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Author Topic: 11 Meter Opening 20 Sept 2022  (Read 620 times)

Offline R4002

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11 Meter Opening 20 Sept 2022
« on: September 20, 2022, 1348 UTC »
Tuned in at 1340 UTC - via W3HFU KiwiSDR

25.635 MHz AM 25635 AM - Taxi dispatcher YL - mixing with what sounds like another group on same frequency
25.685 MHz AM 25685 AM - Taxi company dispatch frequency - Latin America
25.695 MHz AM 25695 AM - Taxi dispatcher YL - taxis on 25 MHz - previously logged - Mexican taxi cab radio
25.775 MHz LSB 25775 LSB - Spanish language, presumably freebanders since they're running SSB not AM or FM
25.845 MHz LSB 25845 LSB - Spanish speaking freebanders/outbanders
25.895 MHz AM 25895 AM - Spanish language, probably also a taxi lady
25.905 MHz AM 25905 AM - Taxi company dispatch lady - female reading numbers in Spanish
25.925 MHz AM 25925 AM - Taxi company dispatcher - female dispatcher reading numeric ID numbers in Spanish
26.035 MHz AM 26035 AM - Taxi dispatch lady - previously logged, very good signal, very distinctive roger beep
26.175 MHz AM 26175 AM - Spanish language chatter noted
26.565 MHz AM 26565 AM - Similar to 26.585 AM
26.585 MHz AM 26585 AM - Very busy, Mexican trucker and Latin American DX AM frequency
26.645 MHz AM 26645 AM - Spanish language taxi dispatch lady reading ID numbers and ride/fare IDs
26.695 MHz AM 26695 AM - Spanish language, sporadic signals
26.765 MHz AM 26765 AM - Spanish language taxi dispatcher YL - with roger beep, OM drivers replying heard
26.785 MHz AM 26785 AM - Spanish speaking OMs heard
26.875 MHz AM 26875 AM - Spanish language taxi dispatcher YL - with roger beep
26.905 MHz AM 26905 AM - Weak AM signal noted, roger beep was heard - presumably taxi dispatcher
26.945 MHz AM 26945 AM - Spanish language taxi dispatcher YL - with roger beep
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m

Offline zero33

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Re: 11 Meter Opening 20 Sept 2022
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2022, 0948 UTC »
Its been very quiet on 11 meters the last couple of days , the Japanese on CB ch4 superbowl has been consistant from around 07:30 local AEST for a few hours but no strong US which is disappointing:'(
« Last Edit: September 22, 2022, 0953 UTC by zero33 »
Getting Back into it on 10-11 meters


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