0213Z 25442 S6 Live Op + Red Mercury Labs ID (S5 noise)
0215Z 25442 S6 The Fixx "Red Skies"
0218Z 25432 S6 Live Op. ID + email. Spike in his spare time has created a concoction he calls "Oktoberfest." He's created a beer that is second to none. It is in a league all of its own. It is the Octoberest Oktobest to die for.
0223Z 25432 S6 AC/DC "You Shook Me All Night Long"
0227Z 25432 S6 Live Op: This day in history: Marie Antoinnete was guillotined on today back in 1793. John Paul II became Pope 1978. In 2002, North Korea disclosed their nuclear program.
0231Z 25432 S6 Live "Lightning Crashes"
0238Z 25432 S6 Live Op. More history. In 1781 Gen Washington takes Yorktown. They're running about 12 knots, but going in circles. Spike sez that carbonation is a magical thing. Soda has forced carbonation. Spike's absolutely exceptional Oktoberfest has natural carbonation.
0242Z 25432 S6 Peter Gabriel "Big Time"
0247Z 25432 S6 Live Op. ID. On 6940 upper sideband, the manliest of modes.
0256Z 25432 S6 Iron Maiden "Where Eagles Dare"
0303Z 25432 S6 Live Op
0310Z 35433 S7 Beastie Boys "Sabotage"
0314Z 25432 S6 Live Op
0315Z 35433 S7 The Traveling Wilburys "End Of The Line"
0319Z 25432 S6 Live Op. "Any Whigs out there? Would like to hear from ya if there are. Andy: Where is the annual pirate radio book?"
0324Z 35433 S7 Boys Don't Cry "I Wanna Be A Cowboy"
0332Z 35433 S7 Live Op. Still drinking Spike's Oktoberfest. 32 minutes past the hour on 6940 upper sideband, the manliest of modes.
0332Z Off
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop