Tuned in to an AM station playing what sounds like 1920's style music. Caught an ID, WMMR, I believe. He also gave out a post office box address in PA which I was not able to copy. About S7 to the west coast on the Drake R8B using AM sync tuning.
0305Z more 20's style music...previous song was Barnacle Bill the Sailor followed by voice ID and address. Unfortunately, modulation seems a bit low and static crashes are loud so unable to copy the address again.
0312Z Sounds like music that they used to dance the "Charleston" to...
0330Z Still about S7 but the modulation level seems better now and it's easier to copy...still playing 20's style music
Oh yeah, forgot to mention...on one of the ID's a male announcer referred to himself as Farmer John...
0406Z off the air. Thanks for the show..the music was very enjoyable...