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0004 - YL: "You're listening to Radio 48 via Mix Radio International"

QSLs Received / Radio 48 via MRI 16 Sept 2023
« on: September 17, 2023, 2129 UTC »
Enjoyed the show Radio 48. Thanks MRI for the relay!

QSLs Received / Wild Mountain Radio 15 Sept 2023
« on: September 17, 2023, 2126 UTC »
Thanks WMR and CSR for the relay!

QSLs Received / Radiophonic Laboratory 04 AUG 2023
« on: August 06, 2023, 1617 UTC »
Thanks for the very unque show and the super-cool retro QSL!

QSLs Received / Radio Parade International eQSL 05 May 2023
« on: May 11, 2023, 1823 UTC »
Thanks Alex!

S8 SIO: 444
2330 - OM Spoken word about the GRU, recruitment & candidates
2340 - Spy recruitment process
2342 - OM: "You have been listening to Seventy-Seven Lima Juliet Sierra"
2342 - OFF

QSLs Received / KIPM via CSR Paper QSL
« on: April 12, 2023, 1925 UTC »
Received these awesome paper QSLs from PO Box 109 for the
first broadcast of KIPM new shows on 03-18-23. Anomaly X-AM 9000

These are scanned images:

QSLs Received / The Purple Nucleus of Creation eQSL 07 APR 2023
« on: April 10, 2023, 1729 UTC »
Thanks for the great show and awesome QSL!

S8 SIO: 444 Nice audio
2245 - UNID Music
2252 - OM w/ID: "Radio Seventeen hundred"
2253 - "Miss Modular" - Stereolab
2257 - YL: "You're listening to Radio 1700"
2258 - "Norwegian Wood" - Men About Town
2300 - OM w/ID & email addy into: "Scarborough Fair" - Four-Um

S8 SIO: 444
2100- Music
2104- OM w/ID "This is the Purple Nucleus Of Creation"
2104 - Ethereal-type music continues
2109 - "Endless Spiral" - Liv & Let Liv
2112 - ID followed by a reading: "In the watermelon sugar"
2125 - OFF

Thanks for the show!

Million Dollar Weekend Show. Woooooooooooo
2310 - "California Dreamin" - Mamas & Papas
2313 - "Million Dollar Weekend"
2313 - "Good Vibrations" - Beach Boys
2317 - "Sunny" - Bobby Hebb
2320 - "Daydream" - The Lovin' Spoonful
2351 - Yeah Man behind the mic. Remembering his friend
2352 - "Sweet Talkin' Guy" - The Chiffons

1500 - "Danger Zone" - Kenny Loggins
1501 - "Eye Of The Tiger" - Survivor

on/off may be testing

S8 SIO 444 Nice audio. Thanks for the afternoon tunes !
2130 - "Hold Tight" - Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich
2133 - "All That She Wants" - Ace Of Base
2136 - "Mickey" - Toni Basil
2140 - "My Maria" - Brooks and Dunn
2143 - YL w/ID: "You're rockin' the Northway, on Cloudsplitter Radio"
2143 - "Tenderness" - General Public
2147 - "Passage To Bangkok" - Rush
2153 - "Dreams" - Cranberries
2235 - "East Bound And Down" - Jerry Reed
2238 - "It's My Life" - No Doubt
2242 - "When I Grow Up" - Pussycat Dolls
2246 - "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" - The Proclaimers

Thanks for the great playlist CSR. Much appreciated!

Nice signal S7. Relay of the classic WLIS
2200 - "A Swingin Safari" - Bert Kaempfert
2204 - Intro by Jack Boggin to the  WLIS 5th anniversary show
2216 - Radio Azteca IS - classic!
2230 - Radio Botswana - I agree #1
2234 - End of show followed by "Moscow Nights"
2239 - Off

QSLs Received / Cupid Radio eQSL 25 Feb 2023
« on: March 02, 2023, 2139 UTC »
Thanks Rinus!

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