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Messages - Skipmuck

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2359 UTC "I'll Be Around"-Spinners (S7 carrier but low signal amidst moderate noise, fading, and QRM from peskies on 6919)
0002 UTC "Missing You"-John Waite (Signal at peaks is just above the noise & peskies)
0006 UTC "City of New Orleans"-Arlo Guthrie
THANK YOU FOR THE ID, Molvania Poacher! I could not hear it....
0012 UTC A bit of a fade up..."You're Out of Touch"-Hall & Oates
0015 UTC Unid song (The peskies are annoyingly loud!)
0024 UTC "Take Me to the River"-Talking Heads (I'm listening on USB to get away from the peskies on 6919L))
0032 UTC Scottie 1 SSTV (I had to start it manually)

Thanks for the test and the tunes WWBR! Always a treat to hear your shows!  :)

0157 UTC "Debbie Gibson Is Pregnant With My Two Headed Love Child"-Mojo Nixon
0159 UTC OFF
0201 UTC Back on again with "You Can't Kill Me"-Mojo Nixon
0207 UTC OFF again

Thanks for the quick blast of Mojo Nixon! Here's my recording of the blast!

Just found out now that Mojo Nixon died yesterday, the 7th. RIP Neill McMillan, you were unique and a force to be reckoned with!

0053 UTC Tuned in to an unid electronica song (S9 here with excellent sounding USB audio)
0055 UTC YL with ID...WAVE Radio...Whiskey Alpha Victor Echo, followed by spacey ambient instrumental music
0012 UTC YL DJ chat...My name is Vera (I guess it's Sarah per other posts!)...ride the WAVE, then back to the ethereal ambient music
0020 UTC OM and YL with a whispered ID "W-A-V-E Radio...WAVE Radio"
0130 UTC Music still going strong! (This genre would go well with a Carlos Castaneda novel!)
0140 UTC YL with ID, music, then OFF at 0141 UTC

Thank you for an evening or pleasant space music WAVE! Here's my recording of the show:

2223 UTC Hearing some spacey ambient music...difficult to tune with my old NRD-515. S9 peaks with light fading
2226 UTC OM speaking now...mention of PDQ Bach
2227 UTC Unid PDQ music, cut short...OM says tape on backwards LOL! PDQ echo sonata for two unfriendly groups of instruments
2230 UTC Got it right now!
2243 UTC OM with "At the sound of the tone, the time will be exactly eight twenty three
2244 UTC Those of you who looked out the window, there is no weather today...weatherman strike....forecast will be for scattered weather
2247 UTC Unid dirge like classical piano music
2251 UTC OM with ID...You've been listening to Radio Time Machine, coming to you from beyond time and space", followed by Unid spaghetti western instrumental
2254 UTC Radio Time Machine comes to via the mighty transmitters of Cloudsplitter Radio, followed by some more ambient space music similar to when I first tuned in
2301 UTC Professor ? with another Report From ? (More PDQ Bach...mention of Herbert Harry Hoover-Heaver)
2309 UTC OM vocals on the classical music consisting of "Hey" repeated
2310 UTC Time for "What's My Melodic Line"
2315 UTC OM in opera voice with singing WWOM jingle
2317 UTC PDQ Bach time again
2321 UTC What's happening in home economics
2324 UTC I may very well be back next week...followed by the program theme song by PDQ Bach
2325 UTC OM with ID... shortwavetimemachine@gmail.com
2328 UTC OFF

Thanks for a truly baroque program! If it ain't baroquen, don't fix it! I need some fresh air...LMAO!  8)
Here's my recording from 2226-2238 UTC:

QSLs Received / Re: Cloudsplitter Radio - Toby Keith Tribute eQSL
« on: February 08, 2024, 2157 UTC »
Also received this iconic eQSL! Thank you for the fine tribute to Toby Keith and your awesome QSL policy! It is appreciated!  :)

0200 UTC "Cisco Kid"-War (Low voiced OM said something at the beginning of the song, but I didn't catch it)
Signal is S7 with moderate fading and high noise level, especially during fades. Excellent AM audio
0204 UTC Unid song-OM singer (Sounds like a jazzy version of the Laugh-In TV program
0206 UTC "Kung-Fu Fighting"-Not sure if the original
(Signal jumped up to S8 and solid above the noise at peaks)
0211 UTC "Hot Fun In the Summertime"-Sly & The Family Stone
0213 UTC OM with ID..."Captain Morgan Shortwave"  :) ,followed by "Lime In the Coconut"-Harry Nilsson?
0217 UTC "Summer"-War
0223 UTC OM with ID, followed by "Spill the Wine"-Eric Burden & War
0228 UTC "Gimme Dat Thing"-Pipkens? (Signal dropped down to just above the noise)
0231 UTC Start of a song by War, then OFF

Good to hear you again Cap'n! Thank you for the broadcast...good tunes!  8)
Here's my recording of the show:

2200 UTC OM speaking about the Gaza hostages and living in Israel (S7 amidst moderate noise)
2221 UTC OM with ID
2253 UTC OM with ID, then OFF

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6930 AM 0400 UTC 7 FEB 2024
« on: February 07, 2024, 0417 UTC »
0415 UTC Hearing some jazz music at S7 with moderate fading and plenty of noise...excellent AM audio.

0348 UTC Hearing just the barest trace of music here. Threshold signal and nada on the copy.
0351 UTC Suddenly jumped to S7 peaks with a reggae song sounding like Bob Marley & Wailers (same station?)
0354 UTC "Get Up Stand Up"-Bob Marley & Wailers (Signal has a bit of auroral flutter)
0357 UTC "Bad Boys Reply"-Bob Marley & Wailers
0401 UTC "Stir It Up"-Bob Marley & Wailers
0404 UTC Unid reggae song
0408 UTC OFF

Thanks for another round of Bob Marley! Here's my recording from 0348-0408 UTC:

QSLs Received / WRKO Shortwave eQSL 4 FEB 2024
« on: February 07, 2024, 0209 UTC »
Thank you for the broadcast and the always appreciated eQSL!

0044 UTC Unid R&B song-OM singer, followed by an unid reggae tune-OM singer
(S7 peaks with light fading and moderate noise...excellent USB audio with a bit of flutter to the signal)
(0048 UTC Transmission break for about 30 seconds, then back up with same reggae song another break at 0050 UTC...May be deep fades?)
0051 UTC "Get Up Stand Up"-Bob Marley & Wailers...off again at 0052 UTC
0053 UTC A tone repeated a few times
0055 UTC Higher pitch tone now
0057 UTC OM speaking, but deep in the noise
(0102 UTC Peskies on the frequency now)
0108 UTC Hearing weak music under the peskies...reggae tune?
This could be the peskies playing radio!
0111 UTC Peskies talking with music at same level now
0113 UTC Heard a possible "Vous Ecoutes"...several people talking at once with weak music in the mix
0116 UTC Spanish speaking peskie with mention of "de musica"
0120 UTC Reggae music on 6960 LSB now! "Stir It Up"-Bob Marley & Wailers (S7 peaks with excellent audio)
0121 UTC Different music now..jazzy instrumental
0128 UTC Unid rap/rock song -OM singer
0131 UTC "Is This Love"-Bob Marley & Wailers
0135 UTC "Get Up Stand Up"-Bob Marley & Wailers (Transmission break at 0137 UTC or OFF)

Thanks for the test whoever! Here's links to 2 recordings I made. First one is from 0044-0100 UTC on 6950 LSB. The second one is from 0115-0120 UTC on 6950 LSB, then on 6960 LSB ending at 0137 UTC:

2223 UTC Unid Country & Western song-OM singer (S9+10!)
I am not familiar with Toby Keith's music, so I'm unable to ID the songs other than by listening to the lyrics!...RIP Toby Keith
2227 UTC Per lyrics the title is "Good As I Once Once"
2230 UTC Per lyrics the title is "It's A Little Too Late"
2233 UTC "I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying"
2237 UTC "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue"
2241 UTC "Should've Been A Cowboy"
2244 UTC OM with "Thank you for listening to our tribute to Toby Keith...Cloudsplitter, CSR on your radio dial"
2245 UTC "Who's That Man"
2248 UTC 'You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This"
2252 UTC "A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action"
2256 UTC "Dream Walkin"
2259 UTC "She's A Hottie"
2302 UTC "I'm Just Talking About Tonight"
2305 UTC "Stays In Mexico"
2308 UTC "Upstairs, Downtown"
2312 UTC "I Love This Bar"
2318 UTC OM with ID, followed by "Mockingbird"-Duet with his daughter Krystal
2321 UTC "How Do You Like Me Now?"
2325 UTC "Me Too"
2329 UTC "Beer For My Horses"
2332 UTC "I Want to Talk About Me"
2335 UTC OM with ID, followed by "Who's Your Daddy?)
2339 UTC "My List"
2343 UTC "We Were In Love"
2347 UTC OM with ID, followed by "Get Drunk and Be Somebody"
2350 UTC OM with ID...repeated, followed by "Wish I Didn't Know Now"
2354 UTC "American Soldier"
2358 UTC OM with ID, then OFF

Thanks for the tribute CSR! Good signal, clear lyrics, and google search did the rest! Actually, I have heard several of these but didn't know who did them. RIP TK!

2252 UTC Unid music...not sure of exact frequency! S9 peaks here
2256 UTC Another song of this unid genre of music...I think the 6939 USB is correct
My best description of the music is "ambient psychedelic dirge rock"  :)
2300 UTC Unid song with a familiar opening riff...
2304 UTC OM with a Donald Duck voice said something, into another song of this genre/artist
(2306 UTC OM again said something during the song but I couldn't make it out...will listen back on the recording later!)
2309 UTC OM DJ chatting...Weed Whacker?
2311 UTC More ID's during the song
2312 UTC Another ID...OP said "Flea Blocker? What the F**k"
2313 UTC Different song, same artist
(2316 UTC Getting some local QRN here...OM is talking, but buried in the noise)
2318 UTC Local noise has diminished  :)
2319 UTC ID
2324 UTC OM DJ chatting again...
2330 UTC Another musical composition by this unknown artist
2332 UTC OM DJ mention of "Ralph? ?Blocker and his Atlantic Popping Miracle Gig? performing live from Bally's? Keg and Kettle"
2335 UTC Another song
2341 UTC Another song (If I'm not mistaken, I believe I've heard this music before on 43 meters...forgot who and when)
2347 UTC OM DJ chatting, then a bit of music, and OFF

Thank you for a memorable program! I'll listen back on my recording and see if I can figure out the correct ID, and maybe use the Shazam browser extension to see if I can ID the songs/artist. This was one cool broadcast! Thank you!

After listening to several ID's, it seems that "Flea Blocker" is the ID! As expected, the Shazam browser extension could not ID the songs or artist! Here's my recording of the show:

North American Shortwave Pirate / WPOP 6950 USB 2133 UTC 5 FEB 2024
« on: February 05, 2024, 2133 UTC »
2133 UTC Unid pop tune-OM singer (S8 peaks with light fading and noise)
2137 UTC DJ said something, followed by unid rock tune (OM saying something over the beginning of the song
(Sounded like WPOP? Or something POP)
2341 UTC OM with ID as WPOP and mention of a Flock of Seagulls..."enjoy", followed by presumed Flock of Seagulls tune (OM with "WPOP...W-POP...New wave never dies...OK, it dies)
2145 UTC "Now for some Psychedelic Furs...on WPOP", followed by "Angels Don't Cry?"-Psychedelic Furs
(Signal up to S9! Sounding really good!)
2149 UTC OM DJ, followed by "Here's Where the Story Ends"-The Sundays
2153 UTC OM DJ, followed by "It's My Life"-Unid artist
2156 UTC OM DJ, followed by "Heaven"-Psychedelic Furs
2201 UTC OM DJ..."Gotta pick up the kids...hope you had fun...see you in Heaven", then OFF

A new one for me! Thank you for the fast paced show...DJ was easy to understand and the audio was really nice! Hope to hear you again soon! Here's my recording of the show:

(I remember well the old WPOP on 1410 AM, back in the 1960's when they provided Oldies/Top 40 competition to Hartford's WDRC 1360! Both put in a decent signal into Springfield, MA.)

1914 UTC "Born Under A Bad Sign"-OM singer
1916 UTC "Little Sister"-Stevie Ray Vaughan (OM with ID during the song)
1919 UTC OM chatting about songs coming up
1945 UTC Shoutouts to the HFU posters (THANKS!)
2000 UTC "Superstition"-Unid cover...OM DJ chatting...wrap it up
2034 UTC OFF

Will be kicking back while multitasking here! Thanks for the blues tunes!

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