hooks all over the 26-28 MHz region on the waterfall today.  A couple of them are actually within the 26957-27283 ISM region. The 26.945 MHz and 26.960 MHz paging systems are, as to be expected, super busy.  26945 especially so.  The 27200 FM guys were really strong.  27135 AM (channel 15 AM) is apparently used like 27185 AM is here in the USA.

26945 kHz FM - 26.945 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely paging systems (numerous signals on frequency)
26960 kHz FM - 26.960 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely paging systems (numerous signals on frequency)
27125 kHz FM - 27.125 MHz FM - Weak FM signal, including several seconds of unmodulated carrier
27130 kHz FM - 27.130 MHz FM - Sounds like taxi cab dispatch
27135 kHz AM - 27.135 MHz AM - Two OM CBers chatting, fair signals - busy nearly constantly
27195 kHz FM - 27.195 MHz FM - Weak FM signals on frequency, some QRM from the 27.200 MHz guys
27200 kHz FM - 27.200 MHz FM - Two OM CBers chatting, very strong signals, SIO 555 nice FM audio
27255 kHz FM - 27.255 MHz FM - Caught tail end of a FM voice transmission in Russia
27585 kHz FM - 27.585 MHz FM - Weak YL voice heard, presumed taxi dispatcher/ taxi controller 27.585 FM

LO66ou grid, Izhevsk Russia

Band pretty quiet this evening (2300 local time likely explains why) - but the 26.945 MHz and 26.960 MHz paging systems were very busy.  26.960 MHz had signals on it nearly nonstop.  Lots of "hooks" (ISM signals) both within and above and below the 26957 - 27283 ISM band. 

26945 kHz FM - 26.945 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely paging systems (numerous signals on frequency)
26960 kHz FM - 26.960 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely paging systems (numerous signals on frequency)
27130 kHz FM - 27.130 MHz FM - YL taxi dispatcher (I think) - taxi cab controller
27135 KHz FM - 27.135 MHz FM - CBer, Russian (obviously) - much stronger than the 27130 signal
27225 kHz AM - 27.225 MHz AM - OM CB operator heard, weak signal
27645 kHz FM - 27.645 MHz FM - Taxi cab dispatch, YL dispatcher (weak)

Hearing two Spanish-speaking OMs on 27.065 MHz AM - 27065 AM - CB channel 9.  Strangely, 26585 AM, 26705 AM, 26715 AM are all quiet...but 27065 AM is busy.

The rest of the band is basically dead at the moment..

Morning activity - not sure if the band is starting to wake up or if this is just sporadic-E

25695 AM - YL taxi cab dispatcher with roger BLEEP
25745 AM - Spanish language, presumed taxi cab dispatch
26175 AM - OM and YL chatting, Spanish language, possibly also a taxi dispatcher (weak)
26205 AM - YL taxi dispatcher - Spanish language
26365 AM - Spanish language, weak, OMs chatting...possibly truckers, does not sound like taxi cab dispatch lady
26455 AM - Spanish language chatter with roger beeps, possibly a taxi dispatcher
26515 AM - Spanish language, very weak
26565 AM - Spanish speaking OM heard
26585 AM - Spanish language, multiple stations at points, Mexican trucker and taxi common channel
26665 AM - Spanish language, weak
26705 AM - Spanish language, heard mention of Puerto Rico (the usual suspects here - expect 26715 AM and others)
26935 AM - UNID, AM voice activity, weak
27015 AM - Spanish language - CB channel 5


Heard several stations chatting on 26815 AM 26.815 MHz AM before I started the video recording.  I actually was able to speak to two of the stations (after I stopped recording) using the CRE 8900 radio in the video...and the antenna I used was less than ideal for sure.  Transmitter power output is around 8-10 watts AM carrier power, good band conditions recently on 11 meters. 



Recorded during a big band opening on 11 meters back on 06/14/20. 

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