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Messages - tonehammer

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7
2345 some Latin music very weak with severe fading
2249 faded completely now

2115  Not a sound on that freq at my location.

0303 White Zombie - Soul Crusher
approx S9+10 here some fading

0256 S9 +20 w light fading
0305 Good Vibrations .. Beach Boys

2248 Ministry Antifa
2252 Ministry Twilight Zone
2253 Ministry Hail to His Majesty (Peasants)
2257 Ministry Ghouldiggers
2258 S9 + 10 here, some noise on the band and fading

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Unid 6910 USB 0030 24 Feb 2018
« on: February 24, 2018, 0036 UTC »
0032  About 90 seconds of AC/DC
0036 Ministry, Stigmata
20 over 9 here
0048  ID: Clever Name Radio, "we like to chew bubble gum"
0053  ID
missed the SSTV dammit

0010 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
0013 Bauhaus - Party of the First Part
0017 ID  very good signal here .. +20 over 9
0018 Roll Over Beethoven
0021 ID
0021 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
0023 I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Seems like a Beatles night tonight.
0025 ID
They like to chew bubblegum
0026 8 Days a Week
0029 Bop a Matic Kid Briefly, Clapton, Badge briefly, then Disturbed
0031 Ministry, Test
0034 ID

Very weak here, just barely above the noise level.
Does sound like FDR though.
A State of the Union speech I think. He's talked about Federal assistance to farmers.
2230 Still FDR, but the audio sounds like it's a different speech.

Heard here
0353  Rage Against the Machine .. Know Your Enemy
0405  AC DC  Big Balls
0408  Beastie Boys
0416  Beastie Boys
Severe signal fading here.
0432  sounds like an old time commercial, female voice "you can buy more bubble gum" is all I can copy.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: CNR 6910 USB 2316 Z 14 Feb 2018
« on: February 14, 2018, 2332 UTC »
Benny & the Jets for a few seconds, then Let the Good times Roll, then My Best Friends Girl.
Weak signal here in W NC
2236 Beatles
2238 HipHop

Utility / Re: Numbers on 6.739USB at 23:21 UTC, Feb 10. 2018
« on: February 13, 2018, 0211 UTC »
I appreciate your efforts to provide all that info T!

Peskies / UNID 6895 LSB 0040z 13 Feb 2018
« on: February 13, 2018, 0041 UTC »
Some intermittent strange chatter, almost like a numbers station.

Can barely make out music and maybe an ID voice.
Lost it at 0214

strong here at 0040. A song "Testing 123, can anybody hear me" every few seconds.
Blues at 0042  approx s9 +10 here
Still S9 + at 0055, clearly a "devil" theme tonight.
ID at 0120 fading now
0125 significant fading now, but still audible
0132 barely audible, could make the ID
Great show while I could copy it .. fantastic.

0037  "Hey Joe" faded in and out. Heard maybe 30 seconds.

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