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Messages - skeezix

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Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC 7375 kHz Oct 20, 2013 0000Z
« on: October 20, 2013, 0001 UTC »
Uncle Eric is on with another installment of The Giant Jukebox. S9+20

10/11 meters / Re: Another great day for 11m 19 Oct 2013
« on: October 19, 2013, 2233 UTC »
Didn't catch any FMers or anything of interest.

While waiting for the unknown carrier to show up on 26875, was listening to some guy on 26905 AM droning on & on. He claimed was using a 1kW linear with "a bunch" of 8950s.

MW Loggings / UNID 1690 kHz October 19, 2202Z
« on: October 19, 2013, 2207 UTC »
Its been coming & going over the past few months. Today is different...

At 2201Z and ID! Yes an ID!  :o  "WRIT HD-2 Milwaukee"  ???

Well its something, I guess. Probably streaming from WRIT's site and pumping it out on 1690 here. So, for now its still UNID.

2304Z Off.

Utility / Re: Wideband, High-Pulse Radar
« on: October 19, 2013, 2119 UTC »
Heard the carrier on 23180 at 2118Z.

It went away at 2119Z, but looked like it kinda pathetically died instead of cleanly off. Interestingly, a chirp sounder did its thing shortly after and could see it on the waterfall from 23090 and it stopped at 23180 (waterfall went up to 23210, so I have no idea if it really ended at 23180 or there's just a large gap).

Nothing heard on any of the other listed freqs 2119-2123Z.

2125Z carrier on 24450. Only S5 and has deep fades.
2128Z 24450 carrier faded out.
2135Z carrier on 26875
2142Z 26875 carrier faded out.

Shortwave Broadcast / R Marti 23860 kHz AM October 19, 2013 1949Z
« on: October 19, 2013, 1950 UTC »
1949Z 25422 S6 OM talking in Spanish. Frequent mentions of Cuba.
1948Z 23860  // 11930 // 13820
2000Z 35423 S8 ID Radio Marti.
2001Z 23860 // 11930 // 9565   (13820 off)

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop

0315Z 35443 S9 Live Op + ID. "6935 upper sideband, definitely the manliest of modes."
0315Z 45444 S9 The Cars "It's All I Can Do"
0319Z 45444 S9 Previous song broke up? Then into the next one -
0319Z 45444 S9 Johnny Cash "I Walk The Line"
0322Z 45444 S9 Live Op. Putting out 115W. Something is huge, HUGE! (I missed what it was... sorry). Unusually strong tonight. "Colder than a witch's t*t in a brass bra." Location is unknown as they're floating about the high seas. The something that was huge is a pair of tube. They're Huge! They're new old stock and if he fires 'em up it'll be an EMP. And the two tubes would make a great QSL picture. Would like to know what they are as there are no numbers on them. The copper is no even oxidized and the anodes are massive. Can't crank up the power as the Yoshi doesn't like it. Has pondered over it over many, many Samuel Adams or Spike's brew, but Yoshi xmtr is special. No heater tonight and don't want any fire in the wires.
0332Z 45444 S9 Ozzy Osbourne "Over The Mountain"
0337Z 45444 S9 Tears For Fears "Head Over Heals"
0342Z 35443 S7 Live Op. Shoutout to Bender, who only has an S1 signal. Shatner talk. The Captain can get it done.
0347Z 15441 S4 David Bowie "Fame"   (signal dropping)
0356Z 15441 S4 Live Op. Signal as dropped considerably. Can tell its RML talking, but not really what is being said. Noise is S5.
0358Z 15441 S- Music now, but unable to ID the song. Guess that's it for MN tonight. S9 to nothin'.   :'(
0402Z 15331 S- RML talking. Unable to discern anything.
0405Z Faded out now... pity.

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop

North American Shortwave Pirate / RGI 6955 USB October 18, 0404Z
« on: October 18, 2013, 0405 UTC »
0404Z 35433 S7 Godspeed You Black Emperor! "Storm"
0409Z 25432 S5 Godspeed You Black Emperor! "Storm"
0420Z 15421 S- Very weak audio, unintelligible.
0421Z 25423 S5 Music

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop

Software / Re: Shortwave Broadcast Schedules Beta 0.0.1b3
« on: October 18, 2013, 0339 UTC »
I also have the Kenwood TS-690S, Yaesu FT-817, FT-840, and FT-847. Maybe a few more. Wish could get it to talk to my Swan 750C, but alas, never to be.

General Radio Discussion / Re: NOO- THE GOVERNMENT IS OPEN AGAIN:(
« on: October 18, 2013, 0333 UTC »
As the recent saying goes: "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste"

Just sayin'.....

0328Z 35433 S7 ID
0328Z 35423 S7 Daft Punk "Around The World"
0336Z 25423 S5 Live Op. Giving shoutouts.   Signal is up & down. From in the noise to very nice.
0340Z 25423 S5 New Order "Blue Monday 88"
0344Z 25423 S5 Blondie "Heart Of Glass"
0348Z 25423 S5 Live Op. Short night, just a few songs and may be off soon.
0349Z 25423 S5 William Shatner "Rocket Man"    Awesome. This is a dream come true: Shatner's "Rocket Man" on shortwave. Now I can die in peace. Thank you RML.
0353Z 25423 S5 Live Op. One more song. On 6940 upper sideband, the manliest of modes."Flash Gordon"
0357Z 25423 S5 Queen "Flash"   Another great one.
0401Z Off

Just a taste tonight, but loved it!  More! MORE! M-O-R-E!

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop

0259Z 35443 S7 Depeche Mode "Policy Of Truth"
0303Z 35443 S7 LCD Soundsystem "North American Scum"
0308Z 35443 S7 The Music "Getaway"
0318Z 35443 S7 Daft Punk "Around The World"
0321Z 35443 S7 Tool "Sober"
0326Z 35443 S7 ID
0326Z Off

0259Z-0310Z: Sony CDX-GT570S car stereo with 31" whip
0318Z+: National NC-183D with 100' wire

On immediately after RML.

0332Z 25432 S6 Coleman Hawkins & Billy Byers Orchestra "The Bean Stalks Again"
0336Z 25432 S6 Ella Fitzgerald "Stone Cold Dead In The Market"
0339Z Song finished.
0341Z Unintelligible voice. Unknown if related to two previous songs or someone else.
0344Z 35433 S7 Bert Kaempfert "A Swingin Safari"

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop

0213Z 25442 S6 Live Op + Red Mercury Labs ID   (S5 noise)
0215Z 25442 S6 The Fixx "Red Skies"
0218Z 25432 S6 Live Op. ID + email. Spike in his spare time has created a concoction he calls "Oktoberfest." He's created a beer that is second to none. It is in a league all of its own. It is the Octoberest Oktobest to die for.
0223Z 25432 S6 AC/DC "You Shook Me All Night Long"
0227Z 25432 S6 Live Op: This day in history: Marie Antoinnete was guillotined on today back in 1793. John Paul II became Pope 1978. In 2002, North Korea disclosed their nuclear program.
0231Z 25432 S6 Live "Lightning Crashes"
0238Z 25432 S6 Live Op. More history. In 1781 Gen Washington takes Yorktown. They're running about 12 knots, but going in circles. Spike sez that carbonation is a magical thing. Soda has forced carbonation. Spike's absolutely exceptional Oktoberfest has natural carbonation.
0242Z 25432 S6 Peter Gabriel "Big Time"
0247Z 25432 S6 Live Op. ID. On 6940 upper sideband, the manliest of modes.
0256Z 25432 S6 Iron Maiden "Where Eagles Dare"
0303Z 25432 S6 Live Op
0310Z 35433 S7 Beastie Boys "Sabotage"
0314Z 25432 S6 Live Op
0315Z 35433 S7 The Traveling Wilburys "End Of The Line"
0319Z 25432 S6 Live Op. "Any Whigs out there? Would like to hear from ya if there are. Andy: Where is the annual pirate radio book?"
0324Z 35433 S7 Boys Don't Cry "I Wanna Be A Cowboy"    ;D
0332Z 35433 S7 Live Op. Still drinking Spike's Oktoberfest. 32 minutes past the hour on 6940 upper sideband, the manliest of modes.
0332Z Off

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S+ loop

Spy Numbers / E11a 987/10 13375 USB Oct 12, 2013 1400-1405Z
« on: October 12, 2013, 1410 UTC »
From the Univ of Twente's SDR. Signal was S9+20

59544 09636 00443 00492 04800 88979 63881 87779 49296 11004

Tried listening at my QTH, but it was in the noise and could only get a couple of numbers.

Yaesu FT-847 with 100' wire

0301Z 35443 S3 Ray Parker Jr "Ghostbusters"
0303Z 35443 S3 Green Day "Holiday"
0307Z 35443 S3 Megadeath "Holy Wars...The Punishment Due"
0314Z 35443 S3 America "A Horse With No Name"
0318Z 25443 S3 Live Op. Shoutout to Wolverine. Spike is digging around.
0321Z 35443 S3 Ozzy Osbourne "Over The Mountain"
0326Z 25443 S2 James Brown "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag"
0328Z 35443 S3 Radiohead "Paranoid Android"
0334Z 25442 S2 Live Op
0335Z 25443 S2 Beastie Boys "Sabotage"
0339Z 35433 S3 The Fixx "Saved By Zero"
0342Z 25432 S2 Live Op. Spike created a concoction. ID.
0344Z 33433 S3 Lynrd Skynrd "Simple Man"   Some QRN showed up. RTTY?
0350Z 15431 S1 Live Op. QRN gone.
0350Z 15431 S1 The Gap Band "You Dropped A Bomb On Me"
0356Z Off

Yaesu FT-847 with 100' wire

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