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Messages - Radio Station

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The RF Workbench / Re: Beginner class D design
« on: November 18, 2018, 1916 UTC »
That's one of the reasons I just can't believe that the frankstein stuff over on the classeradio site actually works.  None of this stuff is plug and play, and I have to agree with Stretchy, a lot of the secret sauce to this is the layout design.

Well the proof is in the operation of the transmitters for years on 160 and 75 meters putting out big power. Especially the 72 Fet one Steve WA1QIX runs. Go down to the AM window 3873 or 3885 and listen for a week and you will find out that the "frankstein stuff" really works.  It is just amazing.  8)

2210 signal S 9 to +15 at 6.954.98 MHz


Back to +20 at 0323. Sounds excellent, but maybe a little bit much on the highs.

In looking at the waterfall the highs are equal to the lows keeping all frequencies at max modulation with out distortion. This is what broadcast stations do. This pre emphasis on the hights helps them get through during fading since they are the first to be effected during a signal fade. What I do is turn the treble down a little on my SDR receiver. You can do this if you are using a HI FI amplifier hooked up to your SDR. By the way you had a excellent signal of the station. Thanks for the waterfall image too. Great catch.

For Sale / Wanted / Barter / Re: 400W RF GENERATOR
« on: November 15, 2018, 1845 UTC »
Steve is the designer he should know.

I am done arguing this with you.  :) 

Who said anything about being a HAM. IF THAT IS WHAT IT TAKES IT IS A VERY CHEEP INVESTMENT and well worth it.

Sorry I might have caused you lost sales  ;)

For Sale / Wanted / Barter / Re: 400W RF GENERATOR
« on: November 15, 2018, 1352 UTC »

The PDM filter removes the clock and usually LPF's around 20KHz do won't effect your audio.


I am referring to Steve WA1QIX design. His is limited to about 7Khz audio since it is used for voice. He freely publishes his designs and encourages improvements,  He also will help anybody with building one.   :)

For Sale / Wanted / Barter / Re: 400W RF GENERATOR
« on: November 15, 2018, 0043 UTC »
I'm am interested in this transmitter, but I'm more interested to see the schematics than to buy it. I've learned I will always want more power and upgrades, and for that, it's better for me to understand the design first. Would you be willing to offer the schematics?

I'm also curious about the bandwidth of this design. Could a DDS module from ebay with 9850 and free tuning 2-30 MHz be used instead of channels? Of course, it probably can't go all the way to 30 MHz. You say 200 KHz segment, so it's narrowband (ie not balun match)?

The problem with most of the  class E designs is it is limited to AM mode and is limited to no more than 8 MHz unless you use higher frequency more expensive MOSFET's

You can go to http://www.classeradio.com and get all the info you need on building one including parts. The newer design uses digital drive so you can drive it with a DDS VFO or drive it with a HF radio at about a watt of drive.

Also if you want the audio frequency response higher than 6 or 7 KHz audio you will need to change the values of the PDM low pass filter.

Personally I think it is better to have the ability to modulate both AM and SSB and other modes with the ability to go up from 160 to 10 meters.

2315 S6 over S3 noise floor. Nice audio. The bass is a little over driven into slight clipping. Thank you for the program  :)

Thanks for the call out.   8)

  The bass still sounds a little over driven otherwise the audio is very good. If you can turn down the bass a little it might be ok. If you are running the processor on the radio turn it off. That might be the problem.

0055 Tune in at 0005 coming in good on a PA SDR with S5 to S7
0242 Still listening. You signal is holding up nicely. I have been enjoying the music.
0300 S5 into  Alberta Canada.  Thanks for the broadcast.   :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: X-FM 6975 AM 0002 UTC 1 Nov 2018
« on: November 01, 2018, 0038 UTC »
0035  :) Very nice to hear your great broadcast on tonight. Listening on a on line SDR with 9+ signal.  :)

Bugger...we only have on X Mit crystal for this old beast....We'll try again another night.

If you run a DDS VFO with a voltage amplifier on the output to increase the drive you can connect it to the crystal socket with a bypass capacitor. This will allow you to go to any frequency. I have mine set to about 30 volts PEP  drive off the DDS. This works great on older vacuum tube transmitters or any crystal controled transmitter.

1720 Good afternoon   :) S9 from a Virginia SDR.  Nice music source. Good hearing you again with your great sounding AM station. Halloween night should be a interesting one to listen to.
good afternoon to you too.
yes, Halloween evening should be very interesting - i plan on listening, not broadcasting.
im looking forward to hearing all of the OP's broadcasting their shows but hopefully leaving 6880Khz "open" for a special one.

I agree. I have checked out past halloween shows from Utube and found them creative.

1720 Good afternoon   :) S9 from a Virginia SDR.  Nice music source. Good hearing you again with your great sounding AM station. Halloween night should be a interesting one to listen to.

2145 Nice big signal 30dB Also nice program of music. TX is 10 Hz low. Thank you for the broadcast.

0314   S7. Solid copy.
0315   Slip and Slide.
0319   Slow Dancing.

ubuntu (linux based) is an awesome OS !
the reason why i chose to follow MS since the early days and learn everything about how their core OS works under the hood is because of its popularity and that there are 99% of drivers for hardware compiled for their OS.
(2212 - have a good evening and a great weekend, hat tip to the weekend OP's and a hand wave to the hobbyists - time to go camping for the weekend ;)

That is exactly why I still use windows

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns