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Author Topic: WMMR 6950.6 khz AM 4:00z 2-18-13  (Read 1497 times)

Offline Rockpicker

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WMMR 6950.6 khz AM 4:00z 2-18-13
« on: February 18, 2013, 0419 UTC »
Started recording this around 3:40 ut  Very nice carrier on peaks but rather weak modulation especially when op is talking.

Mostly S5 - S7 w/ rare peaks at S8

4:05 ut can hear the op talking and I know I heard an ID but could only make out the word "radio".

4:08  decent copy on some very old time music - bands w/ no vocals - a few bars of London Bridges falling down or Yankee doodle (not sure - take your pick) near end of this number
4:10 - 4:20 ut several more old time tunes many deep fades back into the noise now - still waiting for a clear ID
4:20 ut  OP talking again - I cannot make out a single word this time - bummer.
4:20 ut  Back into old time big band music.
~4:40 ut off the air - remains UNID for me.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 1541 UTC by ChrisSmolinski »
Central Montana
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RF Systems MLBA with 85' of copper flex weave


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Re: UNID 6950.6 khz AM 4:00z 2-18-13
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 0424 UTC »
0424Z I'm hearing this on the west coast also. Not too strong..about S1 to 2 playing some kind of brass band jazz music at the moment. Just tuned in so no ID heard as yet.
0438Z A voice ID and postal address but missed both due to a deep fade at the most inopportune moment.
0441Z A bit more music and then off the air suddenly.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 0441 UTC by BOR »

Offline Osborne White

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Re: UNID 6950.6 khz AM 4:00z 2-18-13
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 1508 UTC »

Well, you guys stumbled upon  Mysterious Mystic Radio -- WMMR.  We were running ca. 30 watts to the sloper at 30 feet or so, and thus the S5-S7 carrier in Montana is quite a surprise & quite good news!  No eQSL's, but if you send three first class stamps to the Blue Ridge Summit  address along with your report, you'll (eventually) get something back via the mails....BTW, we were airing program number 103 last night, this consisting of 78 rpm records played on the old Victrola; per Farmer John, those teenagers stole his 8-track player (during program number 102), so he's stuck with the wind-up Victrola (and the Edison cylinder machine) for the time being.  New program in the works, likely more of the same with maybe some Blue Amberol cylinders thrown in for good measure.  Tnx & 73....

Osborne White, General Manager
Mysterious Mystic Radio -- WMMR

PS:  Not a few bars of London Bridges or Yankee Doodle (take your pick) but the last part of an instrumental version of "Barney Google" by The Badgers on the Puritan label, ca. 1926 and on brown shellac....

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: UNID 6950.6 khz AM 4:00z 2-18-13
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2013, 1529 UTC »
I could see a carrier on the waterfall around 0400z, but that was about it.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
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