0206z ID loop with mention of C-QUAM use
0209z "Stay Tuned, Broadcast Will Start Shortly"
0210z male synth/explained the use of C-Quam
0212z Broadcast Begins w/ "Access to the Airwaves"
0214z "I'd Love to Change the World" 10 Years After
0218z LIVE Time Check!!! "Invading Your Speakers Once Again"
0221z LIVE Time Check, mentioned Andrew Yoder, after a little history of X-FM & the reason why he no longer does FM...
0224z LIVE Time check, email & shoutouts to HFu's
0232z ID
0237z LIVE Time Check ID
0300z "Date Rape" Sublime

s9-10 over, band is very fluttery tonight [here]
Sounds good X-FM!!! Thanks for the effort!!!