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Messages - Beerus Maximus

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Wynona's Big Brown Beaver by Primus at 2235 UTC. Very nice S9+ signal in the Boston burbs!

Weak, S1-S2 max here in the Boston burbs.

Seems to take its inspiration from:


S7, variable strength, in the Boston burbs.

Solid S9 in the Boston burbs with Christmas music.

I'm super cool old time bowl vibing (props to Gagz) with 4015 KHz over here in the Boston burbs. Old time stuff, I don't know what it is, but's cool. S6-S7 and nice steady signal, great audio.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6925 AM 1444 UTC 5 DEC 2021
« on: December 05, 2021, 1539 UTC »
Off with "another broadcast from the creative workshop"... and then it took a fade during email address readout, which was something @protonmail.

Rush at 1500z. Good S8+ signal in the Boston burbs.

ID at 1326z with announcer saying "WSPR testing". Pretty sure it was WSPR but it could have been WFTR or some other variation. Signal was good but voice announcement was a little muddy on the audio.

This was "Skyman" with lots of U2 and talking about how Zeke jams. Good signal in the Boston burbs until sign off. Multiple mentions of an individual with a revoked ham radio license.

North American Shortwave Pirate / WREM 6925 USB 1302 UTC 15 OCT 2021
« on: October 15, 2021, 1303 UTC »
Big 6925 USB signal up here in the Boston burbs.

- 1302 "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite", REM.
- 1306 Some kind of male voice ID but too low and/or over-reverb'd to copy?
- 1306 "Star 69", REM.
- 1309 "All The Way To Reno", REM.
- 1314 "Lightnin' Hopkins", by you guessed it REM.
- 1317 "Stay tuned to WREM" ID
- 1317 "Strange", REM.
- 1319 "Near Wild Heaven", REM.
- 1347 off abruptly

General Radio Discussion / A word about fake HFU accounts.
« on: October 13, 2021, 1826 UTC »
1. All accounts are manually approved so you are just wasting your time trying to create one.

2. It is pretty trivial to make assumptions about who does this sort of thing.

3. Individuals who continue to create fake HFU accounts with Tor, open proxies or other VPNs, which are also easily identifiable, will never be permitted onto Discord.

Иди к черту, малыш.

Come on, searching the Canadian broadcast license database is easy. You just have to download a zip of .dbf files and fire up your copy of dBaseIII lol! Yes I am serious, their database is dBaseIII.


Online search of a single frequency search is here:


It does not appear CHIM 1710 appears in any of the data.

* Joking aside, Excel will open dBaseIII files.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6950 USB 2057 UTC 6 OCT 2021
« on: October 06, 2021, 2057 UTC »
Sign on at 2056 UTC with Feed The Wolf by Breaking Benjamin. S5.

Spy Numbers / Re: unid Numbers 6944 USB 2027 UTC 06 Oct 2021
« on: October 06, 2021, 2032 UTC »
Caught it too, slightly British accented robo-voice calling numbers. Not particularly strong, and possibly not a pirate. Off around 2030z.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns