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Messages - 8 tattoos

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2300 While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Live At The Princes Trust Concert) George Harrison
2302 Announcer talk into 8 Miles High Live The Byrds
2304 Can’t My Way Home Blind Faith
SIO 333

QSLs Received / Re: Sloppy Joe Radio eQSL
« on: April 04, 2019, 2012 UTC »
Thank you!!!

2125 cooking show parody Leave It To Beulah
2126 ID
2126 The Shackle cattle monitor
2128 Redneck Piece of White Trash Rebel Son
2131 Rebel Flags and Whiskey Whiskeydick
2136 Dixie
2138 White Rider Radio broadcasting freedom in the 43 meter band whiteriderradio@gmail.com
SIO 333

me too Thanks

0058 Get Up Stand Up/Rebel Yell mashup
0102 Rolling In The Deep/Eye of the Tiger mashup
0105 25 or 6 to 4/Sweet Leaf Mashup
0108 Paradise City/Living For The City mashup
0111 Nothing Else Matters Metallica to Big Badfish Al Rejected SSTV
0115 Down With The Sickness Disturbed
0119 Ramble On Led Zeppelin
0124 SSTV Big Badfish Al Rejected No QSL For You
SIO 444

0010 Blue Sky Allman Brothers Band
0015 parody ad about leftover food
0017 Your listening to Radio Clandestine broadcasting from a ship off the coast of North America
0018 NSU Cream
0020 Under My Wheels Alice Cooper
0023 Have You Ever Seen The Rain CCR
0025 Radio Clandestine with RF Burns ID
SIO 333

2356 Holy Diver Dio
2359 Radio Gaga ID
0000 Smoke On The Water/You Should Be Dancing Mashup
0004 Break On Through/Paranoid mashup
0007 Who Are You/Paranoid mashup
0009 25 or 6 to 4/Sweet Leaf mashup
SIO 444

2249 Crazy Bout My Boyfriend (Loopy) Sissy Nobby
2254 The Beat Is Rhythm Club Des Belugas
2256 Off
SIO 444

2106 Light My Fire Doors
2109 ID into Piece Of My Heart Janice Joplin
2112 Carry On My Wayward Son Kansas
2116 Lucky Tom Petty
2119 War Pigs Black Sabbath
2121 Paradise By The Dashboard Light Meatloaf
2122 off mid song
SIO 444

2320 New Morning Blues Michael Jerome Brown
2322 ID and said xmtr power 50 mw
2323 Highwayman The Highwaymen
2325 ID give John a wave on the other side of the glass
2326 Oney Johnny Cash
2329 I Yell At Traffic Leo Kottke
2335 ID into Overtime Lucinda Williams
2339 Halley Came To Jackson Mary Chapin Carpenter
2342 Evergreen Radio coming to you from the backwoods of the Ozark mountains
2343 Down The Moor Maura O’Connell
2346 Off
SIO 444

2316 Mellow Out The Crusaders
2318 off
SIO 444

2321 SSTV in MR 90 mode stations that play old time radio Old Time Radio
2323 techno music
SIO 333

2218 Tunna Skivor Siw Malmvist
2220 UTC OM with email addy for reports, into Min Soldat Ulla Billquist
2224 UTC Ännu Doftar Kärlek Marie Fredriksson
2228 UTC OM with ID
2231Baby I’m The Worrying Kind
2233 ID and email address
2234 Rockabilly song
SIO 333

2059 WREC in Memphis old time radio programming
2101 Yo Ho Pirates Life
2103 Why Don’t You Get A Job The Offspring
2106 You have found WREC Radio Free East coast and email address
2107 Mr Rogers Neighborhood
2108 Savior Rise Against
2112 From a clandestine studio somewhere in the US you have found WREC
2113 Monster Skillet
2115 Radio station WREC the voice of Memphis
2116 Ren and Stimpy video ad
2117 The life invader tablet
2117 ID by PJ Sparxx
2118 Fake It Seether
2122 Broken Seether
2125 Ammunation parody ad
2126 Home psychiatrist parody ad
2127 Broadcasting again after a 17 year absence on SW WREC
2128 Rainbow In The Dark Dio
2134 No Rain Blind Melon
SIO 444

0047 TNT Hayseed Dixie
0051 OM said  Mystery Radio not sure if it was an ID
0052 no Shazam hit but sounds like Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath
0057 30 Days In The Hole into Holy Shit Owl Vision
0059 talk about US military guard dogs
0102 Mexican Radio Wall Of Voodoo
0104 Parody of War Pigs about cosmetic procedures
0107 Wicked Game Chris Isaak
0108 Tainted Love Marilyn Manson
0108 Pump Up The Volume
0112 Sugar Sugar
0114 All Summer Long Kid Rock
0115 Nodisco Depeche Mode
0116 Dub Fire Aswad
SIO 444

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns