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Messages - Es0teric

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0021 - some type of Classical music, lady singing
0035 - S7 into Pennsylvania

0154 UTC - back on the air

Signal just got a lot stronger.  S8+ in Washington DC area.

S5+ into Washington DC.

S9 in the Washington DC area.

Andrew Yoder sir, I've been recently reading a copy of Pirate Radio: The Incredible Saga of America's Underground, Illegal Broadcasters; got it for a great price on Amazon.  Thanks for all your hard work over the years.  I've been really enjoying learning the history of pirate radio from you.

S9+ into Washington DC.

S9+ in Washington DC.  Thanks for the show!

S8+ in Pennsylvania.

S9+ in Washington DC.  Thanks for the show!

S7+ @ 0024 UTC in Pennsylvania.

Equipment / Question about Antenna for PL-880
« on: August 28, 2019, 0240 UTC »
Hi there guys.  If I wanted to hook this antenna to my Tecsun PL-880, where could I find a cord/adapter to do so?  I can't seem to find any information on where to find one, but I did see a guy who had one of these hooked up to his PL-880 in a youtube video. 

Here is the link to the antenna:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/MLA-30-Active-Loop-Active-Receiving-Antenna-100KHz-30MHz-for-Shortwave-Radio-tUS/174010257281?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649

Here is a link to the youtube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkr3LEPZkv8

Thank you in advance for your time.

Thanks so much for the loooooong show tonight.   8)

0132 UTC - Hearing electronic music

Request if you can - anything by Powerwolf or Sabaton; I'm in the mood for some power metal.  Thanks.

Thanks for playing the Powerwolf good sir!
and now the Sabaton, hell yeah!
Awesome you played The Last Stand, amazing song.

Happy Festivus to you as well!

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