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Messages - Dxcan

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coming into Daysland, Alberta with a booming signal...just pumping that RF out with 'walking' theme songs, from 0125 tune-in
with ballads such as Walk of Life by Dire Straits (one of my favorites), Walk away Renee, way the go Wolverine Radio on that massive signal
and audio quality

Edward Kusalik ;)

ID's given as "WPOD - White Punk Radio..... North American Service to the World"... CW ID @ 0143 hrs. and comments by female voice...hope you enjoy the show' and then Interval signature of WPOD ..white punk ____ Show...repeated shows. 0150 Rock'n'Roll Radio show followed with Pop song 'Video Killed the Radio Store'

Nice signal.... clean audio...great show !!!

Coming at 0128 hours with Hip/hop rock music, caught an ID @ 0131 for WPOD and the a skit on 'jobs for the Best' with comments by Charles
Degaul...ask any Frenchmen?..more great music followed....
Nice audio and signal in USB.....

Noted here into Central Alberta with a nice signal dispute the noise level creeping up in level from 0211 hrs....best heard on the 200 foot longwire (non terminated)....

Radio True North coming with a massive signal with another GREAT Program. Noted from 02:10 with "Pump up the Volume" Hip-HOP, Time check's, ID's and e-mail address. Mentioned Base lover's and TJ Happy Mix group.and more with this phrase...'never know on what you might hear'

Many THANKS for another fabulous show !!!!

Edward Kusalik
Daysland, Alberta
recovering from three days of attending a Municipal Affairs Conference in Calgary...

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: R True North 6960 AM 0132z 9/20/15
« on: September 20, 2015, 0217 UTC »
Nice signal here into Daysland, Alberta.....great audio, great music what more.....

Thanks for the GREAT SHOW, Radio True North, from somewhere in the Great North (Canada hah !)

Edward Kusalik

Totally gone by 0231 hours ...just a faint carrier in USB

6925 AM Mode, Radio True North coming in at 0215 with opening announcements @ 0221 hrs, with promotions and e-mail address as radiotruenorth@gmail.com. Welcomed comments and reception conditions. Beach Boys with 'Good Vibrations' @ 0224 hrs. Signal good (s-5-s6)tonight initially but fading out at times (by 0227) signal almost lost in the noise floor....must be strange conditions again tonight

Edward Kusalik
down here in Daysland..Alberta

Barely being heard here just above  the noise floor with musical variety...gone at 0228 * or just fade out?

my apologizes for the delay ...but gremlin problems with the computer....

Hear a nice clean audio signal up here in Alberta from 0316 to 0355 hrs, with greetings to numerous listener's, promotion for the Radio Cafe, HFU Underground and gave their e-mail address. Music varied and featured some Christian Music Scene as  "walk in the cave" @0324. Even gave a promotion for Chicken Man ventures. I believe the theme for this night's broadcast was Gloried  Audio Masturbation - the question of the night?

Anyway, a Great program and a great signal...Thank you for the show !

Edward Kusalik


Heard some programming from 0456 with some kind of Bells tolling, then what I thought i heard was closing announcements but copy pretty rough from the static clashes. Station went off the air at 0503 hrs.

My apologizes for not posting this earlier but sort of battling the summer time flu bug ...

Edward Kusalik

6945USB heard from 0320 to 0353* sign-off, with a non-descriptive show of selections. Signal just making it up here into Alberta, but managed to catch the sign-off announcements and mentioned the HFU website. Using a new GAP Hear it in-Line Module accessory to pull the signal out of the noise clashes tonight....

Thank you for the show !
Edward Kusalik

Heard Radio True North with another great program on the evening of the 11th ( 12th UTC) from 04:36 hours, with ID's and again 80's theme music.
Signal was not as massive as the last transmission but still a solid s4 to s5 into Daysland.Alberta

Receiver a reply from the operator (radiotruenorth@gmail.com) and he was hoping to come on again with this transmission, and to included some of music requests from the early eighties.

This to the operator who provides a very entertaining program...THANK YOU !!!

Edward Kusalik

Radio True North with a massive signal (s7 to s9) and great 'crisp' audio from 0445 to 0515 UTC on 6955 in AM Mode.

The program was 80's theme ( selection such as  'Girls night out' by Toronto - nice one)and caught ID's and their e-mail as radiotruenorth@gmail.com

THANK YOU again for a trip down memory lane...

Edward Kusalik

Managed to catch a positive ID at 02:54 as 'hope you are enjoying the show..on Liquid Radio' , then thump-thump Dance Music followed....
Signal coming and going but if is QRP is sure making a good try out here into Alberta !!

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