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Messages - ThaDood

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10/11 meters / Mild F2 PROP on 27MHz CB 16:00UTC.
« on: September 05, 2021, 1822 UTC »
Huh... Testing a repaired Uniden Pro510XL CB, so today I woke up to several stations shooting skip on AM CH's 28, 27, 11, 1, , Superbowl 6, and 38LSB. Couple from AR and AZ, but most were from S. CA and around San Diego.So, must be mild F2 coming back in there, but must also be the power hungry 'Big-Guns' that were heard.  Some of them at 9lbs.

Wanted to see if CFRX on 6070kHz was coming in around at 3AM, or 07:00UTC, and it didn't, but skipped over me. However, at 07:03UTC, was a weak station, jammin' modern folk MX, on 6080kHz. No ID heard. Any cues???
UPDATE9/5/2021: Oh... It's VOA. Pretty solid S5 at 04:00UTC, so must be a domestic TX.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Radio New Zealand 7245 am 0943 utc 4 Sep 2021
« on: September 04, 2021, 2012 UTC »
Heard that too, around 07:00UTC. I was wondering who that was. Signal peaked to S7 on me, and pissed-off the dudes on 40M HAM 7248LSB.

http://www.radiosurvivor.com/2021/09/brazilian-authorities-cracking-down-on-free-radio-in-2021/   They have a podcast interview that covered Community Radio in Brazil, now an article on the Pirate Scene there.

Well, with CB now finally allowed for use on USA CB's, question stands, what channels to use FM on? My proposal would be the Gentleman's Agreement, like what was done with SSB, (a.k.a. Channels 36 - 40 for SSB, CH16 on the old 23 channel rigs.). My idea would be to reserve channels 30 - 35 for FM use. Think that it would fly? Of course, this could depend upon local regional options. Case in point, I understand that the Highway Channel in Alaska is CH14, and not CH19, up there. Passing thoughts...

Amateur Radio / ARRL VHF Sweepsteaks, September 11 - 13, 2021!
« on: August 31, 2021, 2012 UTC »
Tis that time again, already. http://www.arrl.org/september-vhf     Tropo and Aurora maybe the dominant propagation here.

10/11 meters / Re: 11 meter beacons? Remember 27.145USB?
« on: August 31, 2021, 2001 UTC »
Huh... Does anyone remember what that purring, pulsing-like, beacon was around 1990-1991 on 27.145MHz, heard best in USB? (a.k.a. between CB CH's 15 and 16.) That was with a President HR2510, at the time, and a Firestix 4ft indoor GND-plane. I assume it to be ISM now.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Hurricane (Ida) Watch Net's for Ida.
« on: August 29, 2021, 1914 UTC »
And here we go again,    http://www.arrl.org/news/hurricane-watch-net-calls-for-all-hands-on-deck-on-sunday    Lots of leftover expected to come in my direction.

Here's a dude in the UK that's doing add-on FM boards for CB,    https://www.ebay.com/itm/283737307487?&shqty=1&isGTR=1#shId  Now, when this will happen domestically is anyone's guess.

WVXX in E. VA seems the logical source as well, since their +300W ERP array is pointed right at me at night. https://radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/finder?sr=Y&s=C&call=wvxx&nav=home     As far as KDKA getting bowled over here? Must be a Summer time thang, in winter, that should be totally dominant, again.

Surprised to hear over the Cuban 1620 this station, while on the road, with Styx - The Best Of Times, Julian Lennon - Time To Say Goodbye, Love Train - (I'm brain farting on the artist.), no announcements, no ID's. Audio quality seemed to be EQ'ed in the mid-range, but was very clear. (Could be a clue that it was done from an amateur transceiver.) Also noticed that the tracks were not that tight from song to song. Station was gone at 05:17UTC on drive home. Only heard Cuba dominating then. This was an interesting catch in the truck, for sure.

Heard this bangin' in on the drive to work, after 9PM EST an EDM Espanol station. Sounded really good, but didn't get an ID, or even a promo. And, that's with AM splatter from the flame throwers either side on 1040 and 1060. So, who 'dat? And, checkin' 1020KDKA, it was seriously getting bowled-over by a station jammin' folk tunage, and must have been +/- a few hundred Hertz off FREQ, since I heard a constant tone in there. Huh... KDKA usually has full dominance at night here in SW WV, and I can just hear them on GND-wave in the winter. That was different.

Equipment / Re: AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Tri-Band transceiver
« on: August 23, 2021, 1857 UTC »
Well, if I read the features right, this rig includes DMR, (Digital Mobile Radio.), digital voice format as well. That in itself would drive the price over. And, from what I see, it's the only VHF / UHF tri-bander to have that. Here's eham reviews on it,  https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=14493   My questions are on the RX-side of this rig. The only modern Chinese multi-band rig that I've tried is the B-Tech UV-25X4 rig, and my biggest gripes there is that the IMD and front-end overload of out-of-band signals suck. I had to take that rig back out of my truck, the IMD on RX was so bad. Now, if the RX IMD on this rig is decent, then you have something there. For the same price, you can get a used, all analog, Kenwood TM-714A, with the 222MHz modual.  That's what I did in 2009, and still have that rig. And, the IMD RX is superior to the B-Tech. That said, if you are in a rural, or even semi-rural area, that's not an RF getto, then bad IMD may not be a problem for you. 

Huh? / More, on RF Exposer Ratings Ruling?
« on: August 17, 2021, 1854 UTC »
FWR to me by WB8YST: https://wirecalifornia.org/case-20-1025-ruling/     Could that effect the 5G roll out?  Hmmmm...

Well, this is rare today on AM, a 99W college station on 1280AM, Toronto, ON,   https://www.cjru.ca/  Question is, can anyone hear that, over the semi-close Rochester's 5kW 1280WHTK? Would be a nice catch, indeed.

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