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Messages - East Troy Don

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Shortwave Broadcast / African Pathways Radio/WCB /KNLS
« on: March 30, 2018, 1822 UTC »
Transmitting on 17,640 KHZ@ 1806 UTC  30 March 2018 in English from Mahajanga transmit site.   Started out with a Josh Grobin song then enteered into a religious and morality discussion.  Target: Western Africa.   SINPO: 3-2-2-3-3 on the ATS-909X indoors with telescopic antenna, not my normal Grundig 750 Satellit.   Just got the Sangean 2 days ago, so far pretty impressed with its performance.

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Alcaravan/ Colombia
« on: March 28, 2018, 2247 UTC »
Transmitting on 5910 @ 04:08 UTC 26 March 2018 (23:08 Central Daylight Time Local 25 March 2018) in Spanish from the Puerto Lieras, Colombia transmitter site.  Music with female vocals.  SINPO: 2-3-2-3-2. Steady signal, little fading. 

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Comas
« on: March 26, 2018, 0403 UTC »
Transmitting on 4880 AM @ 0350 UTC 26 March 2018 (22:50 25 March 2018 Central Daylight Time USA local) from Lima, Comas Peru transmitter site,   SINPO: 2-2-2-1-2 .  Signal faded badly at 0356 UTC but remained steady from then on.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: CUBAN NUMBERS STATION
« on: March 23, 2018, 0131 UTC »
Good to know. Thanks for the info.  I surmised the Aussie info was bogus.


Shortwave Broadcast / CUBAN NUMBERS STATION
« on: March 22, 2018, 1722 UTC »
Transmitting on 11,530 KHZ at 16:59 UTC 03.22.18 (11:59 Central Daylight Time Local)  in Spanish.   Standard 5 number groups with heavy QRM between groups spaced spaced about 20 seconds apart. SINPO: 4-3-2-2-3 Transmitter sight unknown but the few indicators I could uncover suggested transmitting from Australia (?!).  Can anyone shed any light on this?   Why would a Cuban Numbers Station XMT from "Down Under"??

Shortwave Broadcast / RADIO PROGRESSO
« on: March 22, 2018, 0406 UTC »
Transmitting on 4765 KHZ from Bauta, Cuba at 0325 03.22.2018 (22:33 Central Daylight Time Local 03.21.18) in Spanish.  Piano Sonata music being played with femaie voiceover.  SINPO: 3-4-3-3-3

Shortwave Broadcast / RADIO TAMAZUJ
« on: March 21, 2018, 1629 UTC »
Sudan station transmitting on 15,550 KHZ @ 15:26 UTC in Sudanese Arabic from Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican City, Rome targeting South Sudan.  Male announcer giving news features (including one in Korea)  with very briefd musical interludes between each item. SINPO: 2-3-2-3-2

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Sonder Grense
« on: March 21, 2018, 1517 UTC »
Transmitting on 3320 KHZ @ 04:02 UTC on 03/119/18 (23:02 03/18/18 Local) from Meyerton, South Africa.  Language: Afrikaans. Female announcer with the news.  Broadcast target: Nambia.   SINPO: 2-2-1-2-2.

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Deeganka Soomaalida
« on: March 20, 2018, 1537 UTC »
Transmitting on 5940 khz @ 0413 UTC 03-19-2018 (Local: 23:13 CDT 03.18.2018) from Jijiga, Ethiopia to Somalia.  Various instrumental music followed by songs sung by both male and female singers.   SINPO: 1-3-2-3-2

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