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Messages - Pigmeat

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I could never figure out why Cousin Roy up and moved to Arlington? Abingdon? Well that's logical, it's a cultural Mecca and not trashy and full of riff-raff like Arlington. Plus, you've got  Oak Hill Academy over in Mouth of Wilson, the finest prep school basketball factory in the country.

What good ever came out of Arlington? Half the residents have rabbit fever. Living up there must have taken decades off Roy's life. RIP Roy.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Really good propagation lately
« on: October 10, 2017, 0038 UTC »
MW has been quiet and wide open here the past 3-4 nights. I hope all the rain doesn't change the effective ground and futz things up.

Now that is an interesting way to get radio frequency burns.....climbing up or down a metal fire escape stairway while 400 watts are transmitted into it.....  ;D

LOL! I was just thinking I'd hate to have been the teenager sneaking out down the fire escape when he fired that thing up!

Huh? / Re: Damn you Nibiru!
« on: October 09, 2017, 2323 UTC »
Well, the manatee is dead and someone may be in trouble. The neighbor's wife came back from vacation, saw it in her pool, and shot it in a fit of jealousy. That brought the cops and the DNR out. It turns out it wasn't a common Carlise's manatee, it was the rare Ronstadt's manatee, known only to inhabit impoundment's in Arizona and Southern California, seasonally, where it's known as, "The manatee that marches to a different drum."

"Linda" as she's become known will be the main course at this year's annual critter dinner. The police have the note and are looking for the girls. They said the author had the handwriting of a known anti-penguin activist and dragger of feet when it comes to popping the question.

As for me I'm stuck with two sets of Mormon women's honeymoon undergarments that set me back twelve dollars and forty-eight cents. If get my money back I may forget who this "Al" character is.

Sanjay and Harald Krishna of PIR plan to up the ante on their end and provide service to Montreal I understand.

Sanjay's up to the minute weather reports by looking out the window were years ahead of their time. Doppler radar still can't beat him.

Off topic, how many people were posting on the old FRN as Sanjay in the pre-password days? Some days there would be three or four of them going at it. By Ganesha's great hanging gonads, it was a jumble, by Jove!

For Sale / Wanted / Barter / Re: T-368
« on: October 08, 2017, 1624 UTC »
I believe the T-368 was a 400-watt carrier. Must weigh somewhere around 1 pound per watt or more, lol.

Fair Radio Sales was pushing these in the '80s... It was purportedly used by a lot of rebel-type stations in Central and/or South America.

LOL. I just logged into say I once saw one at Fair Radio. It was about the size of the larger old fashioned "Coca-Cola" cooler machine stood on it's end and looked like it probably weighed as much as one of those 40's era machines stocked full.  You know who would have liked it, it had big knobs.

Yeah, there's something there, but it sounds like a raging catfight with them and our friends at sea both on the frequency.

General Radio Discussion / Re: We're doing it this time.
« on: October 06, 2017, 1325 UTC »
Back in the days when Men were Men, and Giants walked the earth, the FRN had a failure that shut it down. In an attempt to fill the gap, someone set up a similar site, trying to continue the FRN tradition.

Someone else saw this as an opportunity, and registered with this new site as "Commander Bunny", before the "real thing" had a chance. The "real thing" was apoplectic when it found that it couldn't use this identity, and raged many accusations, all wrong.

Not long after, the FRN was restored, and, of course, the FRN is no longer an important part of Pirate Radio. Still, the mystery persists.

You forgot, "And goats were nervous." after mentioning men and giants.

I wonder what happened to those silly rabbits? I know one is still around despite being diagnosed with "terminal inoperable and untreatable cancer" and given mere weeks to live over a dozen years ago. Perhaps the nearby Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach dreamed him up a cure? Or maybe Pat "Hurricane" Robertson laid hands on the afflicted area? I guess we'll never know?

You and your perplexing philosophical questions are what make this site great, Al.  It's why I came here when the old FRN admin gave you the boot. I told them, "No Fansome, no Pigmeat." and left. The place collapsed shortly after and this board has thrived. Let's face it, we're Pirate Radio Gods, Al.

General Radio Discussion / Re: We're doing it this time.
« on: October 04, 2017, 2232 UTC »
Ha! I beat Fansome!

2251 6972.95 Carrier and perhaps traces of audio. As per the Radio Pirana operator, this is a Latin American pirate they call "Lupo". I think I'll be sitting on this frequency for a while  ;D
2256 Now I am hearing music

That's interesting, Chris. I've heard a weak station there on and off for years. I always put it down to a mixing problem due to a number of MW sticks in close proximity to my house? 23:00 is roughly the time I've heard around the equinoxes.

General Radio Discussion / Re: We're doing it this time.
« on: October 04, 2017, 0901 UTC »
Are we there yet?

Yup, you saw what happened with the Catalonian referendum. Just when you thought Generalissimo Francisco Franco was surely dead, he pops out of his bunker under that giant cross in the "Valley of The Fallen" and shows everyone who is still running the show. Those goat placenta shots worked wonders for him, you should try them, Al.

The Guardia Seville wears those silly hats for a reason. When you start laughing and pointing at their hats, they whack you in the head, those tricky Falangists!

I wonder if he lacks a pre-amp for the mic and a compressor/limiter for his live set up? Pre-recorded shows in today's world of audio software are fairly easy to pull off, doing it live takes a little more knowledge and prep to get it to sound good.

Huh? / Re: RIP Tom Petty
« on: October 03, 2017, 0649 UTC »
Nothing from the Grim Fansome? He must still be holding a grudge against Tom due to Belinda's teenage crush on Petty. He once told me, "Richard Petty I could understand, but Tom? He enunciates worse than Bob Dylan and wears funny hats. I don't think he can even drive a stick? He strikes me as an automatic man and you know how they are."

I heard an announcement from Petty a few weeks back that this would be the Heartbreakers last tour. The gist was they'd been playing 200 plus gigs a year since the mid-70's and he wasn't up to it anymore.

Huh? / Al, there will be no further remakes of "Sex In The City"
« on: October 01, 2017, 0716 UTC »
with the original cast. Sarah Jessica Parker is now free to play the role she was born for, that of "Mr. Ed" in the eponymous TV series remake of the 60's classic. Will Matthew Broderick play "Wilbur"? Negotiations are going on as I write this.

It's a little known fact that the original Mr. Ed was played by a filly, too. It's funny how things come full circle. Do pass the feedbag and the Wilburinee, Alfy.

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