Equipment / Re: Yaesu FT-950 issue - Please help! PS???
« on: December 25, 2021, 1838 UTC »
I forgot to ask, but what are you using for a power supply? To run my 100W rigs full-bore on SSB and AM TX, my bro-in-law's Astron RS-35A is perfect, with current to spare. I've tried using an RS-20M, but 20A peak wasn't enough on SSB and AM peaks. I feel that you comfortably need at least 25A on a 100W rig. FM is different, running Class C, and I can get away with 20A there on 10M FM. Just another passing thought that I can't believe that I didn't ask about earlier. BTW, can you run a lower current PS with a 100W rig? Well, yeah, but at much reduced power. A 15A PS, ya might get away with 50W. 10A??? I wouldn't go over 25W. It like drinking, know your limit, stay within it.