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Author Topic: Wolverine Radio 6950 USB 2358 UTC 17 SEP 2022  (Read 2234 times)

Offline Zoidberg

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Re: Wolverine Radio 6950 USB 2358 UTC 17 SEP 2022
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2022, 0138 UTC »
Sony ICF 2010 portable in the backyard. No Shazam, etc, just IDing songs by ear. Signal clear enough to copy lyrics of unfamiliar songs and Google them.

18 Sept 22
6950 USB
0030z War, Slipping Into Darkness. Very good signal through lower noise than usual, some fading. My phone is making more noise than the atmosphere and outdoor lights.
0032z Reggae
0034z Tom Petty & Heartbreakers, Straight Into Darkness
0038z Wolverine Radio ID. My first catch of Wolverine in several years.
0038z Springsteen, Dancing in the Dark
0043z Ric Ocasek, Hello Darkness, stronger peaky/fadey now.
0047z John Hiatt, Alone in the Dark. Twilight propagation shift, peaky/fadey, S1-S5 on the portable with whip oriented horizontally to minimize local RFI. Peaks would be S9+ with a proper antenna.
0052z Wolverine Radio ID
0052z Robert Cray, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark.
0100z Wolverine Radio closing echo ID, SSTV, no copy on the portable outdoors.
That li'l ol' DXer from Texas
Unpleasant Frequencies Crew
Al: Palstar R30C & various antennae
Snoopy: Sony ICF-2010
Roger: Magnavox D2935
(Off-air recordings.)


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